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Posts posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. 9 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

    At least I was accurate.

    Brilliant performance for an hour. Absolutely no chance after that once Celtic brought on 4 players with a total value equivalent to our total revenue over the last decade.

    All focus on the league now.

    I said that on Monday, 5 subs allows celtic to return to full strength if their experiment isnt going as planned


    suppose in the good old days these teams often started with a full team then took players off and took their foot of the gas after the game was out of sight 🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. 14 minutes ago, Vimto90 said:

    Because not having them in the ground as was proved last season makes the pless a souless cesspit rather than just a cesspit. 

    They are basically willing to accept the sh*te that comes with it to ensure CP is a place very few teams will take anything from. 

    All the more reason for strict liability. I don’t believe that majority season ticket attended grounds for league games would carry on in ways they know fine well could get them a points deduction

    of course knowing the f**kin sfa, motherwell will get docked 15 points for a single smoke bomb during a last minute winner whilst sectarian songs will conveniently not have conclusive proof to take action

  3. Just now, rainbowrising said:

    Why Celtic decided to strip the back 4 with new and squad guys that rarely play could be a question for the ages at this rate. Very interesting sub decisions about to be made here. 

    Top marks for Falkirk, can't fault them. 

    aye, unfortunately now you can use 5 subs celtic will be able to revert to almost full strength now that theyr behind

  4. On 12/09/2024 at 09:02, GHF-23 said:

    Not posting for a month and then coming back with a single post about "invaders", "the third world" and Japanese immigration policies is the most Elixir thing possible. At least he's started copying Ed West rather than VT, at least for a bit of a change. Keeping it very Elixir by nodding towards his real priority - it being easy for him to go on a city break to Estonia ("European Integration").

    The Far Right is on the rise because for large parts of European countries life has either got shitter or remained shit despite promises to make it better. Mainstream parties have shown themselves to be incapable of arresting that trend or, as we're seeing in the UK, readily admitting that they can't really make that much of a difference. Placing immigration at the centre of that is not really any different from any other othering that the Far Right has done over the years.

    The interesting thing is there's an argument to be had about the left seeing immigration as an unalloyed good, about centrist parties fuelling rage about migration while continuing to encourage it on a large scale, about integration, about crime, about public services, about whether the conversation around falling birth rates should end with "well we need more immigrants", about brain drain of the global south, about why important jobs require the exploitation of immigrants to be filled etc. Most of these quickly become conversations about our wider society and neoliberalism, though, and it's much easier to talk about an invasion of people who make the place dirtier. Elixir has obviously taken that route. 

    I wonder how and when anyone will ever address the real elephants in the room.

    1) Modern advances in medicine have resulted in people living longer BUT this means that ever increasing numbers of people are living way, way past the point where they are able to take care of themselves, families are not able to cope with the responsibilities in the ways they would have done in the past and at the same time, many are no longer willing to make the sacrifices to their own personal lives that would have been expected when their own relatives were young.


    2) Unemployment is quite low just now, below 4% and your starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel, you get into the territory of people who don't want to work and are just playing the game, people who have unstable lives and are unreliable or people for one reason or another, can only manage the most basic of tasks.  No one wants to wipe arses for minimum wage when you can get minimum wage in tesco's. Providing residential care with 24hour support is f**king expensive, even if it was publicly run. workers should be paid more but the burden is already quite large.

    Either your getting immigrants or the systems grinds to a complete halt.  it's not just care work, whatever the lower end of the pay scale is, British workers will tend to treat that job as unimportant, and will have no qualms about  things such as taking days off sick with next to no notice, even if there's f**k all wrong with them.  It's all very well saying raise the wages, but whatever you raise it to someone will be at the bottom. For a lot of small companies that will just eat your entire budget and you won't be viable any longer.


  5. 2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    Still, we still have the option of turning up and wanting it more, so you never know. 

    And them stoating about with the cigars after last night thinking its already won before a balls kicked, absolutely no pressure on us

  6. 1 hour ago, bigmarv said:

    I don’t know if anybody was being hypocritical (recently) of the electoral process in the USA but… now that you mention it… as a 29 year veteran of living in the USA, I have plenty issues with the electoral college system.

    The people are electing the political leader of the whole country, so that should be a straight up popular vote of all eligible voters. Can you imagine the clusterfook that would create if we ever saw something as close as 2000 again? Which we will not btw. Its a minefield of minutia between the states right now, its should be standardized nationwide. 

