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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. We've sold a decent amount of season tickets and Big Ron put some money in last year.
    It's not ideal, but I think we'll be better off than most.
    Tbh mate, this is kindae what I'm talking about. A decent number of season tickets absolutely. But it's a third less than last season. And those ST holder going to games and buying stuff the club makes cash out of aren't attending games. There's no gate money at all. Even if we're to put a very positive imagining of Hibs finances together and base it off season tickets we've dropped a third of our income, and that's a best case. We haven't dropped a third of our costs,even with loan players leaving.

    I don't think we'll be in any danger as a club, but I do think that our squad this season will have some more players leaving and not being replaced. The owner might well be willing to put money in, but at the moment that's looking like a complete money sink and I have doubts he'd do that. If you've got a firm endpoint then there would be a willingness to do that I think, but we don't know remotely when the club will start to actually generate any income again. Could be October. Could be January. We could get locked down again and this all starts again from the beginning. I don't think putting cash in to cover running costs is something which he'd be willing to fund indefinitely.

    The one other thing I'd say is that the problems I think we'll be having will be similar to Hearts and Aberdeen. And dwarfed by Celtic and Rangers issues.
  2. Thinking about the Stewart story there, how many signings do folk think Hibs need/may sign this summer? Hard to have a good idea as it's unclear how affected our budget will be, and guys we might try to negotiate a release for (hi Tom James!) will rather sit on their contracts.
    We only have one senior goalie, so one of them. Porteous and Jackson with Hanlon, McGregor, McGinn and Stirling as support looks decent for centre half. I'd want new 1st choices for both fullbacks, but with Gray, McGinn and James on the right and Mackie coming back from Dundee, we have bodies (if not quality) on both sides so might not be a priority. Midfield need an anchor and an energetic box to  box guy, and at least one striker and another winger.
    So for me that's:
    GK, RB - Naismith? Not incredible but a handy player with a lot of good attributes. LB. Anchor man - Gogic would be an obvious one but haven't seen that suggested anywhere other than on here. Box to Box midfielder - in a fantasy world we swap Kamberi for Docherty. Striker - Stewart. Winger - No ideas really. So 7 in total coming in, some absolutely needed some in an ideal world
    Would give us a full strength squad of 
    Naismith Jackson Porteous New LB
    Allan Gogic Docherty
    Boyle Doidge Horgan
    New GK McGinn Hanlon Halberg/Newell/Mallan/Murray (pick any two) New Winger/Forward Stewart
    Fanciful and juvenile exercise I know but I'm bored as f**k of no football at this point. 
    Honestly will be a bit surprised if we sign anyone. There's been an enormous financial hit taken which I don't think has been fully understood. The loss of income for 2019/20 and for an indeterminate period of 2020/21 isn't coming back, that's going to have to be factored in to any budget.

    The only way I see us signing anyone is by punting a couple of the most valuable players and using that to make up the losses. You'd think Kamberi would be one of them, but I'm unconvinced the fee for him will come close to covering it all. Our most sellable player is probably Porteous. Would be gutted if he left, but there might be no option.

    However, if we do that, I'd imagine that a lot of players will be available as free agents for not very high wages at all.
  3. A permanent 14 team top league would be awful unless they relegated/promoted more teams and somehow fixed the awful split situation to avoid mid table sides being left with half a season of meaningless games, the Budge Euro playoff thing could be an answer but even that doesn’t appeal to me all that much. 

    The 6/8 split is batshit. You've got an additional 4 games to fit in for the bottom 8 clubs scheduled from February going on the current calendar. There's a decent chance of cancellations in Scotland in both February and March.


    At least if it was a 7/7 split the calendar would be aligned between both half of the league. That raises the issue that 2 clubs wouldn't have a game each round of fixtures, but the top 6 clubs wouldn't have fixtures in 4 separate game days anyway. 7/7 at least gives one additional club higher away supports too.


  4. Anyone know what the capacity of the East Terrace was?
    There's something quite mesmerising about seeing so many people crammed in with only the sky above them. Must have been brutal on a wet windy day though.
    I take the single tier design of the new East Stand is a homage to the giant kop?
    The record attendance at Easter Road was 65k (Hibs have a higher home record attendance than Liverpool). The Dunbar end remained the same size until it was demolished and held 8k under modernish safety requirements. The old stand at ER had a capacity of c.4.5k with seats in the enclosure so you'd add maybe another 1000 without seats. So probably about 18-20k on those two sides of the ground. Which means 45-47k left. The cowshed end was smaller than the Dunbar end so maybe 8k there max. The old east max attendance was probably in the region of high 30 thousands going by that.
  5. Must admit, I thought Doidge was a James Collins-esque diddy. His performance at Pittodrie had me particularly seething.
    Delighted to have been proven wrong, he's been excellent since Hecky was emptied.
    There was an interesting analysis done on Doidge.

    Tl;dr version. As soon as he sorted out his finishing he was good. Neither Kamberi or Mcnulty hugely suited playing beside him.
  6. Hibs could do with Gogic.  We are far too powderpuff in Midfield since big Marv moved on (which was a huge mistake).  Allan, Mallan, Omeonga, Doherty etc were all really tidy and very good midfielders, but our balance is all wrong. 
    We should be trying to sign him 100%. Already played in the league, standout for his side, leader on the park, and plays in a position where we've literally got no one to play naturally. He's also more than decent cover at centre half where we're short of bodies too.

    I'd actually be surprised if he hasn't been looked at/contacted by Hibs.
  7. Word from someone who's seen the Sky agreement is that, shockingly, Ewan Murray was talking shite about the cap. The agreement is that its games on Sky which are limited to the number of season ticket holders last year. The rest of the games aren't capped and will be available to ppv. So the utter guesses in here saying exactly that were more informed than The Guardians chief Scottish Football correspondent. Stealing a living springs to mind.



