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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. For whatever reason Cowan appears to have a preference for Hearts over Hibs. 
    If I was a Hibby I would probably have a strong dislike for him. 
    Cosgrove appears to have a bitter dislike of all things Hearts related, which is fine as I really have no time for the pretentious, scaly, ginger f**k. 
    One of my mates used to be a guest on it. He edited a Hibs fanzine. His theory is that him and his mates turned Cowan against Hibs. Hibs were playing at ibrox and the Hibs end was sold out. My mate contacted Stuart Cosgrove and asked if a couple of them could watch the game at the BBC (they had a live link to the game). Cosgrove said no problem.

    Said Hibbies were having a couple of beers with Tam and Stuart during the game. Hibs scored. A beer was knocked over. It went all over Tam Cowans joke book and utterly fucked it. Tam Cowan has hated Hibs ever since that incident.
  2. * cough *
    After all, the charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence. Not no evidence, mind, but insufficient enough not to bring a criminal case to court.
    There's also still an extant case in the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission against him for it. He might not have been prosecuted for it, but he may well be barred from being a lawyer.
  3. Jeez there are not many, there is a good amount focusing on how many of the smaller clubs they can put out of business and just how they can maximise the damage to Scottish football in general if they don’t get what they want. Add in this theory that everyone hates Hearts so it’s all personal and it really is crazy stuff. This is doing way more damage to Hearts than the actual relegation, I just don’t get how more of the seemingly intelligent and sane individuals on there can’t see it. It’s just turned into some kind of mob mentality led by one or two complete diddies.
    It's just echo chamber pish. Way of all club forums where it just radicalises itself into completely fucking mental positions which folk challenging are slated for having a differing opinion. Kickbacks specialty is anyone saying anything against the accepted view is a Hibby stirring it. Which in fairness I am...
  4. I’ve always been under the impression that UEFA take a very dim view of individual clubs taking their association to court. Is this a different matter because it’s the league Hearts grievance is with, rather than the SFA? 
    I thought the same, but the league is different. I would imagine that Hearts are expecting that the SFA will step in to resolve the dispute prior to court proceedings.
  5. You saying it's not possible? Tell me why. Let you into a wee secret - I'm not really a QC
    btw I forgot to say, I always said I thought the most practical remedy is/was an order to redo the board paper with full info and to rerun the vote without shenanigans. Possibly with same outcome. But as time slips by it, that becomes less appropriate as circumstances change.
    The redress for that was for Hearts to submit an amendment to the original proposal. Or an entirely new proposal instead. The reason they didn't do that was because they knew it would not get enough support.

    Were Hearts stopped from doing that?
  6.  Doncaster says they the SPFL had no part in the last round of reconstruction group talks  yet now they are putting it to the members [emoji848]
    The previous meeting was a club one. Budge was told by 6 clubs that they were not interested. Her cunning new plan was to present them with the same plan. But a fortnight after. Which is sure to make all the difference.
  7. Unfortunately they're a fecking necessary evil in the game so the players can focus on the football,the wages point I don't blame players for making as much as they can for about 15 years of their life if they've got the talent.  
    I'm the same tbh. There's a fantasy going round that it's players wages which cause high ticket prices etc. It isn't, clubs charge what they can get away with. The money battering round football I'd rather see going into the pockets of the players entertaining us than the owners, because that's the alternative to players being paid well.
  8. So what? They had to have a vote to shaft Hearts,Partick, Falkirk, Stranraer, Kelty/Brora
    And the alternative was to shaft Celtic, Dundee Utd, Raith Rovers, and Cove Rangers. So it was a choice between the sides who've been good in their leagues, or the sides who've been shite in their leagues to be shafted... Its quite the quandary. Difficult to comprehend why clubs voted that way.
  9. I wouldn't say equally. Not only did Hibs not get to improve their position, they actually lost a place, due to the SPFL's placement algorithm guessing that St Johnstone would draw at Ibrox, while also simultaneously guessing that Rangers would somehow get two draws from that same Ibrox game.
    Not that we mind. It's best for Scottish football if we take the hit.
    Because we're selfless as f**k. You can't hold every club to Hibs high standards, it's just unfair on them.
  10. Because they were not on the end of a rushed, misleading board recommendation with a big money-carrot attached. There were 3 options - "call it", "null and void it", "play it whenever possible. No option was perfect. But if they had all been put to the clubs (without the clearly separable money issue) and the vote was to "call it" then yes Hearts, Partick, Falkirk, Stranraer would be pissed off, but everybody would have had to accept it.
    Yes they were. Every club has been effected equally with regards to the season being finished and not being able to do more to improve their position.
  11. The truth is no reconstruction is going to work. Its all about the compensation now. 
    Let's just say that Hearts do take legal action. And somehow win because there was a possibility of them not finishing bottom, or being relegated in a playoff. Why would every other club not take the same legal action for what they could have done? Hibs could have finished 3rd and qualified for Europe. Prize money for finishing higher in the league plus European football would be worth I'd guess around 2m to Hibs for example. Rangers could potentially say that they could have won the league and qualified for the Champions League, that's worth probably 20m to them.

    Now it's blatantly obvious that the SPFL don't have the money to pay these liabilities. So in this scenario the SPFL would be liquidated and Hearts in the best case scenario would be entitled to a part of the assets they have. Which is f**k all.

  12. St Mirren and Hibs will do what they’re told
    Who is telling them what to do as a matter of interest? Because both clubs seem to be very much in tune with what their fans think on this. Which makes sense since they're entirely reliant on the goodwill of those fans to fund them through a period where every bit of cash they've got coming in is based on nothing more than that goodwill.

    Much like Hearts are trying to generate some goodwill themselves by blustering about potential legal action if they don't get promoted without playing a game.
    The fact that they don't have streaming rights does not mean that they do not have control over which games can be streamed in the UK. I would be astonished if their broadcasting deal didn't include an assurance that no games would be streamed in the UK on any other platform. Indeed, several of their competitors when they bought the rights last year were streaming platforms - Eleven Sports and Amazon Prime were rumoured to have been interested, and YouTube may also have been. Of course, Sky do actually stream games via SkyGo and NowTV anyway.
    Your argument about clubs being worried about attendances dropping doesn't really cover the fact that even sold out games are not streamed on club TV platforms, even if they are outside the Saturday 3pm window.
    But those are the games that Sky are broadcasting on TV. They will have exclusive rights to those games.

    I honestly don't believe that clubs have signed away their rights to showing games to Sky, why would they have done that? Sky have developed a model which means that they are giving clubs in England so much cash that they're not going to jeopardise that by starting a rival broadcasting service which undermines them. I also think that Scottish clubs will have calculated that showing games online would undermine their crowds. The best funded club in Scotland has devoted a fuckload of resources to stop any streaming of games.

    It seems reasonable to assume that the deal prevents clubs streaming live games to UK customers because otherwise they would already be doing it.


    No it doesn't because 3pm games were banned from being on TV or streamed in the UK. Now they aren't.


    Just to expand on this point, the reason clubs don't show their games on the Internet is because they think (probably correctly) that it would batter their attendance figures.


  15. In England the 400th.-odd team would be playing in the 8th.-tier of their pyramid. Average attendances vary from 820 at Guernsey, 607 at Hastings, down to 54 at FC Romania.
    How's their academies? Guernsey has a population of 70k, so around the same number as Paisley. Hastings has a population of 93k, which is about treble the size of Motherwell.
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