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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I know why he deflects. I'm just curious why he's so obsessed with you. It's like benny with WRK. Really weird stuff.
  2. As far as I know mythstoliveby has never claimed to live in Goa. Whereas the person you are convinced they are was confirmed to have been accessing P&B from a Goan IP address by an admin. Even if he was using a vpn to fool P&B admins about his location and the two posters are the same person etc etc - ie. it's somehow discovered you are 100% right - what difference does it make? Is it just a way to deflect? If so it make you look very weak in your position.
  3. Come on bendy, don't pretend you don't understand. He's saying as fellow fans you do have a part in it. He is rejecting the idea that all these people are "not representative" or plastics or whatever other 'It wisnie us' defence you care to spout. No hypocrisy required.
  4. Heh heh, sad bears still desperately trying to troll the board by ignoring simple facts. Isn't about time some chump mentioned adverts?
  5. Good call. Benny is the one whose claimed chain of events suggests fraud - as the only one fully aware of al the ins and outs of this whole affair he should be the one to report this. I think it's fair to say that being a staunch bear he has an obligation, nay, a duty to do so.
  6. Come now TK, you're being a wee bit hard on yourself and your fellow bears. Without your good self, FB and Vicki I'm sure even the die hard "obsessed" would have got bored long ago.
  7. Should be a capital T then and there should be a gap between the last two dots. But then Kinky does this so often I have to assume that both his whining about punctuation - and his terrible punctuation - are both intended to wind people up.
  8. That's not fair. I don't think anyone has ever shown a clear link between rangers and either ISIS or North Korea.
  9. You seem confused. Previous directors knowing doesn't mean the information was public. Green stated that both he and the SFA knew who they were.
  10. ..... Anyone posting that in a complaint about punctuation is on the wind up... .
  11. It was funny as hell watching them all go on about Kerry Dale St. closing a thread. The fact it never occurred to them that telling us about this would only result in mockery says a lot.
  12. I know you're a little thick Tedi so I'll spell it out. You and Vicky claim to not read Phil's pish. Here you both are quoting Phil's pish. You and Vicky are pathetic liars. Hope that helps.
  13. I remember when Dens used to post links to this stuff and both of you claimed to never read "Mad Phil". A man would be forgiven for thinking you two are less than honest.
  14. Obvs not Den but the first article at least is pretty straight forward (a guy who failed in his job at Rangers with consequnces that at the very least helped rangers to die has been appointed to the SFA). If you could point out what bits you are having difficulty comprehending I'll do my best to help out. ETA 2nd article seems to just be rumours mixed with some pointing and laughing - again fairly straight forward.
  15. No, Rangers voted to allow Sevco entry (Rangers were a member Club, Sevco were not). Calling both clubs rangers is just confusing.
  16. Style and substance is a lot like what you and Tedi post. Not sure what your issue is here. Thought you'd be applauding such fine rangers minds clear thinking.
  17. Bennett doesn't do irony - but if he did... (especially since it was Tedi that did the 'confirmation')
  18. If you think that's sticking up for someone I'm glad I've never had need to rely on you. Also I don't wonder why idiots think I support celtic. They are idiots, idiots do stupid things all the time.
  19. All this trouble? Are you serious? You've gone to just as much trouble to tell us all how he's not bothering you. Ach, whatever. OK No.8 he's not bothering you at all.
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