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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Some things are beyond even Santa. Is that what this threads about? No wonder people keep talking about them here. Thanks for clearing that up.
  2. That's flying off the handle is it? What is it with rangers and telling the truth? You all just happily reject reality and substitute your own, it can't be healthy.
  3. I wouldn't say you three wind me up, but I will agree you are the silliest of things.
  4. It would if anything the three of you had managed to come up with could constitute a slagging. Apart from calling me a celtic fan, but that's not so much a slagging as an insult. I'll have you know I shower daily.
  5. Bloody hell. It's remedial English day today isn't it? Yes calling you an idiot/liar for your idiocy/lies is certainly mocking you. Yes the person you were arguing with was your opponent in that argument.
  6. I've been calling you an idiot because you are determined to act like one. Hardly dishing out insults. And I get called precious?
  7. Really? Well if it's such intellectual giants as Tedi and yourself that decide what acting "like a celtic fan" is I begin to understand why you think everyone is a celtic fan.
  8. But you're just so mean, and I've done nothing to you, why are you so nasty?
  9. Once again since you are still missing the point. I'm not defending the king, I'm pointing out you are lying and mocking you for it. Your opponent, once again, is irrelevant.
  10. So Tedi calling me a celtic fan while I'm mocking him followed by you appearing out of nowhere and calling me a celtic fan are entirely coincidental? So you just turned up and started insulting me for no reason at all? And benny thinks I've got anger issues...
  11. Yes. You swooping in on your white charger to defend Tedi's honour was very touching.
  12. Does inserting the letter h in word honestly pass for wit with you? But seriously, I've left your boyfriend alone, why are you still being mean to me?
  13. FTFY. I know in your world the idea that the celtic fan is irrelevant is an anathema to you but I'm afraid that's just the way it is. Even if the celtic fan was a rangers fan what you said would still one of the daftest things you've spouted so far.
  14. It's no coincidence that your equally intelligent fellow fans also have their best posts when talking to celtic fans, but you keep believing whatever you want if it makes you feel better. If you aren't lying you simply don't understand English. Ask Kinky, I'm sure he'll be glad to explain varying degrees of certainty to you and there is a slim chance you might believe him since he supports the same team as you (I hope that's not really true but sadly I suspect it is).
  15. Not my fault tedster. It just so happens your 'best' posts are generally when conversing with celtic fans. All reason deserts you when you talk to them - it's hilarious. Also can you please stop with the lying? 'it may not happen' and 'I don't see it happening' are so far from each other it's comical. Equating them instantly makes anything else you claim suspect.
  16. That was pathetic even by your standards tedi. The King answering or not has nothing to do with you saying something really stupid. No matter what reply The King could possibly provide it would not change the fact that what you said is cretinous at best. All about the rangers? That's your white flag that is - you may as well log out now.
  17. Lying again? I'm shocked. There is a world of difference between your "stating the possibility that something may not happen" and his "I'd be shocked at that tbh", but you keep pretending Tedi. Since you enjoy it so much here's a freebie: I would love for the old firm to die completely in the next 20 minutes, it's a fervent hope but I'd be shocked if they did tbh. Assuming you fail to see just how stupid this sounds feel free to say ooft in 21 mins.
  18. You think saying you don't think something will happen but you hope it does is ooooft worthy do you? Put the spade down Tedi ffs.
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