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Everything posted by CowdenConvert

  1. Enough to get his team into the playoffs. Look how that worked out for Hibs.
  2. I got 10's. Actually think he could do a decent job as well the way he sorted our midfield last season.
  3. Nice deflection there. The P&B equivalent of a child chucking a hissy fit over nothing and then realising they look really stupid in front of their mates.
  4. I'd consider a third season being established. However long you spent in the division before doesn't take away from the fact you are at this time a newly promoted team.Calm down a bit and mind your blood pressure.
  5. County have the resources to stay up. Even if they do get relegated they have the resources to have a realistic shot at the title. Not really a small step from a club thats newly promoted to the championship to an established, albeit lower half, premier club.
  6. It would be but the smallest possible step. Not worth making IMO. There is always the risk that Dumbarton fall apart this season and his stock goes down. Can't see it myself though.
  7. You seem to have missed the point. Everyone except Falkirk has beaten us easily this season. You beat us on penalties on a pretty even cup tie and you scraped a draw in the league game.Can we play you every week?
  8. Half time keepie uppies will be brilliant. Its all we'll have to smile about this season outside of games against Falkirk.
  9. That'll explain what happened in the second half of the season. The club/some individuals got all the players together and gave them a chat along the lines of "this winning football games will never do. Go out there and look like c***s while losing a few so you get lower wages next season for being pish as well."
  10. Last week was 1200+. The two games last season were 900+ in feb and 800 ish at the start of last season before your derailment.Either we're gaining fans at a rapid rate our you're spouting pish. I don't need a scientific measurement of our fan base to realise which one it is.
  11. Says ear on the carlisle website where they have an update on all their injuries. Says he's still not allowed contact until the 6th. His injured ear must be contagious. Curious to know what he's done so people have to avoid his ear.
  12. How do you injure an ear? Someone has to have some more details surely.
  13. Compared to the likes of Philip Green who thinks companies become lazy when they don't have the discipline of servicing debt. He's only a billionaire and surely doesn't know what he's on about.
  14. Was impressed by Cooper in the last game against us. Not the finished article but has something.
  15. Genuine question but what is causing your operational losses? Doesn't seem like yo have a highly paid squad.
  16. Have to ask though. Regardless of annoying adverts or Ray Winstons head why would you not want the best odds going?Could it possibly be because you're a bit thick? You're obviously unable to comprehend gambling if you think i wouldn't rather stick a couple of quid on Cowden beating Rovers than winning the lottery. Bit of a fail all round really mate. How was your maths at school?
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