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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Because anyone not glory hunting obviously can't be of the same intellectual calibre as the sevco loyal.
  2. A real ranjurs man will take them to land of milk and honey. You are obviously jealous of their forthcoming success.
  3. I've made no complaints about charging a fiver. Rather than "laughing at PlasticRangers" in this case I'm pretty much in agreement what Tedi and bennet have posted today. I didn't even moan too much at the idea of letting season ticket holders in for free. It was fans acting all smug about finding duplicitous ways to avoid giving other teams their agreed dues (while making a fortune for themselves) that irritated me. That and the stoned one calling democratically agreed rules disgusting.
  4. I keep seeing stuff like this. The money is distributed throughout all the clubs it's not like the SPFL board use it to go on a piss-up. All the clubs voted on this as well and I certainly don't remember anyone whining at the time. Now wanting clubs to honour something they democratically agreed to is suddenly puerile or petty? Gimmie a break. Still waiting on Stoney explaining why democracy is "disgusting" or how having less money is beneficial.
  5. I also disagree with parachute payments but regardless of what anyone charges for the playoffs the value of the parachute payments will be the same (unless the spfl made bugger all money). So this has a larger effect on the non-relegated teams.
  6. I agree that this is brilliant for fans I'm just not seeing how it's beneficial to clubs. Half the gate is meant to go to other clubs as part of the merger agreement between sfl clubs and spl clubs. Cheaper tickets means less money for everybody, your club included.
  7. Was this not one of the carrots offered to the sfl to merge with the spl which was voted on by the members or am I remembering this wrong? Whinging about it now and especially trying to get it reversed is what's disgusting.
  8. Nice one sevco: http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/9203-club-statement-on-ticketing
  9. So you have realised you were talking pish. I thought so but wanted to be sure. Thanks for clarifying.
  10. What are you on about? I made no attack against Sevco either: "You think you are clever" "you wonder why" I was very clearly mocking you and your attitude.
  11. Are you ever going to explain what you don't understand or are just going to keep talking rubbish?
  12. Lol. Again that depends on what you don't understand. It may not even be possible to dumb down what I said to a level where you can understand it. It was pretty simple to start with after all. Strange that you still haven't told me what you don't understand after your demands that I talk you through it. Could it be you've realised your being a bit thick and are just deflecting now? Surely not.
  13. Hell I don't even know since I've no idea what he doesn't understand. Makes no sense to post that at all. Tired and emotional possibly.
  14. I don't recall claiming a tragedy was in the works, I just said you think you are clever by taking money away from them. Nothing contentious about that that I can see. If you let me know what bit was too difficult for you to understand I'll try to dumb it down a bit.
  15. I love your continued pretence that you are not a diddy. Shows how much you need to perceive yourself as better than everyone else and succinctly proves printer's point about self esteem. Well done chap.
  16. You think you are clever taking money away from the lower leagues. Then you wonder why everyone hates your club. Weirdos.
  17. Lol. Just on the wind up then. Fair enough. But just in case you try to claim I'm avoiding your (ridiculously loaded) question: Sevco should not have been allowed entry to the league at all. Anything that was done that resulted in them actually being in the league is obviously a help and not a hindrance - a child should be able to see that. I know that doesn't sit well with your need to be a victim so I don't expect you to admit it, but really, at this stage, it's like claiming the sky is green - only lunatics and vested interests will agree with you.
  18. Bit in bold. Arte you really that thick or is this just a wind up attempt?
  19. Wasting your time mate. You could take rangers out of liquidation form a squad and play a friendly against Sevco and he'd still think it was the same club.
  20. Since that depends entirely on your answer to the first question, how on Earth would I know?
  21. I would suggest anyone who contributes should be labelled a contributor. Even if they contribute rubbish - it's not a value judgement.
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