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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Your asking a bit much there. The man's soft in the head. What does he want you to do? Have a face off with PMG where you beat the details of your respective anonymous sources out of each other? Rational thinking and hindsight are most likely beyond him.
  2. I think he's lost it Dave, it sounds like he wants you to challenge Phill to a duel over who's anonymous source is correct.
  3. TBH I'd take dave.j's source over Phil, but regardless of that what do you expect dave.j to say? He can hardly demand his source supply him with verifiable paperwork. The most he can say is either "My source may be wrong" or "Phil's source may be wrong".
  4. I've never asked her for any information (wouldn't want to get her in trouble), but a girl I know works for sevco as security (used to work for Group4 but rangers bought her contract). It's not beyond the realm of possibility that people other than myself have friends employed by sevco.
  5. Why would you think that? Silly benny. I'm slightly frustrated at our inability to communicate due to our speaking different languages (hence my request for a glossary), that hardly qualifies as upset. However if you really are sorry all you need to do is provide the aforementioned translations. I'm sure the entire BRALT would thank you. Tell you what I'll start it off for you: Broxian - English Same club - New club Rangers - Rangers (depends on context be careful) Rangers - Sevco (depends on context be careful) Auchenhowie - Murray Park Angry - laughing at rangers Dignified - Dishonourable Hope that helps.
  6. Are you suggesting some kind of PM gang? Or maybe that that most honourable of posters Vicky would have multiple aliases? Surely not!
  7. Laughing at someone being pathetic is getting wound up now? Fair enough. I can never keep up with the speed sevco fans redefine things. Do you have a glossary per chance? ETA. You'll be no doubt thrilled to know that according to your fancy new definition you are continually winding everyone up.
  8. Good luck. I'm still waiting to find out the identity of the club that said yes to sevco joining the SPL as a member club. Some bunch of scummy cheats no doubt.
  9. No, it's how I interpret "membership was transferred". If it needed to be transferred it can't have had one. These are not difficult concepts.
  10. So as BossHogg said your current club were not members pre 2012. Thanks for confirming.
  11. That sounds a lot like rubbish made up to placate idiots. If that's true (and not just made up pish) can you advise which SPL member club voted to grant sevco SPL membership?
  12. So why do you think it is then? It's easy to call something stupid without providing any alternative explanation. Companies move for tax breaks all the time. For example Aon plc relocated to the U.K. in 2012 because the tax burden in the US was deemed too high, to assume the opposite doesn't happen is naive in the extreme. You would have to be a complete moron to think a company will not attempt to maximise it's profits. ETA. Again this has nothing to do with rangers or indeed sevco.
  13. What are you on about? I was talking about why the government allow vodafone, starbuck etc to pay little to no tax. If they tightened up the rules to make avoidance impossible these companies would simply set up elsewhere. Why do you bring up rangers? As I pointed out to benny this subject has nothing to do with the rangers saga and that is why it hasn't been discussed much on here.
  14. Do you know why they are allowed to get away with it? The fear is that if we forced them to pay tax they would move (and take their jobs) to a different country. Capitalism at it's finest. Also people bitch about this all the time. Not on a football forum though. That would just look like deflection or whataboutery.
  15. No, he didn't. He got about 18m off oldco which was detailed in his trial for being a fraudster. Annoys me the media just parrot this rubbish.
  16. You're right. Rangers died, they can't be docked anything. The rangers can be though.
  17. You think it's ok to be racist/bigoted if others are being worse. Your opinion on anything, let alone me, is irrelevant.
  18. That's a lovely story. Tell me, are you naturally this stupid or did you have to work for it?
  19. You are quite right, again though, not someone whose opinion you value I would guess?
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