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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Been offered and 4 year deal with us and a coaching role.
  2. Unfortunately the cuntishness from some of the "support" really is pathetic. The TEAM need the support, whether they like the board or the hangers on that say they are trying to help the club.
  3. If I was a Morton fan I would feel cheated by their players. With the oh look it's the end of the season, I want a contract but not in League 1 attitude.
  4. You have to have a brown tongue or nose to get the true value of the transfer Gav.
  5. The fact he only played 57 suggests to me he will be at worst, back in the squad at the weekend.
  6. Naw, they were bullied out by fat and fatter by that point....
  7. The same reason Butcher booted him from your lot. He's a loose cannon and generally pish.
  8. Ryan Blair and Botti Biabi have been doing well of late in the U20's. Biabi has pace to burn and I would say he is quicker than Roberts. Would it hurt to put him on the bench?
  9. A lot of the younger players in our team have played between 50-100 games. I'm not saying anything about experience.What I mean is that they are still developing and ma y have problems with consistecy.
  10. Holt is 2.5 years behind Pressley in experience as a first team manager. It's one thing dealing with youngers in an U19/20 academy. It's another when you have to ask these types of players to perform week in week out and compete in a competegive league.
  11. With both hands up his back as oposed to Prwssley's 1, I think he is doing as well s he can. The likes of McCracken, McGovern and Millar are the guys on the pitch that should be carrying the team on. Personally from. Points total, we are doing as well as could have been expected, in my eyes. If the board had given Holt the sort of money required to attract better players in certain areas, then we would be top. Had we had Millar from the off I'm sure we would be in a better position. But at the end of the day, if yer aunty had baws and aww that.
  12. Stewart wasn't worth 150p so even after the appeal, this is a good deal for us.
  13. He's a guid lad. Reminds me a lot of Andy Lawrie. Some bombscare moments, but a trier and a good lad too. Always thought he would have played right back for us.
  14. Liam Rowan. But we have Vaulks that can play there as well as Flynn.
  15. Think we will see the team that finished the game on Saturday, start this week.
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