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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. You want someone to get cancer because they hurt a company? You make AWRA look reasonable and sane. Grow the hell up.
  2. You'd believe if Murray took a leap off a cliff it's not his fault if he dies at the bottom because he was forced to hit the ground.
  3. Sorry to interrupt your pity party but who said rangers were bad guys for not postponing?
  4. I'm sure I'll regret this but: Huh? The booo was for changing from PTFC badge back to Winston.
  5. Should that not be the other way around? Regardless I just wanted to say what a fantastic avatar you have.
  6. Realising a stereotype (ie sevco fans are arseholes) is actually true can be very depressing.
  7. Yes, you attacking the object of benny's obsession apropos of nothing (when he isn't even online) reflects really badly on WRK. /s
  8. No.8 enjoys making opposite posts (up is down, right is wrong, a racist is a champion against bigotry, bennet has a good point etc etc), I assume he thinks it winds people up. Anything to deflect people from laughing at his joke of a club I suppose.
  9. You never know, it's possible it's not an act, he might actually be as stupid as he seems.
  10. I don't get what he thought he was achieving with his "joke". After him and his fellow sevco suckers called me angry for days on end is he claiming I shouldn't point out when he's obviously upset? Or is he admitting he shouldn't call other angry? Or does he really think calling someone angry is a valid debating tactic? Boy is a prat at any rate.
  11. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Obviously I was wrong to do so and you are just a moron. Thanks for clearing that up.
  12. Was my first thought too but never let it be said I don't give the afflicted the benefit of the doubt.
  13. It's difficult to see the funny side when you're always angry. In all honesty though your lies and your "jokes" are so similar I don't see why I should bother trying to discern between them.
  14. You really didn't like me making fun of your joke did you? Did I hurt your feelings? I know how sensitive you lot are and I'd hate to have made you cry.
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