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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Double Yawn. Back to your "so angry" nonsense. Is that your default: no response - tell a lie. Why would I care if the word cheat was mentioned? Do you not understand English? Rangers are guilty of deliberate sustained rule breaking. Cheating. Rangers are cheats. It must be hard to admit you supported cheating scum I suppose, it would be quite a dent in your own self respect. Much much easier to lie and pretend you don't understand eh?
  2. So you are just going to lie? Pathetic little troll. ETA I know you are a bit simple so just to clarify. The lie is that "No unfair competitive advantage gained", is in any way relevant to the label of cheating scum. It is not. Rangers are cheating scum.
  3. So what? Exactly what is your point? It was still "serious and long-term rule-breaking over Rangers' use of Employee Benefit Trusts". Rangers cheated, no amount of cherry-picking will ever change this. If I swap my opponents cards in pontoon to an ace and a king - guess what, that would make me a cheat - even though I gained no advantage.
  4. "serious and long-term rule-breaking over Rangers' use of Employee Benefit Trusts" Cheats, simple as that. Spin it however you want, you are only deluding yourself.
  5. Yawn, the report which said 'no unfair competitive advantage' also said rangers broke the rules. Did you think we would just forget?
  6. That is simply not true. The more you type the more it looks like you are a non-sevco fan on the wind up. I imagine you sitting there think, "I know, I'll claim we they didn't cheat, that'll really wind them up".
  7. Well apart from you telling me you would (which you'll probably claim was sarcasm), and you saying you would "wait and see", how would you know they hadn't posted 10 times as much on lennon threads if you don't follow them about? Again why do you care what they decide they want discuss?
  8. I do. But seriously, following a poster about to see where they are posting in an attempt to claim they are obsessed? WTF is that about? It's more than a bit stalkerish.
  9. Why do you even care? Are you going to follow them about and do a post tally? This is maybe the saddest thing I've read on here.
  10. Argument? Only if you really want to. We all know the truth, the only question is if you have enough self worth to admit it: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/mariakonnikova/2014/05/why-do-people-persist-in-believing-things-that-just-arent-true.html?utm_source=www&utm_medium=tw&utm_campaign=20140519
  11. Me too. I assume Sevco will also always be Sevco (you wouldn't want to be a hypocrite I assume)?
  12. Airdrieonians, Airdrie died. I understand this is a difficult concept for you.
  13. Strange, that's not how I remember it. Oddly it's not how M Kelly remembers it either. In fact Kelly bitches about the fans concerted efforts causing BoS to nearly kill the club.
  14. Houston's an idiot. What he's doing is spamming. The moment someone asks you to stop sending them email you have to comply or you are breaking the law (even if they previously gave permission which Houstom claims he got from his sandy's lawyer). Never mind getting sued by a convicted fraudster he could end up in jail.
  15. Can't be bothered looking it up but he's right for a change. Taking numbers strictly from my arse it went roughly as follows: Green offered 5million CVA, 4 million in a liquidation sell off (Maybe not a spiv) offered 4 million for a CVA and 7 million for liquidation sale. Somehow D&P decided that after making White proffered bidder for the CVA (because he had the highest CVA offer) he would continue to be so after the CVA was rejected even though his liquidation offer was the lowest. One of the reasons it smelt like a stitch up from the start.
  16. The sporting wing of the wee free's are banned from Europe at the moment. What are you on about?
  17. No. We both know your examples are not applicable. We also both know you will never admit it. I've no intentions of spending my afternoon arguing someone on the wind up.
  18. That's hilarious. The sensitive wee soul won't be back apparently. Shame since his reading comprehension failed him the first time. For any Sevco fans that came here from that thread. You aren't cheats because you wrote off debt via liquidation, you are cheats because of systematic breaking of the rules (aka CHEATING). HTH.
  19. The point he is making is that you have already received everything you are due in respect to those transactions. ETA 'Putting money in' generally means investing (you are able to remove it and put it somewhere else after all).
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