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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. He played there for us a few times and looked competent enough tbh
  2. I love how foreigners quotes are so obviously created by someone at the club when they sign
  3. They played Valencia last Summer, and only lost 3-0, although it was presumably Valencias eighth string side. No idea how they get these games.
  4. Looking like you could cope at this level regularly is preferable to proving you're not good enough to start every game, yes
  5. Average at this level is still better than Balatoni
  6. I mentioned it once he was released, but that was purely down to some deep, supernatural, feeling about it. Honest.
  7. Absolutely gutted nobody used any song lyrics
  8. Just basing it on the fact McKays younger, and looks capable of playing regularly at this level. While Balatoni had a good couple of months and for the rest of the few years hes played at this level he's looked miles out his depth
  9. Unless you're trying to WUM, I expect you'll be disappointed
  10. I met Peter Wright once, he was happy to take photos with us. Phil Taylor told me to f**k off Dave Chisnall took all the photos, before we took pity and invited him for one
  11. Not sure why you'd release McKay then sign Balatoni tbh, seems a bit of a downgrade
  12. Unsurprising Gary Miller has the most fake tan on out the three. The most well groomed right back youll ever have.
  13. No surprise to see an Old Firm fan come out in support of that article tbh
  14. Not surprised Kilmarnock are the first club to re-emerge from the new dawn and tell everyone they preferred the darkness, pathetic. Won't be long until you're giving them three stands at your home ground again.
  15. Loved Ant-Man. Love the irony that one of Paul Rudds most serious roles is easily one of his best comedies too, Marvel really are outstanding at getting humour into things. Ending felt rushed and a little predictable, but origin films are always a little like that, a very enjoyable nights viewing all round
  16. Agent Craig successfully relegated Hibs and kept them down after Rowan Vines crass comments about us, he really loves us
  17. Wheres our game against you lot on Saturday? Know its closed door but not sure where
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