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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I believe being hung drawn and quartered for treachery would appease them.
  2. So you followed WRK to a thread you have no interest in just so you could read his posts and how they were received? And you call him obsessed? Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
  3. I had thought was what he meant as well at first until he actually claimed it was his job: Florentine_Pogen, on 16 May 2014 - 12:57, said:
  4. Looking for 'hauners'? He was pointing out a funny thread for entertainment. Do you never share funny things you've found with people you know? Whatever, if believing it was for hauners makes you feel better benny you go for it.
  5. You really are a sensitive wee soul aren't you? Most adults have a thicker skin which is what led me to believe you were a youngster in the first place, but never mind, since I can see it upsets you I'll stop. Regardless thanks for expanding on your theory. Looks like wishful thinking to me and I really can't understand why you have so much faith DK but likewise feel free to give me pelters in a few weeks should you be correct.
  6. So... no proof then. Thanks for clearing that up benny, knew we could rely on you.
  7. It's strange how you complain no-one wants to discuss your view but when someone tries to discuss it with you you go in a huff.
  8. Huh? Do you honestly think the way you post on here shows maturity? I jokingly called you a five year old so you call me one? Really? That's mature?
  9. Why do you think your pipe dream is worth anything other than digs? What evidence have you shown that this is anything other your personal fantasy?
  10. You're not expecting a five year old child an accountant to be an English expert now are you?
  11. No, you've misunderstood my point. I agree with you entirely that sale and leaseback is a bad thing. I'm asking what makes you think you have a choice.
  12. I'm not having it both ways. The bank can only loan as much as it thinks it will get back whereas a buyer will pay what they think to be good value, these two figures have no need to be the same. My main point was really do you honestly think any bank would loan your club money? As a wise man once said, the banks will only loan you money once you prove that you don't actually need it. I do agree with you that the terms are likely to be even more onerous with a leaseback, however this is just another reason why it's more attractive to money men.
  13. No, it wasn't. My point was Ibrox is next to worthless without a football club. When deciding how much money they could give your club a bank would look how much they could claw back from the asset in the event the club doesn't pay. As this value is relatively small the loan would also be small or not worth the risk to the bank. In the sale and leaseback situation the stand would be worth a lot more as it has a football club attached.
  14. What makes you think any bank would loan your club money? Ibrox isn't really worth anything without a football club attached.
  15. Yes, you've said that already. What I'm curious about is why? Why is your club better off without them? Assuming these people went to matches/bought replica kits etc. then your club have lost out on money. What is it you think they have gained?
  16. This is a great example of caring about what people believe. Prefacing it with "I don't care" doesn't change that.
  17. Youngsy's seeming need for ideological purity has exactly bugger all to do with sectarianism, well done for bringing it up though, claiming old firm fans don't do that at the same time is nice as well.
  18. Eh. for the money of course. Your club needs money. Why do you care what these people believe?
  19. In what way? Aside from ensuring ideological purity (something more usually associated with fascist or religious regimes than a football club) won't this just make the club slightly poorer?
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