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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. Nah not having that, he's exactly what we need just now. At the moment if a cb or Gogic gets injured there's either a drop off of its square legs in round holes.
    Plus he's pretty much the same ceiling as Porteous so we'd likely make decent money on him if he keeps developing, and Jack Ross obviously feels he will. I doubt championship clubs will look that seriously at him and league 1 clubs have a salary cap now do they not, so I reckon in a month or so they might be more amenable.
    A Rangers mate of mine made the good point though that there's a few others they're trying to push out the door first.
    I'm not criticising the role he plays as it's somewhere I do think we should be looking. I just don't think he's that good. I don't think he's physical enough to be a good centre half, and I don't think he's tactically bright enough to play as an effective defensive midfielder. Maybe he's better now than when I last seen him a couple of years ago tbf, but there's a decent number of young Scottish defensive midfielders playing just now who I think are comfortably better than him. 22 isn't that young either to expect lots more development.

    The only way I'd see this being a goer is actually if Porteous is sold and he's seen as a replacement for him.
  2. If you think that the SPFL are going to take points off Celtic or Rangers this season for any reason, you must be new to Scottish football. I would imagine that the reason that St Johnstone weren’t given the points for Saturday’s match, was that the SPFL could foresee that it was always a possibility that a similar thing could happen at Celtic and/or Rangers.
    There is absolutely no one going to try to claim points because of games getting postponed, that's because there isn't a club in the country confident that their players aren't entirely capable of making as much of a c**t of it as those who have been caught.
  3. Baseball is the perfect example of how the whole schedule for the season can fall apart. Cardinals have still only played 5 games after positive tests, so are already not going to be able to complete the 60-game season. Still kind of astonished MLB is attempting to keep going.
    SPFL need to draw up plans for how many of the games need to be completed to make the season "valid" as this will only get worse even if clubs stick to the agreed rules
    It's an absolute shitshow.
  4. There’s no doubt the players broke the rules but maybe it’s time we took a look at the policy.
    Its completely nonsensical.
    Here in Scotland there have been no deaths for a few weeks and for anyone up to around 60 who’s in reasonable shape, you’ve as much chance of dying from COVID as being struck by lightning.
    As this goes on, extra deaths from people not getting proper NHS treatment are piling up, cancers not being diagnosed, heart disease being ignored, you name it.
    We also see unemployment ratcheting up, poverty increasing, education being lost, the population being muzzled,the whole fabric of society being destroyed for what????
    Im probably in a minority of one but I fail to see the logic in this.
    Sturgeon keeps banging on about eliminating the virus but the best that can be hoped for is containment and learning to live with it.
    This current policy is madness and will do nothing other can condemn thousands to the scrap heap, destroy our liberties through needless muzzling , ruin society and increase illness and disease of the non COVID variety.
    This is nonsense.

    I follow baseball, there's a pitcher who contracted covid, he's out for a minimum of the season and potentially will never play again due to developing a heart condition related to it. At a minimum he's expected to have to undergo heart surgery. People acting like its f**k all are talking from a place of wilful ignorance.
  5. I appreciate the examples you’ve given, but my (initial) comments around the Edouard incident was regarding the coverage provided by Sportscene, with the thread being specifically focused on that.
    And it is Sportscene that my gripe is mainly aimed at - they have been some of the worst offenders at being “selective” in what they choose to highlight.
    My main question is this: if Morelos had done what Edouard did, do you think it would’ve been glossed over like it was?
    If your answer is no, then you appreciate where I’m coming from.
    If your answer is yes, then I think we should respectfully agree to disagree.
    They'd focus on Morelos since he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore because he's shown himself to be a fucking bawbag.

    BTW, one they absolutely didn't pick up on with Morelos this season was the stramash at the far left corner flag at Pittodrie. Where he looked very much like he had a petulant kick at someone. Again.
  6. Can see another solid performance from United. Hibs still look a bit suspect at the back now and again with a few new players settling in. Having said that, I cant see them not scoring against United so I'll go for a repeat of the SC game last season and say 2-2. Nisbet to be marked out the game easily by Reynolds as he was in the first two games of last season. Doidge with the goals for Hibs and Harkes and Connolly with United's goals.
    Hibs dodginess at the back has included conceding two goals in two games from a free kick from 30 yards and a soft penalty. Marciano has barely made a save in those two games, the only one of note was from a Hanlon interception.

