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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Mohammed, mohammed jihad! No idea how i never watched it before tbh "Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?"
  2. On a related note, Im watching Team America tonight for the first ever time
  3. It would be the British Bulldogs, and nobody would support them
  4. Ive no doubt this is true, but when youre genuinely one of the best players in the world, you shouldnt need to resort to conning penalties out of refs
  5. The man lost a lot of my respect for jumping around the penalty box, screaming at the referee and pointing at his elbow after clearly seeing the ball hit an opposition players back. Its just unnecessary
  6. RandomGuy.

    Breaking Bad

    Anything after the Trinity Killer is pretty pointless tbh
  7. There was a boy wearing a full gimp suit in Loft the other week, according to someone on Facebook...
  8. They spent more on Boyata than the rest of the leagues spent over the last four transfer windows combined...
  9. Only thing I can think of is that the writer was thinking about the last striker to score a hat trick for us, but even then they'd be wrong with that too
  10. What happened to GenericLiviTroll #127s forever alone-esque "any burds on this forum, message me" thread?
  11. Less than two weeks since he joined Hibs, surprised it was this early he fucked up though. Hardly surprising when theres a 20 year old with an £80k Porsche though, you'd think someone would keep his feet planted
  12. I'm not sticking up for him, I'm saying his grandchildren shouldnt have to run the risk of reading such things so close to his death. Maybe I've got completely the wrong end of the stick, but I'm surprised I'm getting such hate for that opinion.
  13. Not really no. Some members on here admit they were that young when they started reading the forum. I doubt his grandchildren, rightly or wrongly, know his darkest past. So imagine their reaction if they saw whats been posted here, it wouldnt be fair to them.
  14. Dundee fans trying to twist this away from them being absolutely disgusting. Pathetic
  15. Astounded you never signed off that post with "The Hibees are the greatestest team in the whole wide world"
  16. No, as its incredibly unlikely their grieving grandchildren would be reading Pie and Bovril
  17. You should have the self decency to respect his family, its them that'll hear or read these comments, not him.
  18. As I say, you're opinions are your opinions. A public forum so close to his death isnt the place to be sharing them, not yet.
  19. Genuinely sickening so many of you agree with speaking so ill of someone who's just died. 11 year olds read this forum, for all you know his grandchildren read this, get a fucking grip and restrain yourself.
  20. I'm not saying he was a saint, I'm not saying he wasnt anything that hes been called, I'm not saying you have to have an applause or anything. I'm saying it seems pretty shite to be calling a dying man, then a recently dead man, everything under the Sun on a public forum.
  21. Being shared by the same people who're sharing stories about keeping refugees out the country as some of them are possibly terrorists. Incredible.
  22. Have to be honest, some of the comments from Dundee fans about this are properly disgusting. I understand you may not have liked him, but surely you just stay silent for a while after he's died rather than come out with all this shite during his death then straight after. Lost a lot of respect for some on here, just seems totally pointless.
  23. Is Ludo not a mod on there? Although he likely only bans anyone who says Barry Smiths name in vain
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