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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Yet RedRob managed it spectacularly, would it be fairer to say it was nearly an own goal but luckily deflected wide by an opposition striker?
  2. Intolerant of bigots? ETA. If not. What do you think he is bring intolerant of? Not trying to be a dick, just curious.
  3. By directly addressing "the bigots" and describing something only bigots would be annoyed by? I think you're reaching a bit there.
  4. Shocking without being surprising? That a tough one to pull off. Kudos to Stag Nation.
  5. I agree with Tedi, Rangers should spend big in the lawyer market. For every £5 Ashley spends...
  6. Goldman Sachs? That bunch that intentionally defrauded investors? This sounds like a real ranger man here.
  7. You mean clubs have to become companies (or associations)? So everything we've been told about clubs and companies being different is absolute horseshit? I, for one, am shocked.
  8. Really? For me? I honestly thought you were simply too embarrassed to talk about rangers, I never considered you were coming here just for me. Feel free to PM me rather than cluttering up the board though.
  9. While your attempts to annoy are funny and all you are proving my point here.
  10. People telling you to post in the right place is "working a treat"? I suppose if you aim low enough you'll always succeed by your own estimation. It's weird the amount of effort rangers fans put in to trying to use this board to talk about anything except the actual subject. It's almost like they are embarrassed or ashamed or something.
  11. Christ, another joker trying to convince the world all rangers fans are imbeciles. Snafu was funny, the copycats are just boring.
  12. Dave's point, as I'm sure you're aware, is that (a) we are not lauded for it and (b) we don't chant FTP, we sometimes (seriously 3 or 4 times at home games in the last ten years) sing FTP and FTQ. This is intended to mock the ugly sisters for bringing these individuals into football. No hatred of the pope or the queen is involved. The fact this was lost on the bigot twins and caused a whole load of mouth-breathers to say "Why can they say it but we can't?", is why it's gone out of favour.
  13. If I've ever called anyone on here delusional, I apologise. Until now I only thought I knew what it meant.
  14. So, In short - calling celtic fans terrorist sympathisers is OK because some celtic fans are, but calling you the Klan because tons of you sing a song in tribute to the man that started the Glasgow chapter of the KKK is a terrible slight? Also one is religious bigotry and the other is an insult - why are you acting like they are the same thing?
  15. Possibly just a slight jab in reference to the Billy Boys? Of course it could be intended, as you say, as a terrible slur, but usually slurs don't offend so well when they have no basis in fact. Like calling a tall person short-arse, it doesn't really work.
  16. You mean that guy I annoyed the other day wasn't calling me a bundle of sticks?
  17. Can you back up that it was lies with any evidence? Cause otherwise that was one of those things you said you shouldn't be allowed to say.
  18. What member club voted yes to the question whether Sevco should be allowed to become a member club of the SPL?
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