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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Yass am i the first person from PnB to be in this thread I dont know if i should be proud or disgusted with myself for ending up here I'm almost 70% certain we spoke last night at Loft. Vague recollections of meeting then trying to figure out how to drop it into my sentence without any awkwardness was hard. So I plumped for the "I recognise you" line. If this is you, and you date my sisters friend, then I can exclusively reveal your the second P&ber I know I've met. Congrats! (possibly)
  2. No been in the place in 7/8 years. Going by pictorial evidence it would appear that the talent has miraculously managed to get even worse over the years.It seems to be getting worse all round to be fair. The beautiful people are all in relationships just now I guess
  3. When did whispers start a "Dress as a weegie" night?I've no idea. Last time I was there I thought I seen a Rangers top aswell. Maybe it's a weekly thing?
  4. I know the guy on the right from years ago. I'm certain he's a Celtic fan. Nice to see ZOO can help build bridges
  5. He's not a bad lad. Play football with and he seems sound enough
  6. I'd advise you to avoid it. It's like stepping back into the stone ages, they say the chance of a dinosaur attack is 50/50 in there
  7. At least we don't need to put up with the Hearts and Hibs pish that clogs up the SPL forum.To be fair they're not as bad now. It's the Celtic fans who seem to be taking the reins. And either way the worst forum is still the Junior forum
  8. I've also got a middle aged man who posts 100 YouTube videos a night and has 5 or 6 statuses about being happy, then sad, about loving his children and saying he's going to end it all and how he hates how he can "turn dark". Lately he's going on about how he'll use his "kung fu" to beat this guy up, the guy who assaulted him in the street a month or so ago. Neither were drunk and it seemingly just kicked off. And he got hospitalised, yet NOW he'll be able to kick him in with his "Kung fu"
  9. I've a lassie on mine who purposely puts up statuses to make herself look thick just for attention. People have stopped replying do her walls now covered with about statuses calling herself thick without anyone else interacting tremendous!
  10. It is inconvenient that they cater to other sports.There's a lot of surfers up here in Thurso, its actually quite an entertaining spectator sport.I can understand why they have it. But why spend precious moments of life showing grainy footage of a beach where only 2ft waves will beBecause you might see some tits?Ive never, in my life, EVER seen a pair of breasts jiggling free on a beach just outside Ayr, on a Monday morning, whilst its raining
  11. It is inconvenient that they cater to other sports. There's a lot of surfers up here in Thurso, its actually quite an entertaining spectator sport.I can understand why they have it. But why spend precious moments of life showing grainy footage of a beach where only 2ft waves will be
  12. Sky Sports News have this "Surf Report" these days. Where they show you crappy footage of beaches around the UK and tell you about massive 2ft waves to come It's steadily been growing more and more annoying. Why on earth do they bother?
  13. I've been advised to look at the Loft photos from the 20th if you're after horrific photos. Over 21s night
  14. was waiting on that! It's a shame Donskies doesnt take photos, some stoaters in there
  15. I'm glad people are mocking the Loft, since I stopped being single a few years ago the standard seems to have dropped. Coincidence? Anyway there's photos of my on it that deserve to be here, especially the one where I "photobomb" a couple as my mate spears me across the room it was years ago though
  16. And finally, one from the Hall of Mirrors..... i hope
  17. If you think he looks like a fanny you need to meet more women
  18. Loft is always full of youngsters, even on a school night. I'm 21 yet I feel ancient when I dare to venture on the dancefloor
  19. Do you have an answer fine sir? Or will we just continue our merry dance for the rest of time?
  20. Loft. It's either there or zoo and zoo's frequented by the dregs of teenage society, except when Joey Essex makes him fortnightly appearance, then you get the ponces there too
  21. I believe its called a clock. To display this magical thing called "time"
  22. If somebody is born deaf. Does they still have an inner monologue?
  23. To be fair I'd love that. Imagine going into school the next day and scaring the shit out all your friends
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