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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. He actually said we went about things the right way waiting to see the result of reconstruction. If the club shad been up front about their intentions never to seriously consider it maybe it would all be sorted by now. reconstruction was a total charade. A number of clubs that voted for it were surprised how little support there was so you have to wonder why clubs intending to vote no went along with it. My (no doubt crackpot) theory is the SPFL has been playing for time this whole time, hoping to stretch it as close to the season start as possible.
    This is the worst one yet. 6 club representatives from the top league told Budge to her face that they wouldn't support her reconstruction plan before there was even a formal vote taken. That was when Budge was supposed to be presenting the outcome of the reconstruction panel. Her masterplan after that was presenting the same plan for the top league another two times with the only substantive change being that they were a fortnight after the previous one. Budge 100% knew reconstruction wasn't happening.
  2. It's cost us the best part if £10m to end the league by having to repay the tv companies and give sky loads if free games. 
    And the new TV deal is worth c.30m a year over 5 years. If the league didn't/doesn't start at the beginning of August that's needing renegotiated. Sky have seen that BT were only willing to offer 17m a season for the same.

    Sky's agreement re the missed games was for 2m to be paid back split over 5 years. This is why Doncaster correctly stated that Rangers figures were guff.

    The clubs had an option to hope that Sky, a company duty bound to get the best deal possible for shareholders, didn't take advantage of known facts and cost the game potentially 65m if they went to the BT figure.

  3. IF the ending of the 19/20 League Seasons had been done with a Resolution that had clear and proper guidance given by the SPFL Board, all options made available, sufficient time given for proper consideration, voted upon with integrity and with the ethos of duty of care to all 42 member clubs, not to mention within the boundaries of the Law, then this ridiculous situation would never have arisen.

    Fair play to Neil Doncaster, nobody seems to be laying the blame at his door yet the farcical resolution forced through by him and his SPFL Board is the reason Scottish Professional Football is in this mess. 

    This will not end well and could so easily have been avoided on more than one occasion. 

    Time will tell who has to “take their medicine”, unfortunately that won’t be the overpaid Chief Executive who has made such a mess of it.

    I'm not sure how many times it has to be written, but Doncaster is employed by the SPFL to take the heat from clubs when something unpopular is done. If clubs didn't have Doncaster, they'd replace him with a fucking clone if they could.
  4. So am I right in thinking that if Sky are showing your game then you can’t watch it if you have bought a season ticket?
    No, you can watch them via your club TV. But those games won't be available on a ppv basis for the clubs doing that I think. Which makes sense. Sky aren't going to let themselves be undercut by clubs with the games they're showing.
  5. Don’t forget that, as member of the SPFL, they also  have to pay their share of the other 50%
    I'd strongly suggest that if the arbitration goes in the SPFLs favour that the fines imposed for going outwith the advised appeal structure to Hearts and Partick will be the amount of the SPFL legal costs. Clubs shouldn't be losing money because two decided to throw their toys out of the pram. Both clubs have said they have their costs covered by benefactors so it will cost them nothing.
  6. They've also decided fixtures depending on where in the league they are. So the sides going into the split who are 6th/7th are often the ones shafted/given an extra home game. Because that's the thing, every club that gets an additional away game is mirrored by one in the other half of the league getting an extra home one.

    The uneven fixtures don't actually happen that often (roughly once every two seasons on average), and are typically given to the clubs who finish outside where they were "seeded" to finish since they are the ones who have, for the lack of a better phrase, messed up the fixture list.
  7. Not looked through the thread to see if someone else discussed this but when do we realistically think we'll be allowed back along to watch games?
    Thankfully the spread of Covid in Scotland seems reasonably subdued right now! Gagging for a Saturday fitbaw back. Even if I'm not allowed near anyone else [emoji23]
    An extremely optimistic view would be end of September. That would be reliant on pretty much eliminating the virus over the next 6 weeks or so.
  8. Yes, that is definitely right, this was already discussed on here previously. The clubs had explicitly requested this to be part of the negotiation, and therefore the deal agreed was 48 matches with 4 from each ground.
    Of course, they won't have to worry about broadcasting Edinburgh derbies this season anyway.
    Fair enough, thanks for clarifying it.
  9. It was 6 and 4 previously, but is now 4 for everyone (or would have been but for the negotiation due to last season ending early).
    Is that definitely right? Because I don't see how Sky could get all the games they'd want if that's the case. They would only be able to broadcast 4 games from Easter Road for example, so assuming Hibs Hearts in the top 6 they'd be missing on two derbies/games v Celtic and Rangers for both clubs.

  10. Under the original deal they have the rights to show 4 games from every ground, though I believe this was adjusted to 5 as part of the recent negotiations regarding unpaid money from 2019/20.

    By the time they've shown 2 Old Firm games at each stadium they would then only have 2 more games left at each. They often use one of those for "flag day", and then the other(s) will be for potential title deciders.

