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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. We'll have three players who we've brought through our own youth ranks involved this season, they'll likely make about 25-30 appearances combined, depending on form or injury. How many will Dundee have?
  2. He'd likely kill himself the day before he meets them so he can join them. Or he'll have a secret stash of ice prostitutes
  3. Fair dues. I assume Brans story will maybe shed some light on things for me
  4. I'd be astounded if the dragons simply roasted the WW tbh I sort of vaguely remember folk talked about the White Walkers being around before, what happened to make this vanish that time? Spring?
  5. All three had actual, real, power though, Jon was on the "Edge of the World" with only a fat bloke and his bird as friends. All the theories, all the flouncing, all ended in a brutal fashion, seems like classic GoT to me tbh And fucked if I know, the whole faceless thing has me pretty fucking bamboozled tbh
  6. This is the show thats killed of the likes of Tywin, Ned and Robb. Nobodies too important to die, sadly. I think Ayras been blinded to teach her a lesson I hope Dany deserts Mereen, and makes her march towards Westeros with the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and three Dragons in tow. I can see the final scene of the next series already. A smoking, torched Kings Landing being looked upon from the Red Keep by the Lannisters/Tyrells/Martells/Littlefinger after the great war. Only to see a swarming mass of an army appear and three great shadows in the sky. Ooft.
  7. Not sure thats how the show works tbh. I spent a whole season, still do, hoping that Ned Starks rather depressing death was just a bluff. Yet it never was. This will be same IMO.
  8. Jons dead, tbh. We're always going to have someone up North so the White Walkers storyline gets continued, and next season it'll be Bran. Wouldn't surprise me if the opening sequence for next season was Jon being burned. Stannis is dead, why the never showed you I don't know, but I'm almost certain he wanted to die the moment he seen his wife, and that he marched onwards in hope of being slaughtered, even if he survives he'll he'd up topping himself, and he'd rather go in battle. No idea about Theon and Sansa, not even sure what they jumped into though, no doubt Ramsey and Brienne will find them though, even if they fall through a hole into the centre of the Earth, as both seem utterly invincible and capable of absolutely anything, hopefully they never meet or the fight will never end. When did Ayra become so "ninja" btw? Her training seems to consist of being hit, sweeping the floor and cleaning dead folk, yet shes suddenly some shit hot assassin?
  9. Pretty surprised they managed to find someone less watchable than Jeremy Clarkson tbh
  10. Billy Dodds looks more and more like a retired snooker player every day. Or Phil Taylor.
  11. Probably should have held off on Loys £10k a week wages incase this happened tbh
  12. You forgot they beat Man Citys D side in a pre-season friendly
  13. Tbf would you rather that or your body be consumed by bugs?
  14. Who needs a law degree anyway, when a bunch of male football fans are so easily accessible
  15. This. My girlfriend done one and its take years upon years to do the entire thing seemingly
  16. Have you misread my post? I meant that throughout his career he's gone for quantity over quality, in that he'll appear in virtually any comedy he can, instead of making the most of his talent and maybe not appearing in as much. His decision to take this role is a positive move by him.
  17. Vaughn a bit like Adam Sandler, in that hes ruined his own reputation in exchange for quick cash
  18. I remember the mistake that effectively ended Encklemans career with us, when he came for a cross against Dundee United and completely missed it, sure we got absolutely rattled after that. Everyone around me was going absolutely mental towards him and hurling all sorts of abuse, while I sat feeling absolutely gutted for him, it was hard to watch as he made the mistake early and it obviously completely crushed him so he just looked completely depressed for the rest of the match.
  19. Got tickets for the Foo Fighters in Edinburgh in a week or two. Dave Grohl breaks his leg last night. Now the panicky wait to see if it gets cancelled.
  20. I'm sure he's said he would only leave us if a chance in the English leagues with the right team came up
  21. I got the impression he was waiting for his Queens signal to kill his downed foe tbh, as in the thumb down or thumb up moment. Maybe theres some law where killing someone without approval is acceptable unless hes unarmed and on the ground?
  22. Blackpool can't afford to pay wages, so don't pay them. (Much like yourself trollololol)
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