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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. I've given my money to Killie instead and signed up for an international subscription via VPN so at least I'll be able to watch it today. Weird that Hibs have laid off so many of their staff yet aren't willing to take money from the hundreds of Killie fans who would have given them a tenner to watch this.
    I'm starting to think they have been a victim of their own marketing. "Only way to ensure you can see every minute at ER is a ST" was the message. Introduce ppv and that undermines that and potentially pisses off some ST holders. TBF none of my mates with ST's are bothered their arse about that, we basically all got ours as donations to the club, but the club maybe weighed up the possibility of there being a loud minority moaning about them lying to them.

  2. The international breaks have been like this for 20+ years tbf.
    Aye, but it still takes a fortnight away from domestic football for every one.

    I'd personally be in favour of returning internationals to midweeks between domestic football. Any call offs/not available players and the player can't play in their clubs next fixture as a blanket rule.
  3. That is the problem. I used to catch OTB occasionally due to work commitments, and I quite enjoyed it in those small infrequent doses, but more recently my work has me travelling on a Saturday around the time it is on. When listening week on week it is quite clear that Cowan has no new insights or patter than when he started the show. A particular annoyance of mine is his continuance use of the word 'trope'. He also talks over Cosgrove time after time and his examples of events are always repeated ad nauseaum in preference to whatever tale Cosgrove has come up with. His response to the pitch invasion in 2016 also showed his true blue colours on that particular side of the OF of which he says he has no interest.
    I'm sure I've told this story before, but Tam Cowan detests Hibs. A mate of mine used to do a Hibs fanzine and was a semi regular guest on OTB. Hibs were playing at Ibrox and the away end sold out. The guests on the programme were able to watch their teams games on a BBC feed with Tam and Stewart between the two shows. My mate asked Cosgrove if they could get a couple of additional bodies in as they didn't have tickets, and was told no bother. They were having a few beers watching the game, Hibs scored, a beer got knocked over by one of the invited guests, and utterly fucked Tam Cowans jokebook he'd been adding to for years. Complete tantrum to the point that everyone in the room thought he was at it so were laughing like f**k. Cowan stormed out of the room, and has hated Hibs ever since.

    And that's the reason why Tam Cowan hates Hibs. His reaction to the 2016 final wasn't pro ***, it was anti Hibs.
  4. I don’t particularly understand how fixture congestion is suddenly a huge problem in the last few years for premiership sides when they have played the same number of league games and basically the same number of cup games August-May for 20 years.   The only real change had been adding a Betfred group in July, which we are now using international breaks for.  Is it just because UEFA have started to be dicks about when we can play the games?
    The change to international breaks taking place for 2 fixtures takes a fortnight out at a time. European weeks not having scheduled domestic fixtures takes out large chunks of available game days too.

  5. From what I can see a childs season tickets will get you a stream. Cheapest one I think is £50. That's obviously ridiculously expensive for one game, but it should be good for any other Hibs games you're interested in.


    I think this is genuinely shite for Kilmarnock (and non ST holding Hibs!) fans fwiw. That's the only workaround I can see for it.



  6. Hearts winning their first trophy in 36 years saw Scotland then failing to qualify for every tournament since. When they started on that drought Scotland had qualified for one World Cup ever. We then qualified for 6 World Cups and 2 European Championships during that time. If Hearts win trophies the standard is too low is the lesson here.

    Right everybody, rap it! We're a fucking joke.
    Stephane Adam said so. [emoji38] 
  7. The iptv no. That's being broadcast from somewhere getting one stream. Additional people will require a higher server capacity. I'd like to think that company has the capacity to do this fine. But initial stories aren't promising.


    I'd think that 1,000 would be a pretty low estimate for the numbers tbh. Kilmarnock would usually bring at least that number for the first game of the season, and it's probably easier to persuade someone to part with 15 quid for watching the game than persuading them to get themselves to Edinburgh. We've dropped a couple of thousand season ticket holders at least (don't know how many season tickets are new rather than renewals). And there's a significant walk up support too. It's the uncertainty of that number which maybe gave them pause.

    This is the bit I dont quite understand, technically.

    Lets say thats all correct, there is a limit of 10500.................and another 1000 Killie and Hibs fans watch the match using their IPTV, does that not impact the service????

    I must admit I dont have a scooby.


  8. I think this is spot on. Folk get themselves into a bad enough state over the ticketing system. If the stream doesn’t work on Saturday after folk paying £23 for the game Leeanns email inbox is going to be a riot.
    Aye, given the other games on at the same time, and the lack of stress testing for that it's maybe no the worst idea to say there's going to be a hard limit which the streaming company have surely committed to meeting already. It's still fucking garbage for Kilmarnock fans in particular though.
  9. Odd decision from Hibs. Even if it's not a huge uptake it's still money you don't have coming in.  And it's brutal for the Killie fans who through no fault of their own miss the opening game of the season.
    Actually agree with this. Only thing I can come up with to justify it is there's a lack of confidence in the streaming company dealing with an unspecified additional thousands of people. Hibs haven't offered any real benefits to ST holders and if the stream doesn't work folk will start going mental.
  10. True, but it would have been more than a bit embarrassing for Hibs if they had kept testing on Fridays and the company had met those 24-hour deadlines last week and this week, but had then fucked up next week (ahead of the first league game). 
    Aye, it's one of the good things about the bounce games stress testing this stuff out.
  11. The final home game before we stopped was a 2-2 draw with Aberdeen where the attendance was 4217. We had roughly 4200 season ticket holders last season, so for us to be counting them the way Celtic or Hibs do you'd have to be saying that there were only 17 away fans or pay at the gate fans, which obviously wasn't the case. Therefore you can assume that we were not including absent season ticket holders in this total.
    Aye, that's completely fair enough.

