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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Yes I really really do. Especially the subtle stuff you employ. It's just sooo hard.
  2. That's for the translation dude. I'm beginning to get the hang of "thick person speaking orcish" but the occasional nuance is lost in translation.
  3. C'mon dude, this rubbish? Nothing to back up your lies so call the other poster angry? Pathetic dude.
  4. Really? Why? Seems a bit of an odd thing to be surprised at. At least you aren't denying your posts are mainly lies though. Well done.
  5. Really dude? So you lying about your football team in nearly every post in a poor attempt to wind up the people laughing at you is making you look good is it dude? Right you are dude.
  6. Yeah. Quality response dude. You just keep trying to wind people up with your lies dude. I'd rather be mocked for my language than be a liar dude.
  7. Dude, read that back to yourself ffs. Have you honestly no idea how utterly pathetic you sound?
  8. OT but since you seem in a loquacious mood, maybe you can answer this question, it's been puzzling me for some time and I can't get any (new) rangers fans to comment on it. How do you reconcile the old club voting in favour of allowing your new club to become a SPL member club? Only clubs can be members and only clubs have voting rights. Since there are obviously two clubs here do you just pretend it didn't happen?
  9. He's not made it particularly clear but I believe WRK is looking for an individual you would call "representative of rangers". Pretty sure you realise that too and are just trying your usual deflection pish but thought I'd try to help anyway since it was less than 100% crystal clear.
  10. Wait a minute here. You are going to have to show where you got this info. Business and assets? That would make it completely different from Rangers since in that poor club's case the business was liquidated. I can't believe the brain trust that is Tedi, bennet etc would ever make such a simple schoolboy error. Shome mishtake shurley?
  11. Any evidence Leeds were Liquidated? Can't find it myself. Surely you aren't lying just to keep up the pretence?
  12. Please don't Tedi. Your increasingly fantastical and humorous denials are one of the things that keeps me coming back here.
  13. You seem confused old chap. The proposal happened and the fan/media reaction to it is well documented. Liquidation likewise happened. What is this thing that didn't happen you think people want to discuss?
  14. Laugh all you want benny, it's good for you and after all the mirth Rangers and The rangers have given me I would be the last to deny anyone a bit of schadenfreude. I was simply wondering why you think anyone here cares, however, by immediately bringing out your old favourite, "You seem upset", it's obvious you know no-one actually cares. So thanks for answering a question for once - even if you didn't mean to.
  15. So? What's your point? I used and applauded a good source when it was a good source and stopped doing so when it stopped being a good source. Do you think I need to keep listening to them no matter what?
  16. Why don't you start a thread about bloggers since that's all you ever want to talk about these days? Or is trying to deflect this thread that important to you?
  17. He'll say it's the records fault - they've always been against them dontchaknow.
  18. You go do that then chief. I was getting concerned for you.
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