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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. You keep telling that 'Big Lie' sunshine, you might even believe it one day.
  2. Shame, if it had been new releases instead of (the far more profitable) older films I would have at least tried it for the novelty.
  3. 24 quid? A bit expensive unless there's more than 2 of you and even then the folk in the back are getting a restricted view.
  4. You turned up the moment bendy vanished, with timing like that you should be in entertainment.
  5. Bloody hell, you still on stage one? You'd think you would be at least be on to anger by now.
  6. The Tax and Chancery Chamber has UK wide jurisdiction in tax cases but I'm not sure how that would relate to having their decision overturned by a Scottish Court. Interesting point.
  7. If they win and end up getting a precedent that gets them a metric f**k ton of money it won't be a waste. Here's a wee link for you since you are so upset by it's absence. http://news.stv.tv/west-central/285509-hmrc-confirms-it-will-appeal-oldco-rangers-big-tax-case-ruling/
  8. I see Goebbels and Naumann are up to their usual tricks. Pathetic little scrotes.
  9. While it was a shocking decision but I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt and call it a mistake, if he was as bent as you suggest I think he'd have given them the penalty a few minutes later as well.
  10. Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he didn't say that. I think he's accusing the directors of wrongful trading, if so it would be up to the liquidators to decide if they want to go after the directors themselves for cash to pay oldco's debt.
  11. No, I read it fine. Rangers fans have been talking about charges for ages, it's hardly a stretch to think you might know what your fellow fans are complaining about. Hilarious how you're not pulling Tedi up for jumping in without any idea what he's talking about. I'm sure Tedi will be along to mock you for that any second.
  12. I'm not picking him up, I was asking a question since the rangers fans have, for some time, been saying criminal charges need to be brought against tax officials - I incorrectly assumed bennett had more info than he in fact does. I didn't ask Enricco anything as I couldn't work out what he meant. Who is "you" and who do they want charges brought against. VB against Tax fanny? Tax fanny against VB? Don't know and frankly don't care. Criminal charges against HMRC would on the other hand be quite interesting. HTH.
  13. I thought it was just internal guidelines VB were going on about, which laws have been broken?
  14. I remember reading a study that claimed this was the only reason behind sectarianism. Glasgow had the highest proportion of Irish Catholics (35% I think whereas Liverpool was 25%). The report went further to say there's pretty much bugger all sectarianism in Glasgow these days claiming that only one third of one percent of murders were sectarian in the last decade and in even those cases it was actually about football and not religion. I'll see if I can hunt it down. Can't find it, but this article quotes some of it's stuff. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2011/apr/24/scotland-sectarianism-research-data
  15. So the old firm fans are right then? It really has nothing to do with the teams capitalising on it and sectarianism would still be the issue it is today? I'm glad that's been cleared up.
  16. Is there much of a sectarian issue in Liverpool anymore? Seems to have died down to almost nothing in the last hundred years. Strange that that hasn't happened here.
  17. Would you push a fat man (so fat his inertia will stop a train - though it will kill him) in front of a train to stop it killing a family of four stuck further along the track?
  18. Go right ahead, although now you mention it I've never heard anyone sing about either (unless you count Flower of Scotland but it never mentions Bannockburn by name). Would maybe make a nice change.
  19. Ah, fair enough. CIS cup final was a few months after the article I linked.
  20. Accidentally semi quoting this to be honest: http://www.mirror.co.uk/opinion/football-opinion/brian-mcnally-column-rangers-fans-3346509 Feel free to call that a f**k up if you want. More than happy to admit actual mistakes.
  21. The post I was referring too just said "Why is it OK at Hampden?", no dates nothing. No way of knowing it referred to an earlier post. If you think that's a f**k up you go right ahead. Regarding my opinion (why is that relevant?) I think singing banned songs is worse than singing non-banned songs. Even if they are nearly identical. I feel there is an element of "try to stop us being bigoted c**ts? - no chance, bigoted and PROUD".
  22. They wouldn't be able to continue to call celtic a foreign club while waving their union flags, this is serious business.
  23. I fucked up by not reading a previous page? Aye very good. You really are a tool.
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