    They know that the Old Firm games will get a big audience whenever they show it, so doubling that up with the opening game, which will already get a boost in viewing figures no matter who is playing, would be a waste.
    I think it was 6 home games for everyone else and 4 for Rangers and Celtic. It's the latter which has changed to bring them in line with other clubs. Think sky also got a 7th game for flag days.

    Certainly every Hibs v Rangers/Celtic/Hearts game was on TV so it must have been 6.
  11. This was my concern around the time set aside by Clark at the CoS if there were any issues arising from the arbitration process. Part of me wonders if Hearts/Partick will employ delaying/obstruction tactics during arbitration to enable this to go back to the CoS, as it would then be back in the public domain. Although,  as far as I remember, Leslie Deans is yet to right in his predictions. 
    If Hearts and Partick don't act in good faith at the arbitration they'll be in further breach of SFA rules, and I'd guess that the court wouldn't look too kindly on what would amount to contempt of court either.
  12. And that was the problem.  Sticking with a failing manager for so long then replacing him with a guy with no knowledge of the game up here and expecting him to hit the ground running.
    Budge has a lot to answer for.
    I think Hearts fans in general are a bit blasé about how next season will be fwiw. The reference point is the previous relegation. But that's ignoring the way that Hearts were relegated that season. They delayed administration to get an extra season in the top league, that provided a decent amount of money. The administration gave Hearts a clean slate to clear out their wage bill which they took. Hearts then proceeded to play a stack of young players in the relegation season. The ones good enough formed the basis of the squad for the promotion season and were complemented by some judicious signings where needed.

    Now Hearts are obviously going to be the best funded side in the championship next season, but there isn't the same financial flexibility as previously. Emptying players will be very difficult too. And the squad is still a mess.

    I fully expect Hearts to get promoted next season. But I don't think it will be a procession.
  13. Is there really an argument in here that it’s no fair to relegate Hearts into a shortened season championship even though the shortened season is going to save teams from spending money playing games with no gate income? [emoji44]
    Yip. Hearts are apparently desperate to play, take their staff off furlough and start paying them, and have absolutely f**k all income from games BCD. Not doing that will cost them 8m apparently. Which is surprising.
  14. Multiply Scottish attendances by 10 to roughly get what they would be with an England sized population and as supported as they are now. Hibs Hearts and Aberdeen would need the old Maracana for clashes with Hamilton. Celtic and Rangers would need 3 Maracanas. Dundee Utd would need something about Old Trafford sized. Falkirk an Elland Road.


    Scottish football crowds are phenomenal.

    I don't think it includes lower leagues either. Thinking of England specifically there are some big clubs getting big attendances all the way down the leagues. Don't know how much difference that would make to the figures if taken into account.

    Either way, there is no doubt we have a well attended league.


  15. We've signed Whittaker in a player/coach role, has he got anything left in the tank? 
    Would echo the above. Play him in the middle of the park and he'll be fine. Still pretty strong and able to run for 90 minutes, but his pace is completely gone and you can't play him against a winger.

    Very good influence on young players in his coaching too.

    Good signing for Dunfermline imo.
  16. Tables like this always make me wonder whether the OF skew the figures. It's obviously true that no matter the league you go to there will always be big teams and smaller teams, but I do wonder if the difference in attendances between top and bottom is more of a contract in Scotland than it is in other places.
    The OF might bring in 50/60k, and you'll have a middle ground of the Edinburgh clubs and Aberdeen, but other than that we're talking the 3000 to 7000 mark.
    (source: BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48473238)

    For completion here is the other leagues:


    You can take out Celtic and Rangers home crowds from the SPFL and Scotland is still one of the highest attended leagues per capita. Figures above actually illustrate that. Take 50odd thousand out of the crowd per week and Scottish sides still get to near enough 1% of the population.

    I'd also add that this is in a small sized league. Lots of the leagues in the comparison above have 16+ sides in the division.

    Scottish football is wildly supported, and I don't think people understand quite how much the case that is.
  17. Bollocks. You do know Hearts accounts are public information, don't you?
    Hearts turnover in 2014-15 - their Championship winning season - was £6,982,000.
    Turnover in 2015-16 - the first season in the Premiership post-relegation - was £9,967,000. That's a difference of £2,985,000.
    Where's Budge expecting the other £5 million to come from? Is she including two-years worth of bung from James Anderson in the figure or something?
    I'm pretty sure that when they went up that year they also took their catering etc inhouse which boosted their turnover. They finished third in the league which accounts for about a million of that increased turnover too.

    It would be peak Hearts to not only claim that they shouldn't be relegated, but the compensation for being so should be based on them finishing 3rd minimum.

  18. Not many on Sportsound are bright enough to understand this one - that directors of plcs have a legal duty here, and they cant just decide to vote for a financial loss "because Neil McCann thinks its unfair".
    I allow a bit of latitude here for Willie Miller who has mentioned directors duties on more than one occasion.
    eta, just had to switch off as McCann was interviewing Steve Clarke
    And how many clubs who voted for reconstruction were doing it for the good of the game exactly. Maybe they think they were, but they're conflating their club being benefitted with that being good for the game. The clubs against it were doing exactly the same thing.
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