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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. There will be teams in all four divisions who'll need far more luck than us to survive. 
    The unshakeable confidence from Hearts fans that they'll be fine is quite something. I'd actually have Hibs, Hearts, Celtic, Rangers and Aberdeen as being hugely at risk due to the large crowds they attract being a larger part of their income than others. There's no money coming in, but their costs aren't reducing by anything like the same amount.

    I think Hearts fans see their tenner a month popping out their bank accounts and going to FOH and think that's them fine. The annual amount raised through that scheme would be enough to cover Hearts outgoings for about a month.

    Meanwhile the smaller clubs have wages mostly covered through the furlough scheme and a larger part of their income is via prize money. They also tend to have much shorter contracts in place for players so can basically hibernate till they can get back playing again by not signing anyone.

  2. As Thomas Paine would say these are the times that try men’s soul.

    A perfect storm of bad decisions, bad luck, a global pandemic and realpolitik means we have to slum it for a bit.

    We can spend a while raging against an iniquitous universe but it is what it is and eventually we’ll just have to stoically get on with it.

    So for those who have finished lamenting the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune the question presents itself

    Stick with Stendel or bring in someone else? (Presumably Robbo)

    It’s not an open and shut case

    Stendel didn’t make enough of a difference, fast enough to get us safely out of trouble by March. On the other hand undeniable that he was making a difference and going to Tynecastle was fun again but but was that merely a stylistic shift

    Unfortunately the early stages of Stendelball seemed to be more productive against relatively good teams who came out to play football against us

    I’m curious to see what he could produce given time but given that next season’s fixture list is going to be about efficiently dispatching teams who will tell their grandchildren about the time they got a 0-0 draw at Tynecastle so if he stays he’d have to deliver stage 2 fairly quickly.

    I’m leaning towards giving him time. I like him, I like his style

    but he undeniably represents a risk

    There's absolutely no danger he's going to stick around. You can talk your way around the club being relegated before the season was due to finish, if Hearts are to struggle at all next season he's done as a manager at any decent level.
  3. That's a use of the word 'justified' that I've never encountered in my life before.
    Of course, your post makes no ethical sense.
    I'm talking about applying different levels of harm to clubs in this position. The example of a team finishing 8th rather than possibly 5th or 6th is certainly unfortunate, but they're not losing out relative to any other club who could improve their position. It's hard to make a case that they're being actively and seriously harmed.
    Hearts will see income cut by around a fifth, will lose staff, will be denied an avenue to European competition via the league for at least a season, will find it much harder to attract players. The harm inflicted on Hearts far overshadows your glib comparison with other teams in the division.
    There is no ethical justification for one club to carry the burden like that. Being bottom of a 38-game competition after 30 games is not justification for demotion, however you try to spin it. It just is not.
    You do have a fair point about United (and Celtic) potentially being awarded things they have not won. There is a problem there, of course. I can see room for argument either way on the United issue. They haven't actually won the league just as Hearts have not been relegated. But this merely strengthens the logical and ethical position of arguing in Hearts' favour here.
    If one of Hearts or Dundee United are going to be in the Premiership next season, there is no justification for it being the club that has not won promotion ahead of the club that has not been relegated.
    Hearts will lose a fifth of their income and still have a turnover of around 10m a year higher than any of their opponents in the championship. Are you suggesting that they should get reimbursed by the rest of Scottish football to keep around a 5/1 ratio of money rather than a 4/1 advantage against their best funded opponents next season?

    Every side which gets relegated loses money. Its because they got relegated.
  4.  Well the likes of turkey, Czech Republic, Denmark , Poland, Austria to name but a few are all going to manage it and I doubt they have huge tv deals . 
    Just because we are going to fail badly with no government support , there seems to be an assumption that other lesser leagues are all in the same boat they aren’t
    I can see UEFA getting involved in this shambles eventually and I do think our clubs could end up being excluded from European competition , if we have no plan of action,
    The Turkish league has a TV deal for 393m a year.

    The countries you've mentioned also do not have the worst death toll in Europe, the UK does.
  5. This is about far more than clubs being somewhat bullied, there is tons of evidence now in the public domain of the SPFL either conveniently omitting information, deliberately not mentioning important things that could affect how clubs voted, not following proper processes and basically lying about their inability to advance money to clubs before calling the leagues.

    Its the SPFL who are stirring the pot with all this schite, Rangers are simply asking wtf are you playing at?

    In this omission of information thing, would it be at all relevant to note that there's a requirement for next season to start on time for the new broadcast deal to kick in? You know, the one that is about a 50% increase on the current one?


    If it came to there being a refund to broadcasters its easier to take money out of next years pot to cover it since its more cash. Continuing this season at the expense of next year's fixtures means there will be less money in the game. This doesn't seem like rocket science tbh. And I'd be fucking amazed frankly if any of this has escaped the attention of any club in Scotland.


  6. It doesn't need an audit to know that if you cast a valid vote and are asked to uncast it then the process is flawed.
    Every club that voted no had an opportunity to change their vote if it didn't pass. Dundee were the ones who asked for it not to be taken into account prior to it being received. Even if the vote was received and counted they could still have changed their view.
  7. Genuinely what is your club expecting to gain from all of this. I can't see why they have such a hump about the outcome of the vote.
     We are currently living in exceptional times, this season will not be played out before the next season would have started and the new TV contact kicks in. Is this all about getting a null and void season and getting it right up them? You had a club employee on the SPFL board, what was he doing during all of this and has your own hoard asked him if he was actually listening or taking notes?
    A sense of injustice.

