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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I've also announced I'm available for selection for Scotland. Seeing as every complete nobody is doing it lately
  2. Id be embarrassed to claim the replies as "bites" tbh
  3. The Stevie May rumour is quite hilarious tbf, based on the fact Hartley had him on loan once, while completely ignoring the fact McInnes gave him his debut then TW gave him his breakthrough at Saints when a certain previous manager wanted rid of him with both their clubs have arguably more room in their budgets remaining. The Swanson ones not so hilarious. He had a stonker for Coventrys u21s today, so its possible he wont be going anywhere now.
  4. Rumours a week ago you lads have beaten both us and United to Swanson, but only if you could free up wages. Seems like thats that then.
  5. We played five games, eight minutes in length, with at least one games break inbetween
  6. Nah its the opening week of the league, so they have an introductory tournament of 8 minute games to get everyone back into the swing of things. Two groups of six and it goes on for about 2 hours. 40 minute games from now on though.
  7. Adrenaline is a remarkable thing. Five games of fives tonight, take a knock on my ankle in the opening minutes of the first game. Manage to play all the rest and almost forget about it, ten minutes after I get home it starts pounding like f**k and now I can barely walk on it
  8. Curier would be a cracking signing for you lot
  9. Theyd have to save some of the budget for the live reporting of todays game, perfectly reasonable IMO
  10. I'm not sure you really know whats going on, but with the schools just being back its not all that surprising youre a bit flustered.
  11. I've no idea, i'll be sure to ask her next time shes in
  12. Shes not really the type to make shite up tbh, but she is the type of lassie who'd be agreeing to things and signing things without really understanding it. I'm amazed she never got bullied into buying a car there.
  13. Shes got a quote for finance on a car, "just to see" if she could afford what she thought she could, and they asked for her bank details at the same time, she assumed it was to do with the finance quote.
  14. She didnt know they were charging that until it came out her account, she cancelled it and came to us as soon as she found out. Because shes a young lassie who wasnt sure what she was wanting and was wanting suggestions and a test drive in things to figure it out.
  15. I just respect mines enough not to shove it in the first orifice that opens tbh
  16. Think she was wanting away from Vauxhaull tbh
  17. At least we've outed all those desperately needing their hole
  18. The one in the middle you'd regret when you see her without make up, looks a complete schemie. One on the rights awful even just avoiding the monobrow.
  19. Anything that puts people off going to Arnold Shark is fine by me tbh, we have a young lassie who came in asking if we could find her a car, she wants something bigger than a Corsa and a 5 door. She'd been at Arnold Clark and they'd been charging her £100 a week for looking and then offered her a VW Up
  20. Im surprised you havent yet, seeing as youve stolen everyones elses patter already
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