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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. We used to fall out all the time as bairns. We used to get skelped as well by our parents. Bare bum and slippers were involved. It was like a Sunday Post cartoon upbringing. My wife, from a supposedly different cultural background went through the same nonsense. It took us until our second bairn to realise the utter stupidity of this approach.
  2. There is a great Michael Marra song titled "I don't like Methil" about folk that don't hold an affection for somewhere or other, often based on some kind of snobbery. My scheme has less junkies pishing in our stairwell than you etc. I miss Michael
  3. Saw Willo Flood in the wine aisle at Tesco earlier. Like me, he wasn't wearing a poppy. We refrained from high-fiving each other. Either him or his other half is a Rose drinker, which I 've got to admit, kind of ruined the moment.
  4. Halfway through The Satsuma Complex, Bob Mortimer's debut novel. Absolutely loving it.
  5. When I read the title, I immediately thought it was Princes Street in Dundee. What a silly sausage
  6. Signmakers for shops. Surely a grasp of the use of the apostrophe should be part of the required skillset.
  7. We laid my brother to rest yesterday. We got one of the last remaining plots at the cemetery. My preference is also to be buried, but then I'm pretty old school regarding things like that.
  8. Love the way that the Stenhousemuir commentator resolutely refuses to use anything but "The Warriors" to describe the home side
  9. With a silent "r" no doubt. I also don't get why they can't pronounce fairly simple surnames. Moore for example becomes "Mow".
  10. It does not excuse the absolute circus that this time of year has become. No country suffered more than Poland under the fucking Nazis but they don't feel the need to turn remembrance into a shitshow.
  11. Watched a TV programme a few years back, cannae mind which part of the world it was, but the delicacy was freshly deceased chimpanzee brain. Absolutely binging.
  12. We are not the finished article as a team by any means, but liking the look of us across the middle of the park.
  13. Bit late to the party here, but that is ridiculous from McPake. I've been involved in a number of post-match conferences and never witnessed anything like that from a winning manager. Were there any background dynamics that would put his remarks into some kind of context?
  14. Stevie Crawford resigned at East Fife a few weeks back to assist Liam Fox. Greig McDonald, after a period of caretaking, is now permanent manager.
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