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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Port and brandy. Just recovered from a dose of the runs. Might as well use it up.
  2. It's hardly militant to query why folk are getting their knickers in a twist over a minute percentage of the population who don't feel comfortable at being born with their given genitalia. Live and let live. Be happy that you don't have to face such horrible prejudice.
  3. Why not ask the mods? Perhaps he was on a last warning for being a bigoted p***k? Stranger things have happened with watery runs.
  4. Pretty sure he wasn't banned for these two things. Although they both seem to be a common denominator in making you an absolute intolerant cretin.
  5. Do you still get folk called Fraser? I've got two pals called Fraser, both ancient like me.
  6. Ooft. Some of the language used in 2014 would be considered racist these days.
  7. I've never touched the stuff. If someone is clever enough to post a poll, the results might be interesting.
  8. Loving the way that someone who always stops and chats automatically qualifies you as a good guy. There are also some incredibly tedious arseholes who have this tendency.
  9. Nigel Blackwell. Named Nigel and yet a thoroughly gid c**t.
  10. Baseball cap wearers. Particularly worn back to front. Obviously watching Andy's sad demise
  11. Aha. I had it in my head somewhere that you were from Fife
  12. On the off chance was it Lumphinnans pit he worked in? Might have known my Grandfather.
  13. Did they precede that with "in the unlikely event"?
  14. Many moons ago, when I started researching my family history I had a dream where I was asked what my Grandfather's maiden name was. I mentioned this to my mum the following morning. She told me that when she was a child she asked her father what his maiden was. My Grandfather died (not from laughing) when she was nine.
  15. Methil Library, local history section. They have the full back catalogue of the East Fife Mail. You can read about the time a 16 year old from Morningside got lifted at an East Fife v Hearts game in November 1977 after retaliating when he got sconed by a bottle off the back of his head. His parents had dropped him off before the game to go shopping (The Wonder Store?). He would have had one phone call to pick him up from the Polis station at Sea Road. In the days long before mobile phones the mind begins to boggle. Anyway. Final score was East Fife 2 (Quinton Young, Ken Mackie) Hertz 0. And a good day was had by all.
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