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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Nothing to do with what I think ya clown. The song has been banned but supporters of the old rangers just can't stop singing it. You should lobby to get arab blood etc banned as well if it upsets you so much.
  2. Where did MT say that? I certainly haven't read it but if you want to keep making stuff up you go for it.
  3. It was the line "Up to our knees in ****** blood" that got the song banned. Were others singing this? You should report them.
  4. Where did MikeyWellFan mention a date? Any time since it being banned in 2006 would prove the point.
  5. It's not whataboutery when rangers being gash and getting hammered in Europe (using your definition of a hammering of course), still counts in Scotland's coefficient.
  6. Glad you posted that, for a moment I'd forgotten that Ally and rangers fans elements within the rangers support are complete scum.
  7. So they were already confirmed tax cheats 3 months before Whyte arrived? Thanks benny that is helpful.
  8. Because Raidernation doesn't quote the post he is replying to bennet has decided to pretend that he thinks Raidernation is responding to me (Thistle fan). He likes to pretend to be even more stupid than he really is, I think in his twisted topsy-turvy mind he somehow thinks it makes him look clever.
  9. Not all your old clubs EBT's were legal. That is irrefutable. They cheated and died. That is irrefutable.
  10. What is it with you and random amounts of full stops at the end of your posts?
  11. Well the police have been investigating since 25 June 2012, I'm sure there will be arrests any day now.
  12. Whyte must be some kind of genius master criminal to have achieved all this without anyone in real rangers noticing. Shame no-one that worked there actually cared about the club.
  13. If this is true you'd have to be a much sadder person to go find all this stuff out, or to think it relevant in this thread. Pathetic stalker behaviour. Get a grip of yourself.
  14. Don't be daft, benny could get offended about the colour of grass, he'll have no bother finding something he considers bigotry.
  15. So you got upset that they provide reasoning and clarification? To think I used to believe you weren't a sevco fan.
  16. So why did you ask if there was a settlement? (When you had already read that there wasn't)?
  17. Because they want to be associated with these terrorist sympathisers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanguard_Unionist_Progressive_Party
  18. Only in the fictional world you inhabit where fan forums are full of nodding dogs.
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