    The biggest beneficiary of the league being called is Rangers. They were going to end up nowhere near Celtic in the league. Now they can claim they were definitely going to gain 14 more points than Celtic in 8 games.
  8. It makes no difference. Given the facts of the current structure it is more likely Aberdeen will drop points against Dundee or ICT than celtic or sevco. Kilmarnock last season demonstrated that the Ugly Sisters can be matched head-on, but raising your game against the US is pointless if you scatter points to the four winds against The Rest.
    Having said that, if, for example, Kilmarnock were within 4 points of the leaders  in a 16 team league after 22 games the whole dynamic would change for the 8 game run-in. Whereas, last season, with 16 games left the smaller  squad meant injuries & suspensions played a bigger role...probably.  It needs that consistency against all teams though, not just raising your game against celtic and sevco.
    I wouldn't mind giving it a go, just to see, but it is never going to happen because the 5 biggest city clubs are money grabbing twonks.
    I think Hearts would have won the league in 1998 if they had even a passable record v Celtic and Rangers that season? If memory serves they picked up something like 3/24 points v them and didn't finish that far behind at all. I'm certain that Hibs took more points off Celtic and Rangers that season, and we can't have taken many given that we got relegated!
  9. And we would be replacing a second game with Celtic or Rangers with visits from the Dundee sides, both of which are more attractive to home fans and bring a large away support to Perth. 
    Im not saying that would be the case for everyone but we would be ok.
    It wasn't really specifically St Johnstone I was making the point about tbh, it was more that your club is the biggest beneficiaries of big Celtic and Rangers supports, and even then a third game is nothing like a game changing amount of money from it for you. Every other club is less affected than that.
  10. At the moment does each club play one of the arse cheeks twice at home and the other twice away pre-split? I fear what may kill off any reconstruction that involves splitting after 2 rounds is the smaller clubs being afraid to lose their 3rd home OF game
    This is totally overstated. The most tickets that I think anyone in the league gives the OF is St Johnstone with about 7k. At 25 quid a ticket that's 175k. Minus VAT, minus additional operating costs on top of that. So the club most advantaged by that are maybe clearing about 120k. St Johnstone have a turnover of about 5m so that represents ~2% of that.

    It's not an irrelevant amount of money, but it's also not game changing either. It certainly shouldn't be anything like a deal breaker for any club.
  11. I still don't understand why Rangers fans are annoyed.
    They weren't going to move up a place, they weren't going to go down a place. They have shown no interest in bettering the positions of the other teams. So... why?
    So they can pretend Celtics title is tainted. Like their last dozen or so before they died.
  12. Were you taking notes when your friend had this theory or is it (obviously) your own theory?
    It's no exactly complicated. Hearts panicked, wonder why. Here's a plausible scenario.

    People are bored out their tits tbh, so is it really a surprise to you that people would be discussing the slim pickings of football news which are actually occurring?
  13. Trying to look at this objectively as possible, I'm still flabbergasted at the praise Budge has had from some quarters for 'taking the lead' on this. Firstly, dealing with staff contracts via public ultimatum is just shite management by anyone's standards* and now that the lay of the land has changed, the messaging is all over the shop - as Falcor's post sums up.
    Budge would deserve praise if she'd waited more than five minutes to announce something after gathering the necessary information and consulting with staff on a sensible way forward. 
    *It may be that the 50% wage cut thing going public was taken out of her hands. If that's the case, then Hearts still 'acted first' because of shoddy management, rather than Budge's brilliant business acumen.  
    A mate reckons they hit the panic button after they found out that their insurance didn't cover it. It was so quick to happen when it was pretty clear that the government would have to do something that there had to be an event which prompted it. That would be the type of thing which a club could check quickly, and it would be something which would be a complete disaster when it was discovered. That would explain why they moved so much quicker than other sides to slash costs.

    Sure someone at Aberdeen mentioned that not all clubs had insurance when they found out that their insurer would not renew their policy which did cover it.

    Pure guess obviously but it seems somewhat logical. If it wasn't that, I'd guess something else prompted the apparent panic.
  14. You can't unilaterally extend contracts. Players might well be willing to do so, but I'd guess they'd be wanting some hefty reassurances in case of injury picked up during the extra month or two they'd be playing.

    I'd reckon the answer is no, but I've been wrong before
    Presumably one of the questions that the clubs, players and the SFA need a firm answer to from someone more authoritative than me
  15. I'd suggest Scotlands roughly 1% share of paying this comes from the sides which insist on finishing the season.

    The Athletic is reliable fwiw. Spent loads on getting very legitimate journalists to write for them.

    Not sure how valid this site is.
    JL7xsAkv_bigger.jpg&key=648d26cba075701d2c83dcec51ed099a165949eb2a0a7c4058b6473a686f57e9 The Athletic UK   [emoji818]@TheAthleticUK    

    Exclusive: UEFA to demand £275m from clubs and leagues to postpone Euro 2020 by a year





    European football’s governing body will demand compensation of about £275 million from its clubs and leagues to postpone Euro 2020 by a year in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    This is what UEFA estimates it will cost to push the European Championships back by 12 months to June 2021 and will be relayed to European football’s stakeholders in emergency meetings on Tuesday, during which it will be confirmed the tournament will be delayed by a year.

    The clear priority of member leagues and clubs is to somehow complete the current season rather than abort competitions and treat the existing standings as final or rule the campaign null and void, given the numerous legal challenges that would be guaranteed to arise as a result.

    Despite the scale and unpredictability of the global COVID-19 outbreak, most European leagues and clubs are understood to retain hope that their competitions can still be finished in May and June


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