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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. He didn't mention rangers or sevco in that whole five sentence post. Thanks for not making us wait before proving his point.
  2. Why would he be drinking cheap lager? On his contact I'd be having Louis XIII de Rémy Martin - in pints.
  3. Deleted. Googles copy only has the start: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:DRgwmKQZUZIJ:forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D269917+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu
  4. Just like those diddies that harp on about 54 titles won by some cheats that no longer exist. Rather amusing doesn't cover it tbh.
  5. Strange. Sevco fans seem to universally have no empathy. This is worthy of further study. I wonder if ASAB will give me a grant.
  6. I'm not, thanks for your concern, though. You seem to be totally lacking in empathy. I wish you the best of luck with that, it can't be easy.
  7. Hmm. That would possibly be the case if the things stated were in fact opinions. But claiming that rangers didn't cheat - that's a lie. Claiming I'm angry - that's a lie - even if you think I'm angry, stating I am when all you have is an opinion is a lie. Opinions are things like, "I think forever_blue's gif is awesome". HTH.
  8. Come on, that's not very nice. Tedi might be a saddo but do was the f**k really necessary?
  9. ^^^ sadly deluded but gets a bye today for his funny gif. ETA. Which I've finnally managed to get to fit. Woo Hoo.
  10. Well I find your constant lies and need to believe I'm angry hilarious. How sad do you need to be that pretending someone is angry is entertaining to you?
  11. What side are you going in from? Balmaha or Dryman? How heavy is your trophy? We need facts No.8 dammit.
  12. Lol. 3 sevco fans telling me I'm angry now. Pretty sure someone's upset, but it ain't me.
  13. More lies from a sevco fan. You guy's really can't help yourselves can you? Cheats and liars. Well suited for each other I suppose.
  14. That is awesome. Can we have gif avatars here? ETA. File too large. Bugger. Now there is a need to be upset.
  15. Yip. I'm a bit bored today. Nothing has broken yet so I've not got much to do.
  16. Yes. I know. Calling me angry doesn't make me angry. Nor do schoolboy level wind up attempts. Carry on though by all means, it's a slow morning for me today.
  17. Don't care mate . Your old team are cheats, it's enough for me that the world knows this. Of course if you lose the UTTT I'll laugh like hell but it will only be a delicious topping on an already sumptuous desert.
  18. You really can't help it can you. Poor wee tedi. Tax cases can only be appealed if a point of law was incorrectly applied in the original verdict. I didn't say the two judges screwed up. The fact the appeal is being heard is what tells us that.
  19. He thinks he is funny and imagines us all spitting fury at our screens. It's kinda cute. Also if a lie is repeated enough times idiots start to believe it - it's possible he's going for that as well. ETA well done on the golf btw. Trying to teach the girlfriend at the moment - I have discovered I am not a teacher.
  20. Yeah, it was appealed because two of the judges didn't understand the law (confirmed or the appeal would not have been heard at all). So unless you are just being a pedant for your personal pleasure only a fool would claim to know if what rangers did was legal. You are just trying to wind people up.
  21. More lies, poor tedi, canny take it. Wee soul. Rule breaking = cheating.
  22. We don't know if the method of cheating your old team employed was legal. Still to be decided. Did you miss this or can you just not stop lying?
  23. Triple Yawn. Serious and sustained rule breaking equals cheating. - this is not an opinion, it's a simple fact.
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