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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. So when a bunch of people point out you are talking total pish again you can claim another "victory". Well done No.8. I salute your top drawer bloody mindedness.
  2. That's just not true. No.8 has discovered that if you talk utter pish in an internet forum people will correct you (which is of course a massive victory for that dignified individual). If rangers hadn't died he might never have found that out.
  3. Course he does. Also pretty sure people's fascination with the slow motion ibrox car crash has also been thoroughly explained. He may have been "celebrating" so much that he is now "tired and emotional". That, or as others have said, he's lost the plot.
  4. Glory? You owe me a new keyboard ya arse. Made me laugh while I was drinking my tea.
  5. If it upsets you that much don't log in. I'm afraid it's safe to say people will be laughing at you and your lot on here for quite some time.
  6. Not seeing why you have to question it at all to be honest. Apart from yourself only the sevco fans seem to have had any trouble understanding what was written (and let's be honest - they are probably faking their confusion). Calling it incoherent is simply wrong.
  7. It's much closer to perfect sense than it is to incoherent pish. Indeed you were obviously able to make perfect sense of it from your comments. Hence it must make perfect sense. Unless you are a complete moron having a word out of order does not make something incoherent.
  8. When you've finished fellating the sevco loyal you might want to sign up for some remedial English lessons. Oddly enough being able to understand what someone has typed is very rarely worrying.
  9. What the protestants asking how it refers to them are bigoted against protestants? Does this nonsense make sense in your head?
  10. He's gone into bennet/tedi mode. Deny, Lie & Deflect. It's kinda sad, kinky used to be a decent poster.
  11. Huh? I was just helping you out with your lack of comprehension. Just saw someone obviously unable to understand the Queen's English and thought I'd help out. Chillout. Don't want you to get all paranoid that everybody hates you (although I'm sure you'd claim you don't care). ETA: It's just you mate. Most people in this forum understand English. This is why I tried to help you. Now you don't need to accept my help but you don't need to be a dick about it either.
  12. What? He's saying you easily led muppets will whine when it all goes wrong. Again.
  13. And it's bloody hilarious. Criminal? Liar? Complicit in old rangers dying? Who cares eh? Keep it up.
  14. Thousands of them? Cause if it's just a few idiots I doubt they could be heard over the fine upstanding people surrounding them booing as loudly as they can to make it clear this is unacceptable. They would only need to worry if their entire support was full of bigoted zoomers.
  15. Being stupid? Talking pish about what posters have said? Pretending not to understand very simple concepts? You will need to be a bit more specific.
  16. It must be incredibly popular at the moment. My local newsagent never has any in. This will hurt them.
  17. Actually it was the "the man that you class as a hero," bit. As has been explained many times it was rangers fans that hailed his heroic arrival, that p's and d's now refer to him as such is to wind up those idiots. As for the "is the continuity recognised?" rubbish. If I told you a cork notice board was an LG TV would you buy it off me for £300?
  18. Do you never get tired of repeating other peoples lies? Why engage with people if you are just going to talk rubbish, you could ignore them and at least give the impression that you believe your club didn't die? As is the lady doth protest too much.
  19. What was the name of the SPL member club that voted to allow rangers to join the SPL?
  20. Yeah, real rangers still exist, last report was November though, next isn't due until May.
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