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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Only according to PMG, didn't see you as the type to take his word as gospel benny.
  2. Inverness CT? Although that doesn't really fit with the "against all odds" bit.
  3. Sevco fans don't like to be made fools of? Same as any other day? Oh wait, do you think the P's and D's are upset that admin hasn't happened yet? Sod that, I'm hoping for the start of next season.
  4. To the diddy that agreed with forever_blue, I missed your post, hope you'll forgive. I don't agree with you for reasons stated while responding to sevco fans. Happy now forever_blue?
  5. Pay out nonsense? The judge even whinges that fellow rangers fans treated him as a traitor after the decision. Do you know nothing about the club you claim to support? This info is on the wikipedia page of the '71 disaster, it's not like it's hard to track down. Clown.
  6. Yeah, P&D's comprehend English while sevco fans fail - coulda knocked me out my chair with a feather.
  7. I know you are really really stupid so I'll try to explain like you are five. forever_blue thinks people should be mindful of others feeling when making jokes. His position can be summarised as - that might offend someone, don't do it. I'm asking him how far this sentiment should be taken. This is because I'm sure he is just making it up. When you want to show someone is being ludicrous, illustrate their point with a ludicrous example.
  8. Lots of outrage? People do love to whine. Do you think muslims that issue death threats to cartoonists are correct?
  9. Why are you calling WRK a celtic fan? I'm pretty sure it fails miserably to wind him up and just makes you look like that complete loser Tedi. Seriously does anyone apart from sevco fans think this is anything other than being a prat?
  10. Call yourself a rangers fan but you can't take hypocritical morons seriously? Something doesn't add up here.
  11. That's the difference ya clown. I don't think I'm relevant here and could not care less if I was - I'm only here to laugh at you and your personal arse lickers. Silly bendy.
  12. It was hilarious. Apparently if you are not apoplectic with rage due to DK talking to PMG you must be a <insert sectarian term of choice for Irish Catholics>. However if you don't want DK to oust the spivs you must also be a <insert sectarian term of choice for Irish Catholics>. It quickly descended into a bitter paranoid mudslinging match where everyone was an 'obvious' <insert sectarian term of choice for Irish Catholics>.
  13. You are deluded then, the company I work for is not incorporated. Were it to be incorporated tomorrow it's est. date would not change. You've sunk so far as to make up stuff to associate the team you currently "support" with a bunch of cheats. Edited because I can't spell.
  14. "Were it otherwise, most of our clubs would have to redate their history.", do you seriously expect people to believe this arrant nonsense or has bendy hacked your account?
  15. Your google-fu is weak old man. http://www.bdlive.co.za/articles/2008/11/11/king-s-tax-assessment-valid---sars;jsessionid=2A37EE4240C538D120BEDE7A8F306FE8.present1.bdfm ETA this is only about 12million at current exchange rate but definitely considerably more than "losing it all". It's almost like he thinks rangers fans are clueless idiots that will believe any old rubbish as long as he uses the right sound-bites. How on earth could he have got that impression do you think?
  16. This couldn't be the same DK that got 18million off of Rangers shortly after laundering investing this 20 million could it? Shome mishtake shurely.
  17. Sorry what was that? It sounded like you said Counsel on behalf of RIFC argued that "Rangers are 1 of biggest brands in world" to which Lord Tyre retorted " it didn't stop them being liquidated"
  18. More fool you then. Worrying about the tic when their own club was screwed is one of the reasons real rangers died. Celtic may still be the biggest team in Scotland but aside from newco they've been hurt the most by this. Bums on seats, that's what your mob need. Anyway, enough of this off-topic nonsense. Lets get back to laughing at realrangers, clonerangers and their daft as a brush support. They really are the gift that keeps on giving.
  19. Nah, we don't play your mob till the 26th of March. Also is the green brigade section not closed down now? Call yourself a fan...
  20. I knew it. Glad to hear it fb. I'd hate to think you really were as daft as you were pretending.
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