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Everything posted by RC55 FFC

  1. Assuming Dan Turner signs this evening/tomorrow then that would bolster the forward line somewhat. Hopefully the Jak coming back too would be excellent
  2. He can play LB yeah. Have a feeling we may see him further forward though.
  3. I think McGhee may be our RB with Kidd/Muirhead as back up and Dallison, Harrison & Muirhead fighting it out for 2 CB slots. McGhee can play CB too. Midfield is now looking healthy with; Deimantas Petravičius Ruben Summut Tom Owen-Evans Patrick Brough Joe McKee Lewis Kidd Alex Harris (Meh) Cieran Dunne And another 2 midfielders/attacking midfielders expected in the next few hours/day.
  4. Didn’t I read online that Sunderland are after him now?
  5. They’ve signed PCAs and will train from Wednesday onwards. Had we had any games prior to July 1st they would be listed as trialists.
  6. Dimitris Froxylias would be a good signing to be honest, if true. Not the name I had heard but wouldn’t complain.
  7. Gents, any feedback on your hospitality offerings? I have provisionally booked a table of 10 for our first league meeting in Sept, just waiting on confirmation. Prices/details on your website are for last season. Thanks in advance
  8. Didn’t McGhee play RB for Hearts when they won this division?
  9. Poor patter that folk are writing players off before they have kicked a ball for us.
  10. That’s Fri-Sun. Tomorrow’s event is a Scottish schools event I’ve just read.
  11. Apparently their is some sort of catholic schools celebration at the stadium tomorrow with 8000 in attendance. Odd.
  12. I did last night. I’d put 2 of the 5 down to bad goalkeeping although shots through legs is tough at the best of times. The other 3 were very poor defending. Hibs had a shocker that day too.
  13. Still too many ins/outs to know what our team will look like. One thing for certain is it will look & feel very different. Updated current squad (as per official website); Leo Fasan David Mitchell Robbie Mutch Tom Dallison Jordan McGhee Tommy Robson Aaron Muirhead Jonny Mitchell (Y) Mark Munro (Y) Kyle Mitchell (Y) Patrick Brough Joe McKee Lewis Kidd Alex Harris Cameron Blues Cieran Dunne (Y) Jason Jarvis (Y) Dennon Lewis Kevin O’Hara Rory Loy Scott Shepherd Kieran Sweeney (Y) Aiden Laverty (Y)
  14. Robbie Mutch will likely be out on loan but is very much seen as number 1 in the not too distant future.
  15. Aswell as Sunderland, Watford, Swansea & Celtic. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your boring, negative outlook however.
  16. He’s already got one, David Mitchell. He said as much at the roadshows that he’s a very good GK (having had him at Dundee). This new guy will be very healthy competition for the number 1 jersey. Not shocked you looked at the signing negatively though, well done fella.
  17. Played 4 games for Killie between Feb-May. 2 wins & 2 defeats. He will be healthy competition for David Mitchell & can see Robbie Mutch going on loan which will do him greatly I’m sure.
  18. If they are leaving early, we will almost certainly be assisting with a pay off of some kind.
  19. To be honest, other than 1 thistle fan, his name hasn’t come up in any other format as a potential signing. I’ll believe it when someone closer to the club mentions him.
  20. But but but we’ve lost out on signing loads of Scottish championship players that Hartley said he wouldn’t be looking at.....[emoji6]
  21. So it’s not fact then, thanks for confirming what I thought. As PH said on Friday, we are fishing in a different pond and their is delays that go along with that.
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