  8. Aberdeen managed to stop if for a while by having the username of the account shown on the bottom right corner of the feed. Wasn't too long before there was a way around that.

    You can pixelate areas of the screen you're streaming. Sky and BT do something similar where they've got a user ID on the screen, you'll notice streams always have a blurry bit covering that. 

    I've yet to work out why it isn't technically feasible to move an identifying number around the screen tbh.


    Saying all this, piracy and streaming are distribution and pricing market failures. If you don't address them then there will be those who'll find a way round the barriers companies use to combat it. Netflix, Steam, and Spotify done more to combat piracy than the absolute f**k ton of attempts by industry.




  9. Again, show us one piece of evidence that Sky will be either:
    a) sponsoring the SPFL next season
    b) sponsoring it for free to settle the repayment
    Tip: you can't as nothing has actually been said along those line other than pure speculation - speculation I might add that was all before today's announcement. I mean, surely if Sky had struck a deal to be sponsoring the league to cover the repayments, today would have been the ideal opportunity to announce this alongside the 'we have struck a deal with Sky to pay them back over 5 years' statement.
    Would you not concede that maybe, just maybe, the paying back of the £1.5m over the next 5 years is actually instead of sponsoring the league, rather than on top of it? In your own head, you need to realise this is a far more likely scenario than handing over £11m for 8 missed rounds of matches.
    You're an absolute fantasist who pulls numbers out of thin air with no basis in reality.
    It's from the same support who talked themselves into "we owe the money to ourselves". What were you expecting exactly?
  10. The main purpose of winning the Scottish Cup isn't to provide a route to Europe, it's winning the Scottish Cup. If my team had made it to the Scottish Cup semi-final then I'd be pretty keen for it to go ahead so that we had the chance of winning it.
    100% this. A place in Europe is a bonus for winning the cup. But it's a bonus, not the point of it. There's literally only two clubs in Scotland where winning something is more meaningful because of what it gives you rather than the actual winning of it.

    I'd guess outside old firm fans and 40+ year old Aberdeen supporters that you'll be lucky to have many people averaging over a trophy a decade regarding their sides winning major trophies.
  11. It was not so long ago - Hearts, Hibs and Sevco were all in the Championship - and all those clubs in the Premiership that season struggled on manfully, and are still with us.  
    Ken, it's fucking laughable. Big away supports are way more significant for smaller clubs than those in the Premiership. When Hibs played BSC at Alloa this season that crowd was enough to fund them for a year. If we had played Alloa instead that would not remotely be the case.
  12. But can these clubs afford to turn it down?
    Seriously, when the main consideration in a vote is ensuring a certain number of visits from the old firm to boost the coffers I don’t think anything is off the table. 
    Take the money - it’s his to spend as he pleases and maybe, just maybe, he is is showing the kind of respect for the Scottish game as a whole that certain others could copy- and right the wrong of Hearts expulsion. 
    The most effected club regarding a third visit from Celtic and Rangers is St Johnstone. They sell around 6.5k tickets to them. At 30 quid a pop that's around 200k. However, that is including vat so knock off about 35k from that figure. It also comes with additional costs for policing and stewarding which probably isn't going to be much short of 15k. So the most effected club is down about 150k for each visit less they get. It's not a game changing amount of money.

    It's also why Hearts fans talking about boycotts when they take about a third max of that size of crowd to most places is utterly laughable. You're not important to any clubs financial health.
  13. I was catching up on some of the Terrace's patreon stuff today and in particular their countdown of Scotland players from this decade and was indulging in one of my favourite day dreams of imaginary squad building.
    Led me to something that had kind of passed me by. Is anyone else surprised how little folk generally seemed to be fussed when Martin Boyle went to play for Australia? Now he wouldn't be starting games for me but trying to think of wingers who you'd be happy to have in a team and it's  Forrest, Fraser, and then... I suppose even in most games Armstrong or Christie would be good options but not for the specific job of being a winger, which I think is valuable especially in international football where guys with specific skill sets can be so damaging. Add in the fact he's good as a right wing back in a 3/5 defender formation and a serviceable striker (two more positions where Scotland aren't great) and he seems like someone we're missing out on a bit as a good tool for a squad. He's still a frustrating player at times with some big faults but you look at guys who do a job for other smaller nations, especially premiership level guys at NI and I think it's a missed opportunity for Scotland. 
    He could actually still play for Scotland. He's not been capped by Australia in a competitive game.

  14. Why would players do that? Would you? If they are furloughed and receiving 80% of their salary at least, why would they return to work for less than that? Also possible injury or catch Covid? A non starter
    Because furlough is voluntary for companies. If they can get back to work they will first be asked to, then told that not doing so will leave them with a potential liability for repaying the furlough to hmrc.
  15. I reckon that at some point over the 4 years, this face who keeps showing up on matchday in the director's box would get known to the people who worked at Tynecastle, and the word would have surely leaked out as to who he was. You're absolutely certain that it was the  SPFL that blew this guy's identity within 24 hours, but you're finding it hard to believe that the entirety of Heart of Midlothian Football Club with it's rolling turnover of dozens of staff members might have some significant chance of leaking the identity of their high-profile multi-million pound donor, over a period of about 4 years - or that this Anderson guy blew his own cover.
    You have some bizarre sense of absolute faith in the absolute honour and rectitude of Heart of Midlothian football club, of all organizations, I'll give you that.
    I fucking knew his name. I was told it a couple of years ago in the Iona post match. After clarifying that it wasn't the cricketer I immediately lost interest, who gives a f**k about who it was. If they want to spunk their money away on Hearts best of luck to them was the general attitude (and also raised a query re how Hearts were getting round financial fair play rules with it).
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