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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I posted on Monday about it and that I didn't believe him. Today's events make it look like I was wrong (or it's the biggest coincidence ever). Admitting I may have been wrong in a previous post is talking pish is it? You really are a cretin.
  2. Not trying to call Phil a liar when he says this was unscripted but I did mention the other day my mate (taxi driver, sevco fan, not no. picked up DK from Ibrox and after conversing with the sainted one told me to expect an announcement in the coming days. I have to admit I didn't believe him at the time but the circumstantial evidence is certainly in his favour.
  3. Still struggling with your definition of policy I'm afraid. You see I think a policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. I know of no requirement that it be written down. It's my policy to avoid drunks signing old firm songs but I certainly haven't written it down anywhere. Do you think I should?
  4. You could describe a dodering old fool in denial as a fine upstanding gentleman but it doesn't make it so. You think giving money to sectarian organisations is fine and dandy so you'll forgive me if I disregard anything you say as senile.
  5. I think he did, Clonmel bhoy for reasonable reasons doesn't agree. As DhenBhoy says I only suspect that's why he didn't get a seat, I have no proof. You denied rangers had such a policy when I provided proof but find it exceptional Clonmel bhoy would do similar when there really is no proof? Come on.
  6. Fair enough. Not going to argue with that. Although I think celtic may be on slightly higher ground it's difficult to tell because from where I stand you both look the same. ETA Remember this started out as why OF fans should be ashamed. Your whataboutery is misplaced.
  7. So? It's clear from his post he doesn't think JS deserved a boards seat so it's hardly surprising he isn't ashamed he didn't get one. I asked you to show that denial was common and popular, are you any further on with that? There is a difference between the sevco fans closing ranks and claiming "the club did nothing wrong" and a single poster saying he didn't think JS deserved a board seat.
  8. Except apart from the song these are actions of the fans. I hadn't heard the song was edited, be interesting to know if that's true. If not clonmel bhoy must hang his head in shame for denying a song was sung as this is obviously just as bad (if not worse) than anything rangers ever did.
  9. No, pretty sure it was because he was a prod. Not sure what your other points have to do with anything though,I was talking about fans being ashamed of things the club has done and you list things the fans have done (apart from the 'up the ra' song but I don't think anyone has denied it occurred).
  10. I have never seen a celtic fan deny the abuse occurred, or that JS should have been given a place on the board. If you can point me in the right direction and prove these are popular opinions (like youngsy's apparently is) I'll agree they are just as scummy as you.
  11. This kicked off when youngsy asked why old firm fans should be ashamed about parts of the history of their clubs. I assume you are not proud of your clubs actions re JT? If you are I'll happily edit my post. This site is running like shit for me today.
  12. Well at least they aren't claiming it didn't happen or that they only were there for the football and anything else has nothing to do with them.
  13. He's resorted to "obviously" in lieu of facts (or what passes for facts in his head). Twice in a single sentence. Fruitless to continue at this stage I'm afraid.
  14. I never said it was directed at me. I was just pointing and laughing at you because you said something stupid. I had already assumed you held the views you ascribe to yourself, the fact you felt the need to make a post just to tell us you have popular reasonable views is just bizarre. One season ticket was returned after Mo Jo signed, if your views were in any way odd I'd have assumed it would be higher. So once again thanks for pointing out you are an adult human being. Have a pat on the back. Well done you.
  15. You're the one doing the twisting when you claim rangers was just a football club. It was a shameful institution that you helped pay for. This is what you are denying.
  16. So because someone else said something about the fans reaction you decided we must know what yours was? Why? I had no interest in the rangers fans reaction. I remember it too, the idiots burning their tops and scarves were exactly that - idiots - the vast majority of rangers fan I spoke to at the time didn't care or thought it was a good thing that had been far too long coming (and of course a chance to get one up on selic). Your post was therefore a big "LOOK AT ME, I'M NOT A BIGOT". Pretty pathetic tbh. But obviously I'm just seething. Also claiming I'm only interested in one rangers point of view when quoting a post where I applaud a rangers fan for their mature (compared with you anyway) point of view is more than a little bit stupid.
  17. Yes, your state of denial is extremely clear. You asked what you had to be ashamed about, I pointed to something shameful. You can deny you supported their actions but the fact you kept giving them money shows at best you wilfully ignored them. You're basically saying it's OK to give money shameful institutions as long as you ignore the shameful bits.
  18. That's what I thought as well. Harder to justify their signing policy without that little lie at the start though isn't it?
  19. What are you on about now? Is it too much to ask that you provide some context or even a quote?
  20. Yeah, I found that weird as well. You think Matt Taylor was grasping for an excuse?
  21. It never ceases to amuse me how bad the you make your fellow fans look - writes with crayons - still the most mature bear on here (aside from youngsy). And yours was an utterly strange statement. Why would I give a toss if you liked Mo Jo or not. I was talking about the club itself. Looked like you were fishing for compliments for you broad-mindedness.
  22. Do you think you deserve some kind of pat on the back for acting like an adult human being?
  23. So three men that were there are wrong and you with your complete lack of access to such individuals are right? Whatever. If you want to lie to yourself go right ahead just don't expect anyone else to believe it. Just out of interest, those idiots outside the gates the day Mo Jo signed burning their scarves and tops as the TV reported the end of rangers sectarian signing policy. Why do you think they were doing that?
  24. From founding until Mo Jo signed according to rangers staff. Yes there were 14 others before him but I think you know fine well the policy existed. Don't believe me? Lets ask Matt Taylor: [the policy was] "part of our tradition….we were formed in 1873 as a Protestant boys club. To change now would lose us considerable support". Or how about Sandy Jardine: “When I came here in 1964, we had no Catholics. Not just the playing staff, anywhere. There was no bit of paper, it was an unwritten rule. David Murray changed that and it moved on significantly in 1989 when Maurice Johnston signed. You cannot clear up 80 years of sectarianism in eight months, but we are a huge way down the road.” Or David Murray: “We signed him [Johnston] as a football player firstly, and also to break the tradition of this club in not signing a Roman Catholic. That was wrong.” That do you? Or are you going to claim these men are liars?
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