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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. 3-0 now long range shot heading high into the net, keeper gets two hands on it but just palms it in, should've saved it
  2. 2-0 now, pretty even game so far tbh, Ajax just finishing better
  3. Ajax already 1-0 up against Alkmaar
  4. It seems to be a case of anyone unemployed whos been involved in Scottish football at any point of their career, regardless of actual ability to do the job.
  5. http://www.weareperth.co.uk/wapforum/index.php?/topic/24161-team-photo/
  6. You mean Fenners is back?!
  7. Because Ipswich could tell his agent they'll multiply his wages by five times what Hearts will offer, and theres not a chance his head wouldnt be turned. £300k-£500k, an add on for promotion and then a sell on percentage seems a great deal, and certainly seems worth it for a youngster who wont play a major part and is also out of contract soon.
  8. Because in 12 months you'll be praying someone offers £500k as he's half a season from leaving for nothing.
  9. Lewis MacLeod had played about 30 more games for Rangers than McGhee too, but at a lower level. Does McGhees contract not run out after next season? Meaning next season will be his last one? Generally this situation leads to a club accepting less as the player makes it clear he wants to leave and will simply wait for his contract to expire.
  10. Theres a lassie on mines who constantly posted about dead relatives and also lots of "im upset dont ask why", "i know i let everyone done but im changed now" and "stop being so snide and sneaky and just insult me" then "i wont say your name but you know who you are" type posts. Shes calmed down since getting a steady boyfriend but now its just seven selfies of her with him in the background everyday. Only sticking with it for the inevitable break up then breakdown
  11. I did, but had to nip out and kill someone before thinking about screenshotting them
  12. Almost unrelated but the official squad list fr todays match somehow had Chris Kane down as Craig Johnstone
  13. The BBC pre-season predictor type thing had expected line ups for each side. Apparently Phil Roberts will be first choice for Dundee, Szromnik for United, some guy called Chamorro for Hamilton, McCulloch for Killie, Twardzik for Motherwell, Holden for County and Lappin for us. Some are more realistic than others, but some are just utterly moronic.
  14. Assume this post is why throbbers not been seen all day
  15. Made my girlfriend a three course meal last night, then spent the rest of the night watching what she wanted seeing as it was her birthday. This morning ive slept until 10, and shes apparently tried to wake me as she wants to go into town and shop but ive refused to get up in my half asleep state. So now im the worst person in the world who doesnt deserve spoken too. Its in moments like this i understand the phrase "bitches be crazy"
  16. Not really what hes saying tbh, its pretty hilarious the amount of folk who've suddenly appeared screaming that this guys business should be run into the ground for killing a lion, simply because it was "famous". Theres hundreds of hunting incidents every year that nobody gives a single thought about.
  17. Depends on how literally you take everything that happens. Plenty of folk say its a fantasy film, plenty say its just her imagination to escape a terrible childhood.
  18. That midfield would be the most immobile one in the history of sport
  19. Apparently it'll be a red button job, so not sure what happens with hosts on that
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