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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Borefest? The borefest you keep reading and commenting on? Who do you think you are convincing with that rubbish?
  2. If you wanted to discus it via PM this would be a logical step. It takes two to have a public discussion.
  3. Good call, Tedi's need to nail his colours to any passing idiot's mast is pretty tragic.
  4. I'm pretty sure he's well aware he's talking absolute nonsense and only does it in an attempt to be a WUM. We'll find out in a few months he's another snafu type and really supports Aberdeen. ETA. This actually would make a lot of sense since it would explain how it is that Tedi knows so little about the club he "supports".
  5. Links that say the debt's to clubs have been paid? Why would you want to do that?
  6. If only it was the clubs responsibility to ensure that test is carried out correctly.
  7. To me this amounts to, "Can you stop trying to annoy people as you are annoying people?". It's a bold strategy, I'll give you that.
  8. Look what you've done now garngad, you've upset poor fb. You'll get no sense out of him now.
  9. Your need to pile 100% blame onto whyte and you obvious deep seated hatred of the man gave me that impression. I of course apologise if I'm mistaken. Have you come to realise SDM was banging his baws off your arse for years before whyte came along?
  10. No, no, no. As youngsy will tell you SDM is a paragon of virtue. All the cheating and law breaking didn't happen on his watch and any evidence you find that it did is either fabricated by satan himself or proof that Whyte is a time lord.
  11. I don't get that myself. Surely a man that get can convince people to sell something worth hundreds for just a quid is exactly what they need?
  12. Apart from the cases your former team admitted guilt for? Why do you continue lying about this? You can tell Tedi and bennet just come out with their pish to annoy people but you actually seem to believe it. At the very least your infantile rage seems legit.
  13. So that's why he's wishes cancer on him! Can't have DM dragged into this now can we?
  14. We condemned him as a c unt and criminal when he took over. No-one wanted to listen then and I'm willing to bet you won't listen now. Just a word of warning though. Self pity is like a drug and can rapidly lead to depression. While I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire I wouldn't wish an illness on anyone.
  15. Now if you ignore the EBT money completely, real Rangers still owed over 45 million to the tax man. They were totally screwed.
  16. Of course it's an act. No-one could be as stupid as that and still be able to type. He thinks he winds people up little realising that he is, at best, a small diversion in a boring day at work. This is why he will not condemn that vile piece of santorum otherwise known as youngsy - he doesn't believe anything he says and just posts whatever he thinks will annoy you the most.
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