  12. I've no idea what you mean with your first point. I am saying that Killie are not fudging their attendances by including people who aren't actually there, and my evidence for that is that we sold 4200 season tickets last season and yet had a couple of attendances which were barely more than that.
    My methodology is very easy, and relates to the actual meaning of the word attendance. You count the number of people who are actually present at a game, including season ticket holders, those who pay at the game and people in hospitality. What clubs actually do is not relevant here, my definition is the only one which can actually be described as the "attendance".
    If you think that lying to attempt to attract sponsorship is fine, why don't all clubs just announce attendances of 300,000? In reality, as the poster above said, sponsors will be aware of how many people are actually at games, so attempting to pull the wool over their eyes with clearly false figures isn't going to help. Clubs will probably tell them "here's how many season ticket holders we have" or whatever. The real reason for clubs releasing fake attendances is because they want to engage in public cock waving to pretend they're bigger clubs than they are.

    My point is that you're saying in no game last season was the attendance lower than the amount of season ticket holders at Kilmarnock. I'd be very hard pushed to make the same claim about Hibs, in particular our game v Ross County on a Wednesday night in February. The official attendance at that was 14.5k. That would suggest around 2k tickets sold over the ST amount. But looking at the stadium it looked like way more than 2k season tickets were unused.

    What games were the attendances at Kilmarnock just above ST numbers?

    Fwiw I don't disagree with your last point. But I do think that when other clubs are already doing this, not copying them is just putting yourself at a disadvantage. That's just basic game theory.
  13. They should call it the number of tickets sold then. If you announce something as an attendance, then that implies that is the number of people actually present.
    I am pretty sure Killie don't do the same because there were a couple of attendances last season which were barely more than the number of season tickets we sold.
    So on no occasion did Kilmarnock have less ST holders not attending than additional tickers sold? The average ST holder misses 15% of games at Hibs. These tend to be concentrated in midweek and TV games.

    Your methodology isn't the attendance either btw. Corporate attendees don't click through a turnstile. If you think clubs are counting each person in the dear seats you're wrong. They will say they've sold x number of corporate seats and add that on to however they are calculating attendances.

    I wouldn't object at all to there being either two attendances given (sold tickets and actual attendance) or every club reporting their attendance using the same methodology. But clubs competing for sponsorship are not going to use the lower figure when the clubs they're competing with aren't. Why should they?
  14. The word "attendance" should be a clue. If you're not there you're not in attendance. If Hibs are artificially inflating their attendance to attract sponsors then that's essentially fraud.
    It's the paid attendance. Ie the number of tickets sold. I've no idea how Kilmarnock count their crowds, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do the exact same.

    If this is a surprise to anyone who sees the FF lower at Hibs games I'm not quite sure what to say. That bit directly behind the goals is over 90% sold out through season tickets. But midweek games in particular you will be lucky if it's 30% full.
  15. Yeah I understand why, but it's a bit shite for comparing attendances. 
    We can look at the table in the first post and pat ourselves on the back, but then the inaccuracy in our figures, and the limitations of capacity in some top divisions, e.g.Germany and England, make it hard to get any meaningful comparisons.
    To be fair, I don't know about Germany, but that's exactly the same way as English clubs are counting attendances.
  16. Worth remembering that a lot of clubs in Scotland are absolute fucking liars when it comes to reporting attendance figures.
    Celtic, Hearts, Hibs, Dunfermline, Falkirk and many more, report the number of tickets sold (generally seasonticket holders not at the game).  
    'Attendance' surely should mean present at the match, as in "in attendance". 
    A lot of fans of Celtic buy STs to guarantee tickets for OF matches, Cup finals, champions league etc, and probably have no intention of going along to watch them play every week. From the list of Celtic crowds from 2018, that crowd v Accies of 35,000 was reported as 56,000. Against Motherwell in December, a crowd of 32,000 odd was reported as 54700. 
    Thats some major skewing of figures there.
    Only using Celtic as an example as the figures are available. Been to Hearts and Hibs many times in the past few years and you get crowds reported as 18,000 at Tynecastle, 16-17,000 at Easter Road, when you're lucky if the home end is half full.
    Having said all that, the support for club football in Scotland is tremendous, though it is sadly often taken for granted by those in charge. 
    The clubs not doing this are now the outliers tbh. Hibs ended up changing theirs because they were sick of the crowdwank jambos comparing apples with oranges. It was actually damaging to the club when it came to sponsorship etc because anyone looking at either of the two clubs were thinking Hibs had attendances about 20% below Hearts. The change of methodology seen the two of them on a par which is about right.
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