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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Rumours that the BBC have taken the package from C4, FWIW
  2. Risky strategy spending all your money in the Summer, especially if youre struggling come January.
  3. Some companies have apparently been taking people to the small claims court these days, no idea how successful they'e been though. I've been getting letters from UKPC then DRP for a parking ticket issued in May I sold the car a couple of days before so the reg hadn't swapped over yet, so my name obviously popped up. I told them this, but they said they have access to the DVLA and its "100%" me thats the registered keeper. Phoned the DVLA who confirmed it swapped ownership in May. All fun.
  4. Any attempt at wit/humour completely ruined by the final few words that confirm your cretinous mind. Shame.
  5. Tutorials dont really help that much. Its a sort of "play until you fluke it" game
  6. Because thats the best way to spend the publics money, obviously
  7. Was it Liverpool or Tottenham that set fire to a business to force them out the way?
  8. Hes making the point its more than just a tidbit
  9. Fortunately ive a friend who runs a "detailing" business, so i can ask him if he could machine polish the whole thing to try and get them out. Might cost about £100 but it would be worth it
  10. Sounds like you followed those steps before the wedding, my bad
  11. No idea, its as if its been keyed on purpose tbh And its possible, I'm just in a wee village now though (Almondbank) and theres no cars like mine there, so it seems a bit of a long shot. Only benefit is my cars silver, so it doesnt show as much
  12. Find a durty then ride her/him til you spew. Its the only cure
  13. Only person I've even talked too is some old woman a few doors along. Mental.
  14. Ours is free on YouTube. Generally an interview with a manager and player before and after every match. With interviews with coaches of the youths sporadically too. No match highlights yet though, although i think theres been one or two. We've a full time staff member solely focused on the media side of things though, and hes got at least one person under him.
  15. Looks like someones keyed and scraped the side of my car facing the pavement last night. Ive just moved to a new area aswell. Fantastic.
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