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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. To paraphrase you claimed only an idiot would say "There's no mechanism to invest a penny into rangers......" It was Tedi that said this in the first place. THE KING was taking the mickey at Tedi being so stupid. You have correctly stated that Tedi is an idiot. I am completely sure this was not your intent.
  2. That's the problem with letting your allegiance rule your opinions Kinky. Sometimes you inadvertently tell the truth.
  3. I'm sure Tedi will be rushing to apologise to for all his "Ashley's men signed it" rubbish.
  4. Lol. Kinky is pretending football fans are a protected group again. If you were as quick to criticise when Tedi is using rhymes to get past the word filter you might be a bit more convincing. Wait, are you one of those idiots that thinks it's only words on a certain list that are bigoted (in any context) and anything else is fair comment (in any context)?
  5. Somers agreed to the deal in January. You keep going on about Ashley's employees agreeing to it. I didn't know Somers worked for Ashley. That's all.
  6. Come now, that isn't justified, there's no evidence I'm aware of that Ashley's stooges were criminals, liars or cheats. You can't just tar people like that.
  7. Well if Tedi is right it shows exactly why sevco will never be a match for Ashley. One over-spends to lose while the other under-spends to win.
  8. Sevco fan looking for any loophole to spout his filth? I, for one, am shocked.
  9. Boring? Tedi got something right!!! And people say the BRALT is predictable.
  10. London as well apparently. WTF is going on? I haven't even got the jelly made yet. https://twitter.com/jamesdoleman
  11. King being the "only reason" King can't invest is irrelevant. Truly stunning doublethink Tedi, Walter Winston Smith would be impressed.
  12. You really are on top form today. The mechanism did exist. King broke that mechanism. Result? King "can't" invest but according to you it's not his fault. Brilliant stuff. Beginning to wonder if you another Snafu type. ETA: As far as I know nothing has changed from when ISDX and AIM both told sevco to piss off. What do you think has changed?
  13. So the only reason King can't invest is because the NOMAD he had "lined up" failed to actually exist? King has fixed it so that King can't invest - but it's not his fault he's not invested. That is what you are saying isn't it?
  14. In fairness he was spot on about them dying if nothing was done. If only someone had warned them.
  15. It's precisely that sort of biscuit tin mentality that has prevented celtic from competing with rangers in recent years.
  16. Yeah, companies rush to re-negotiate a worse deal for themselves all the time.
  17. Yes but since you aren't a single entity it's irrelevant. Each individual would have to be prosecuted on their own and while you could make a case that the sevco loyal listen to Dave King and therefore him calling for a boycott would be effective you'd have to be some kind of nutter to think Big Rab fae Bridgeton calling for a boycott would have much of an effect.
  18. Why would that matter? "Rangers fans collectively" are not a single entity.
  19. You can't be so stupid to not see the difference between "every man and his dug" and "person trying to buy the company". Got to be on the wind up.
  20. Leave the English lessons to Kinky. You'll only make an mess of it. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Tu_quoque
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