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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. What's up? I know you're a rangers fan but I'd have to have a heart of stone to ignore such an obvious plea for help. 116 123
  2. Until now I had never heard anyone deny it. Kinda strange. Although I note you don't deny it yourself, just use wishy washy language to infer it's not true - clever. Anyway, since you'll no doubt demand the original sources you'll want Dr Andrew Davies of Liverpool University’s history department, noted expert on gang culture in the UK in the 19th and 20th century. Hope that helps.
  3. Poor fb has to ignore reality to (not) deal with it. What a shame for the poor chap. I blame thatcher.
  4. One diddy post today, laughing at racist scum. This, to you, is the diddies flapping? Clutching at straws a bit wee man.
  5. Lad that sits beside me in work was over the moon about that "Censored by Police Scotland and the SNP banner". Meant he could sing about his love of violent racists without any fear of anyone knowing about it. Says it all really.
  6. Hmmm. Rangers fans moan they aren't allowed to sing of their devotion to the founder of the Glasgow KKK any more but get upset at being associated with the KKK. That's really feckin odd when you look at it.
  7. Ah, so you just ignore (or write off as an irrelevance) anything you don't like? Thanks for clearing that up Kinky, a very healthy attitude you have.
  8. £600 and you can't read 9pt? Your optician must know you are a rangers fan, otherwise how would he know he could get away with such a blatant shafting of your good self?
  9. Years off his life? Exactly how illiterate do you need to be to believe Shull's contributions (artful masterpieces though they certainly are) require more than a few minutes a day?
  10. Seriously? It wasn't complicated. Your posts most likely outcome is to make Shull pish his breaks laughing at you, I was asking if that was your intention.
  11. Is this another fake bear or are you actually trying to make Shull pish his breaks laughing at you?
  12. Again, I was agreeing with you. The point about tainted titles was just to show dave that even if this had previously been an issue it certainly isn't anymore. After last seasons performance the very notion is laughable as I'm sure you'll agree.
  13. Inclined to side with Tedi on this. Failing to get promotion last year knocked any tainted title nonsense out the water. The lie that rangers could stop them died on it's arse since it became obvious to all that their new club isn't good enough to compete in that league.
  14. Here we see the fabled rangers dignity. Please don't confuse this with actual dignity.
  15. How much of a backhander are you getting for all this free advertisement? In fact is this whole muppet rangers fan shtick a joke persona specifically designed for making phil money?
  16. Not just cheats. Proud cheats. Adds an extra layer of scummyness. But if Bob wants to pretend he isn't being laughed at then that's his right as a crazy person. His transparent attempt at a wind up tells a slightly different story though.
  17. I must have hit a nerve. Not like kinky to get so upset over a typo - especially with his record.
  18. Most are malevolent? You really are trying hard to out do celtic in the paranoia stakes aren't you?
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