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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I bought a microwaveable kebab the other day. I'm terrified about trying it but also excited
  2. Either way, its worth the risk.... Also, here's a GIF I could've used
  3. Earn your Red Wings, now is the time, hers is the place. Alternatively make her feel bad about something, so when her mood inevitably swings to being sad she'll worry you're going to dump her. And she'll do anything you want. Works about 70% of the time
  4. You, my friend, have just stumbled upon something glorious. Across from you is something men all around the world spend their life looking for, a thing so glorious men have died to own. She is fantastically good looking, likes to eat from Greggs, yet displays actions of a fat, un-confident woman (eating like a pig). Do you not see the opportunity here? A good looking lassie with no self confidence, take this chance, with both hands
  5. I refuse to play anyone with under 3 bar connection
  6. I had three games to save my Div 1 status after mu disastrous stint with a Portuguese Team. I came up against three of the best players I've ever played. Every single one was fantastic, frightening as I'd won the league the year before
  7. Aye that sounds more like it. Surely they'll start taking notice now though?
  8. There was also a recorded phone interview between Green and Craig Whyte. Money's exchanged and it's now becoming clear that Craig Whyte might still be involved with Rangers
  9. He's quite clearly lying through his back teeth in the interview. He's shafting them from the inside yet they're so determined to prove the rest of Scottish football wrong they're unwilling to notice it
  10. For the past two weeks I've been unable to stop thinking about what comes after death. I've no idea what started this thought pattern but every time I'm not concentrating on something it pops in. And trying to get to sleep is a battle. I've got the general thought that there can be nothing afterwards, as your brain gives you conciousness and controls your senses and the like. And I can see no logical reason an afterlife exists, no matter how much I try as the idea of simply slipping into the Abyss and completely ending in every form terrifies me. I know this isn't technically a quick question but I wanted to ask here as starting a thread would just attract trolls more easily. Has anyone else ever been haunted by constant thoughts like this or am I just odd?
  11. My left toe is swollen. But I'm still away out to play football. If Messi can play with only his left foot I should be able to do it with just my right. Right?
  12. I've not made an alias for over 2 years now. What's your point?
  13. I don't think you could to be honest, not that I particularly care. It's just funny seeing you trying to act intellectual
  14. In what way? And I've no idea, who rules the Falklands hasn't particularly affected my life I suspect Ah right, conclusive proof you can't explain why I should care, well played you excellent troll you
  15. Guess that makes me a moron. I'll ask again though, why should I care about something and someone who dropped out of relevance over a decade ago? I wasn't brought up with Thatcher in power, you don't get taught about it school and I've never had any interest in politics. She's never been mentioned in any aspect of my life until now as she's never been relevant. Why should I read up and have an opinion on somebody I've no interest in?
  16. Yeah there's a library up the road. I could Google it yes, but I simply can't be bothered as I've no interest in learning about it. She's dead, and everything she done was before I was born. Why should I care?
  17. It might surprise you but I actually read quite a lot. I'm currently reading "The Pillars of Rome" by Jack Ludlow, I quite enjoy a wee reading session to relax me every so often
  18. A book? What book do you suggest I buy?
  19. She's happy about it, her dad detested Thatcher so she was brought up hating her
  20. I've no feeling one way or the other as I'm too young to know what happened. There's people on my Facebook younger than me celebrating her death though, I think people just do it to seem popular
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