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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Sorry, this will be my last reply to you on the subject, if you want to take that as some kind of victory you go right ahead but to be perfectly honest conversing with you makes me feel like I need to go for a shower. Simply put: Even mildly mocking the cover up IS using child abuse to score points. There is absolutely NO reason to bring it up in this thread. I pulled up DB when you mentioned it so I've no idea why you are claiming not a peep from me. Lying? No.8? Who'd of thought it? If I am contradicting myself by getting "upset" then could you please tell us who in this thread covered up abuse? Who exactly are you accusing of this heinous act and why aren't you hounding them?
  2. I'm respecting Mr.X's wishes and not personally attacking posters. You know what I think of you, not that you care, no-one with your opinions would be capable of that. If it makes you feel better you can apply about 60-70% of what I said to HB. Still horrible but somehow your denial of the whole thing just make you worse in my eyes. Edited, said DB instead of HB. Already pulled up DB the other day.
  3. Did you miss the bit where I pointed out that the result of these judgements is that real rangers owe the taxman more money? I admit I hid it in that most obscure of places (the begining of my post) so I guess it requires reiteration: The taxman is due more money now than they were before. As a taxpayer I'm sure, like me, you want real rangers pursued to the fullest.
  4. HMRC are due more tax than they would have been if they had not raised the assessments. That's at least a partial win for the taxman and proof positive rangers were attempting tax fraud. Real rangers were presented a bill which they then fought and are still fighting. I'm sure you're very proud.
  5. We were talking about rangers fans repeatedly telling lies about continuation. Benny brought up CBC even though it had nothing to do with the conversation. You made a joke about it (don't deny it, no-one is that stupid). You think making a joke about child abuse is fair enough? You think I'm precious for pulling you up for making jokes about child abuse? Are you actually serious. Go on then No.8. You tell us why you made a joke about child abuse if it wasn't point scoring deflective old firm stupid twatery. What's so funny about it?
  6. You know fine well that isn't even close to true. You are a disgusting vile excuse for a human.
  7. Poor show Dhenbhoy, stooping to their level is never the answer. Although unlike No.8 you seem to recognise when you have gone too far, so I'll hold back from accusing you of being vile scum. Still terrible, but you already know that and unlike the vile scum are not denying it.
  8. Missed it, point it out and I'll go tell them off for you ya precious wee soul.
  9. I have no problem calling benny and No.8 scum for days on end. Their club still died, it isn't going to magically come back to life because No.8 is is vile scumbag. Also pretty sure that continuation has been getting discussed at the same time so not really a successful deflection is it?
  10. Benny and No8 thought it would be funny to make a joke about child abuse. I called them scum. They have then tried to weasel out of it in a variety of ways. My absolute favourite being trying to blame my calling them out on their scumminess for a lack of a full investigation.
  11. I also didn't say I wouldn't talk about it. I simply stated that he and bennet are scum for joking about child abuse. No.8's need to tell obvious lies is baffling to say the least.
  12. Why do you think I won't discuss it? Your need to shift blame onto others is rather pathetic. I just pointed out that you two scummy gits bringing it up out of context and making a joke about it is the work of vile animals. I agree with your last sentance but you'll forgive me if I assume you've just tacked it on there to try to look less of despicable tool. Whinging about dots? Are you drunk? You think red dotting scummy comments by scum is unreasonable? Whatever.
  13. It was your making a joke about child abuse that irked me, benny I expect to be an idiot. If I upset you by pointing out your scumminess - good.
  14. So why bring it up if not to score a point or deflect? It had absolutely nothing to do with the context of the what was being said at the time. Don't pretend to be the aggrieved party it's absolutely disgusting. This is meant to be read as an impassioned plea for the good of the victims is it? No, it's a low life thinking he's being funny. Pure unadulterated scum.
  15. Many have suspected this for some time. So who's your big team? Come to think of it I saw you using black and white crayons the other day, are you a Spider?
  16. It's lovely that you keep trotting out these opinions when I specifically said I wasn't interested. I could respond with UEFA article 12 section 1:B, Lord Hodge, player registrations etc etc but we would just go round in circles. You want to argue about people's opinions whereas I just want an explanation of a single fact. So I have to ask, why would you bring them up except in tacit admission of defeat?
  17. Pointing out your use of Big Lie tactics is just slightly different from using child abuse to deflect said point. That you cannot or simply refuse to see the difference speaks volumes. Thanks for providing further evidence (if such were needed) that you are indeed scum.
  18. It's not a Godwin if it's actually in context. It's Hitler that is actually credited with the 'Big Lie' method of propaganda so it is not out of context to mention him while discussing others use of this propaganda method.
  19. Sorry, I forget it must be hard for you to keep track of all the bull you spout. The lie in question is that's it's the same club. You lot seem to be using the Hitler method of saying the same huge lie again and again in the hope that it will eventually be believed. Also before you trot out any ASA rubbish or similar please just answer this: What was the name of the existing SPL member club that voted yes to allow Sevco entry? I'll give you a clue. They are dead cheats.
  20. Scummy sevco fans using child abuse for point scoring. Lowest of the low scum, but we knew that already.
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