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Everything posted by CowdenConvert

  1. Fannies http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/football-farce-clueless-casuals-mount-9187809
  2. Looked iffy towards the end. Verdasco shat the bed on those break points.
  3. ^^^ No respect for the military deaths and injuries type post.
  4. Murray wearing a poppy tonight. The ATP obviously aren't utter bawbags like FIFA.
  5. Fucking pussy getting treatment for a blister Get some tinc-benz in it and get on with it.
  6. Murray had to dig in and save his service game a few times. He put a lot of pressure on Goffins seevice. One game at the start of the second set lasted 15 minutes before Goffin held. A few key moments made it look a doing but it really wasn't although Andy always looked like winning.
  7. Some performance from Andy there to dispatch Goffin 2&2. Goffin played some good stuff but Andy was superb.
  8. He should take his playstation with him to give him something to do instead of practicing.
  9. Have you at least got Burke on the bench in your squad?
  10. Not quite Kyrgios levels of rage but Johnson had a mini meltdown and leathered the ball into the stands. What is it about Shanghai that makes tennis players lose the plot?
  11. FFS. Fucking missed it. Didn't watch as I thought he might have his head together after Japan. Warning signs were there though after him stating he was bored.
  12. You forgot to mention Paterson. Didn't he make his debut in the same game as McGinn?
  13. Is he the nutter that sings by the pie shop? Sure I heard him giving a rendition of "hello, hello" the other week.
  14. Expecting the Argie challenge to sink faster than the General Belgrano.
  15. Sturgeon being a bit of a hypocrite supporting Britain while trying to destroy it IMO.
  16. Can't believe the Argies didn't save delpotro for the singles. Fannies. Minter if they lose this
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