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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Teams without money to compete in Europe not competing in Europe shocker. Armageddon!!! I'd rather be irrelevant than cheats, I guess that's the difference between diddies and such class acts as yourself.
  2. Shame on you DB, Tedi went to all that trouble building a strawman and you don't want to play with it.
  3. As close as they were when the thread started. Keep checking though. Your contribution is always welcome. There's many a true word spoken in jest.
  4. But if only celtic fans told him he was talking mince how come his sig references "diddy envy"?
  5. BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 13s Court breaks for lunch. Back at 1.45 pm #bbcsportscot Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 14m Claims shortfall in Rangers working capital equivalent of 6,000 season tickets as prices had risen by 15-20 percent#bbcsportscot
  6. Only been going for 40 mins: BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 17s As of this morning Rangers have sold 23,361 season tickets #bbcsportscot Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 12m Loans were secured against Edmiston House and Albion Car Park. Alan Aummers QC claims Rangers will soon be "debt free" #bbcsportscot Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 14m Two recent loans totalling £1.5million owed to shareholders have not been repaid but should be within " next few weeks" #bbcsportscot Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 24m "Plans for refinancing of Rangers have been in place for almost a year" says Rangers QC Alan Summers Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 27m Alan Summers QC says "floodlights are back on at Ibrox" and that "turbulent financial period will soon be in the past" #bbcsportscot Replied to 0 times BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 37m Proceedings now underway #bbcsportscot
  7. Correlation does not equal causation. You would have to prove that there is no possibility that the coach thought "this c**t isnae gonna try against them, best drop him". Good luck with that. If celtic are breaking the rules I hope they get punished but it needs to be proven first. Sevco on the other hand appear to be boasting about it. ETA. But according to parsforlife no-one is breaking the rules.
  8. I totally see your point but how would you prove a nod and a wink? Slapping it on your official site is a pretty brazzen statement that the rules don't apply to you and you can cheat with impunity.
  9. Oh no. Benny doesn't believe me. How will I ever sleep at night if such a paragon or virtue questions my honour? You know what? I think I'll be fine.
  10. I suspect some of them are spivs trying to create a climate of buy buy buy.
  11. There is a definite lack of understanding, a guy says he spent £500 last time and is going to get £100 worth to take his holding to £600, er, no, that's ~ £280. Poor sods. I understand the need - I ploughed tons into 'Save the Jags' but at no point did I feel I was being taken for a ride.
  12. That's some scary reading. Some guy has denied his family a holiday for 3 years so he can buy shares because "how can you waste money in rangers?". I feel sorry for people like him to be honest but, as the saying goes, you will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public.
  13. The article I read said 2m in cutbacks however it also said champions in 2017 so huge pinch of salt required. Rangers' April review Business needs to raise up to £30m over three years New share issue planned for autumn 2014 Cuts of £2m made with other savings likely Plan to make the business sustainable by season 2015-16 Aim to make team Scottish Premiership winners by 2017
  14. Whinging about dots? There's no need to be upset. I just didn't see the relevance of celtic fans being upset with their board to this thread. You want to laugh at celtic you go right ahead, but don't try to pretend it's anything other than deflection.
  15. Because any time rangers or sevco are treated fairly a bunch of Neanderthals march on Hampden.
  16. No, I'm talking about if he actually signed the contract. Not seethe at some idiot on the radio, seethe at imagined events actually transpiring.
  17. I assumed he was talking about celtic seethe if lennon really took over at ibrox.
  18. If this isn't some kind of PR stunt and they can do for the shipyard what they did for the failing bus service then, gangsters or not, I'd give them the bloody mines.
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