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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. The meltdown on our forum could potentially be quite fun reading though. Expect plenty of chat about sacking the board, sacking the manager, sacking half the quad etc. etc.
  2. He played on the left wing for us away to Celtic, and I remember him tracking back just fine, can't remember any real problem with that at all tbh. Mowbray is a complete cretin though, and once called him a "young player" and a "kid". Still not entirely sure he knows who Swanson is.
  3. I was saying we wouldnt be signing another defender that would take up part of the budget, as a left winger was the top priortiy. We signed a defender that wasnt taking up any of the budget and went after a left winger...... Durr..... Still not sure what you're trying to get it at here, that one newspaper linked us with McGregor, and I said it would make no sense to sign him. Something backed up by the fact we didnt sign anyone like him. The Stevie May thing was something we pulled on Rangers, Aberdeen and Dundee fans, as a joke. Sorry if we made you feel special.
  4. Durr.... Seems to me I made the point we wouldnt be signing an ageing centre half on a permanent deal...
  5. I said we wouldnt be signing a 30 year old injury prone centre half permanently. We then when out and signed a 21 year old right back on loan. So, erm....
  6. No idea if they played a new one If they did, then yeah, it was tremendous You could tell he was absolutely gagging to be out his "throne"
  7. It was by the same folk who were PM'ing about Swanson being released before he was
  8. Jesus Christ, by most accounts you approached his agent once he was released but got told he had no interest in playing in the Championship. Would be utterly astounding if Stubbs looked at your side and thought a creative winger wasnt needed
  9. Poor kid sitting there thinking his cocks about to drop off and has his mum taking photos of him. Outstanding parenting.
  10. Why are Hibs fans laughing at Swanson? There was literally hundreds of them creaming themselves over him on Twitter on Deadline Day
  11. Foos were outstanding, as wew Royal Blood. Took me longer to get from Murrayfield to the tram station (google it) than Edinburgh to Perth though
  12. Americans shoot down armed robbers all the time, hows this any different?
  13. His point was that the Germans (and Irish, and Scottish club sides) keep the plane in the Country throughout the teams stay there, so they can just hop on it ASAP. The SFA didnt do that and sent the plane away, and it was when the plane was coming back to the airport to pick up the players that it got caught in problems. So instead of being able to hop onto the plane and just fly off, they were stuck waiting in the departure lounge for it to show up. Its entirely the SFAs fault that, and its one of the few times I actually agree with his point.
  14. Yeah it all seems a bit too good to be true , probably get there and it'll be packed
  15. Yeah had a look at that, mostly parking in other peoples drives, which I'm not convinced with. Yeah, im edging towards the Ingliston Park and Ride. Open 4am til 2am and seemingly drops you at Murrayfield and then picks you up there. Gonna gamble with that I think.
  16. Foos tomorrow. I have no idea how im getting to Murrayfield or back yet. Is there any reasonable chance of getting parked anywhere, probably on the outskirts, and getting a bus or something?
  17. Is saddens me how much more time I sat staring at an empty web page than doing anything productive this weekend
  18. STV reported your business in the window is done, and you'll be looking at free agents next week
  19. For the past week he was tweeting about Stevie Mays preferred move being to move back to Scotland, and Rangers being the front runners. For some reason he deleted them all at lunchtime today
  20. Stop tempting fate you c**t, at least I done it with deals that were never happening We're currently rattling the Dundee U20s btw, 2-0 up already with Chris Kane getting both
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