    That doesn't mean we'll not concede goals, but the defence has been a pleasant surprise so far.
  7. Hearts in 98 are the last credible non-OF contender and I agree with your assessment in general.
    It was a very good team that had been built by a savvy coaching team and who showed a high level of consistency against the other non-OF teams that year. Probably the most fun-to-watch Hearts team I've ever seen. I remember being 3-0 up at Killie and Motherwell before half time and back to back 4-1 gubbings of Aberdeen etc.
    It was a very good side with good Premier Division players like Naysmith, Adam, Cameron, Salvatori, Hamilton, Flogel, Rousset, Weir etc.
    But, yeah, we chucked it with a poor run of home 1-1 draws in March/April and concentrated on the cup final. Vindicated by winning the cup, I suppose, and Cameron had to be rested because he was fucked. But we definitely gave up on the league prematurely.
    The following season was an utter shambles, although it should be pointed out that in the first half of the 98/99 season Hearts took 7/12 points from the Old Firm (in the only game we lost to them, Gary McSwegan missed a sitter at 0-0 at Ibrox before we went on to lose), reached the League Cup semis, and ran a good Real Mallorca team (managed by Hector Cuper who would take Valencia to 2 Champions League finals in the next couple of seasons) close in Europe before collapsing after the sale of Neil McCann with Colin Cameron injured, but doesn't really reflect on how good the 97/98 team was. It was a weird season. We beat both of the Old Firm at home and drew with them both away. We won 3-1 at Tannadice, 4-0 at Fir Park, 5-2 at Pittodrie. We just had an utter fucking shambles of a run after new year.
    One of my oldest mates turned my windup on its head with that. I told him Hibs cost Hearts the league after beating them at ER. He reckoned they were running on fumes and it absolutely was that game which got Jeffries to stop chasing it. However doing that won you the cup. Found that hard to argue with tbh.

  8. You’re right they’ve been trying to leave for years. They haven’t - and won’t - for the simple reason that no one else wants them.

    It’s been what 35 years since a non old firm team won the league. Don’t really see how it won’t be at least another 35 years before it happens again.

    The golden chance to break the duopoly was when Rangers went bust and Celtic had that joker Delia in charge. They were hopeless those couple of seasons and had of the other top half teams had a decent team and manager they could have won it. They didn’t though and in the end they didn’t even get close so here we still are.

    Would be great if some random team could do a Leicester but it’s just never even nearly happened up here before. A financially doped up Hearts team had a run it for a few months about 15 years ago but even then they fell away long before the end.

    Kindae agree, but Hearts actually came pretty close in 1998. They gave up on the league to start resting players with a few games to go to get ready for the cup final. Celtic and Rangers dropped multiple points in the run in. Hearts finished 7 points back. They dropped 10 pts in their last 5 games iirc.

    Both Celtic and Rangers drop less points now than they did then tbf. But that was just a good Hearts side who were by no means great. As demonstrated by them ending up in relegation bother the following season.
  9. I never said we have been successful, I said we have improved.
    I feel we are heading in the right direction, but it's going to be very difficult to compete with Celtic in the short term due to various factors.
    Is one of the various factors having worse players in pretty much every position bar, maybe, goalkeeper?

    Cause that would seem the only factor tbh. Unless Celtic appoint a simpleton as manager, which Lennon isn't, then I don't see how Rangers beat Celtic in any meaningful form. You might beat them in a one off game but you won't out perform them over a season.
  10. 2008 they wanted a 5% cut of away ticket sales as they were upset that they didn't make any money from the admin and sales of those tickets.
    I remember Eddie Thomson felt he had no choice but to agree due to the short notice Celtic gave the club after Celtic said they would refuse any tickets. Should have called their bluff in my opinion. Not like they are short of a bob or two.
    They ditched it when clubs started selling tickets direct and they realised that they were getting season tickets sold because it helped give priority to away tickets.
  11. That started right after Doncaster's interview on Sportsound on Saturday. Selectively quoting and highlighting the negative stuff and totally ignored the fact he explained they'd agreed a League sponsor this year until they pulled out due to Covid and instead tried to imply Doncaster doesn't understand the significance of a league sponsor etc. 
    I seen that. Absolutely disgraceful from the chief sportswriter of BBC Scotland. Completely misleading about the context of the statement he highlighted.

    He goes on about how the SPFL have shite sponsorships, maybe if the national broadcaster weren't lying on social media about stuff they said it would be marginally less difficult.
  12. Maybe Aids, you junky fucks
    Bold statement from someone from Kilmarnock tbh.

    I'm fucking intrigued about the amount of c***s from the biggest smack taking places from around Scotland (Govan, Kilmarnock, Dundee, Aberdeen) thinking this is something to take a dig at Hibs about fwiw. Do you c***s think it's no relevant that you have way worse than Leith drug dependency because it's no got someone writing novels around it? Or are you just no bothered because you prefer to exist in clichés?
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