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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I don't think Dave is the one who's upset here. You seemed upset at Wallace awarding himself a bonus and Dave kindly pointed out that this was most likely not the case. He's just that nice a guy - he'll even comfort vandals.
  2. Exactly, it's a total non-event, but Tedi's been all over it like a rash. Just because we now have the tech that allows ever bampot in the land a voice doesn't mean they need to be listened to.
  3. He asked you if you think your support would look more dignified if they had ignored it (and of course they would - no wonder you didn't answer). Who did (or did not) approve the piece in the program is not relevant to this.
  4. Quality swerve of the question there. Almost like you know all this greeting and whining makes you look like spoilt children.
  5. Really, I thought you were just stirring as usual to try to derail the laughathon. What religion was the tweeter?
  6. Are you asking bennett to explain why he believes something? Good luck. While you are waiting maybe this may help, it looks like the sort of level headed reasoned analysis that would appeal to benny. http://themanthebheastscanttame.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/the-scottish-football-mopery/
  7. Don't worry yourself, I'm sure celtic fans will get over rangers cheating as soon as rangers fans get over their old team dying.
  8. Also a bit simple if he thinks a word can be bigoted. It's use can be of course but not the word itself. However the fact that idiots like Tedi are NOT marching on university history departments for their horrendous bigotry suggests the precious wee souls are well aware of this.
  9. Why thank god for a choice you made? Would you buy a bmw then thank god you are a bmw driver?
  10. There's already a group of depressed looking souls called goths, might get confusing. How about Vandals?
  11. Right, at this point you're just trolling WRK. You know fine well your talking mince and you're hoping that will make him bite. You are in fact using a memorial to the deaths of nearly a hundred people to troll someone in a football forum. No doubt your fellow bears will be along in a minute to tell you how disgusting they think you are.
  12. That is a grievous insult to many a small childs lovingly crafted spit balls
  13. What bit is it you want people to read? Even your club seems to think you are wrong: ??
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