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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Pesky foreigners, buying birthday clothes for their children, who do they think they are!
  2. We did virtually get a million for May though. £800k plus a 20% sell on fee was the widely reported figure. Sure he was entering the last year of his contract too at the time.
  3. Banks retired this Summer now our goalkeeping coach
  4. Steve Banks is the greatest goalkeeper in Scotland (FOUR Scottish Cup medals) yet couldnt displace Mannus...
  5. Taxis arent allowed to charge you according to a law dating back to the 1600s when transport was declared free to help people get away from plague sufferers. If you quote this to a taxi company before collection and they still charge you then you have solid ground to sue.
  6. The biggest myth in football The defence conceded less than a goal a game, and Maradona only scored one more than one of his team mates (who played at Real Madrid). His whole contribution to the team was worse than Platinis in the Euros just two years before, which is never mentioned. He was the standout player, but its the equivalent of claiming Messi wins leagues for Barca single handed
  7. I'd still be amazed if you weren't making your whole story up
  8. I'd be surprised if philpy wasnt just making the whole thing up, tbh
  9. You lot have apparently offered Liam Craig a deal
  10. You don't want to sign him, its quite sad to actually see him play now. I applauded him warming up once and he looked utterly delighted though, so you could do that.
  11. Blatant wind up Making a post to get yourself laughed at isnt a wind up
  12. FWIW This thread never gets old... http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/73230-pb-gambling-university/page-10
  13. FWIW hes a solid right back at this level, id happily have kept him as back up
  14. Probably because theres every chance theyll struggle to adapt to this country
  15. My arse is currently like a yawning walrus, although its entirely down to an illness
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