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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Its sounds very interesting tbh, shame theres doesnt seem to be any actual episode to watch though, just audio. The whole plot about "no survivors" was scarily close to what I was thinking tbh
  2. I'd like it if they only appeared in a two parter or something, with the first part being one of those episodes centralised on a one-off character nothing to do with the Doctor, like the ones with the weeping angels. So you see the view of the Daleks from humans who have no chance of stopping them, as they just obliterate everything and anyone that they come across. I think that could re-establish a bit of fear about them, and would lead the second episode of the Doctor v Daleks actually having some tension.
  3. Same. Didnt realise it was this morning you could get them from if youd previously had a ticket. Glorious.
  4. Don't think anyone criticised the casting of Leto tbh, quite the opposite, it was the look that drew mocking
  5. Yeah the daleks need a victory or something, theyre completely unthreatening these days tbh
  6. Looks it! Definitely some form of moth, but never seen one so big. Was tempted to poke it but watched too many horrors on the sci-fi channel lately
  7. It sat in that same place all day without moving an inch.
  8. I try not too, unless they invade my personal space. Cannot stand anything that flys though. This appeared at my work today. Ive kept away from it the best i could, no idea what it even is except from a giant moth thing.
  9. It genuinely sickens me its still going ahead
  10. What game? I had the first half of New York Red Bulls v New England on this morning. Tremendous entertainment.
  11. This is like watching a forty year old having a mid-life crisis. Which is probably exactly what this is.
  12. Whos your favourite character so far?
  13. Whats your point here exactly? Its the equivalent of scoring a couple of goals in the development league when your sides got four or five senior players while the other side plays 16 year olds. Unless you're suggesting this means he'll score in the Premiership?
  14. What used to be City nightclub is re-opening in Perth as "Ego" Shud b gud
  15. Friday night listening to Queen and Johnny Cash. I think I'm a 50 year old man trapped in a 23 year olds body
  16. I used to get similar with my knee, whenever I jogged for more than five minutes it just crumbled and was in agony for a couple of days after. Turns out I wasnt stretching enough, and the muscles were tightening so much it was creating a strain on my joints. Started doing a couple of leg stretches every night and never had the problem again
  17. Pretty much this, its a rumour on the STV rumours section which Harveys brought up on Twitter to garner clicks for the website, its not as if hes tweeted its a done deal
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