    US system needs plenty reform, its very messed up that one party’s candidate has won the popular vote in all but one of the last eight GEs yet the other party’s candidate has served three terms in that time. And… 2004 would never have been a Republican win had Florida 2000 been properly dealt with, so that would be 8/8 to the Democrats. In that case, The Republican party we see today would be a completely different animal long before it got to 0 and 8, “lost the plot” doesn’t even come close to describing those folks 😁

    UK system completely different, the populace at large is never asked who should lead each party, thus you can never really say that the UK PM is ever truly elected by more than the people of his/her constituency. Has its benefits as you vote for party manifesto over individual personalities. 

    is there any genuine apatite for reform or abolition of the EC in the states tho? if your a republican in California or a democrat in Alabama then your vote is effectively worthless.  people can accept that they are heavily outnumbered when voting for a local representative in FPTP, even if its not perfect, but a straight up nationwide contest where only 2 candidates have a realistic chance of winning? does that not piss people off

  7. 11 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

    I mind one of my mates getting married a few years ago and on the stag do he made the point that his wife-to-be had always nagged him about the price of his Kilmarnock season ticket. He reflected on this by commenting that they had spent more than the annual cost of his season ticket on FLOWERS for the wedding. Flowers. For one day.

    People like to call the Lottery a poverty tax, but I think weddings are the modern middle-class tax. People pay absurd sums, and it's frankly a complete waste of money. Most of the weddings are very samey and it's all very silly.

    So, even in the act of actually having the day, I can see why people would seek the justification of others doing it.

    Then there's the parents. f**king hell...

    All true although worth mentioning you don't HAVE to have the big do at the hotel with 100 odd guests and all that shite, there are more affordable and modest options available other than the cheapest of the cheap registry office and bowling club.  That said your wife may disagree on whats acceptable!

  8. 20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Yeah the kids definitely which I factored in to the money thing.  Enough cash and you can make arrangements to suit.

    You here stories about when the kids leave home people realising they have nothing left in common.


    indeed, you might also find that sides are excellent listeners where as man n wife are like two ships in the night, so a friend told me 😇

  9. 42 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    I’d suggest the main reason unhappily married people stay together, whether or not they have affairs, is a financial one rather than social stigma.


    And kids, and the whole palava about whose going to live where, loss of support netwroks, stigma etc etc. it's not as simply as two teenagers going their own ways.  it's much simpler to just have an affair, the hard bit is finding someone who will go along with it without causing extra issues themselves 😉

  10. Agree with others re play as normal as we have nothing to lose here. Expect Celtic to rotate their squad somewhat after Europe but not enough to weaken it significantly and in the days of 5 subs they can press the emergency button if not going to plan


    We couldn’t could we??

  11. On 05/09/2024 at 09:03, VincentGuerin said:

    I remember having a chat with the missus while this was on telly at the time of the first trial and the missus said from the beginning that she felt it all seemed off and that a lot of the "burn the f**king witch" people seemed to be backing themselves into a corner about it. It's hard to walk that back. Especially people who went big on it on social media.

    I think we're seeing this now to an extent. It's a highly emotive case, but I think these things are best looked at coldly.

    With what we know now, is there a reasonable doubt that she's guilty? I'd say yes.

    I remember saying at the time, if she was indeed guilty, she MUST have a serious mental illness, because there is no other reasonable motive for this. For instance people will do absolutely horrific things ( including murdering children - see drug cartels)  either for financial gain, or out of fear for themselves or their families wellbeing. There isn't any suggestion of that here.

    Has she undergone psychiatric assessments? I think that would be a good place to start

  12. 10 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Don't have an issue with this one tbh. Not them specifically as they have their own business and can clearly choose when they take time off. 

    It's a bit shit for folk who have alloted holiday blocks though. If they can't get them swapped to the school holidays (personally I'd have had no chance in my last job) it's harsh they can't have a holiday with their family as a result. 


    Not necessarily, Depending on what you do, it can be a balancing act of trying to pick quiet times, can you afford to close?  If not getting enough staff to cover you, making sure they can handle any curveballs that you usually would. If it was that easy then everyone would do it

  13. 2 hours ago, johnnydun said:

    These selfish wallopers....


    It would be better if the fine was the price difference between, travelling during term and travelling during holidays.

    f**k off with that! no everyone can just take their holidays whenever we like, plenty people work jobs where they are fixed allocations and you can't change them. If its exam time or whatever then fair enough but for n 8 year old they'll be fine, schools can f**k right off

  14. 8 hours ago, Leith Green said:

    I have neighbours who are from Atlanta. He is retired and does running (half marathons etc).

    When I have asked about our shitty weather, they both say they love it - they had decades of living in what they described as awful humid conditions, and asked themselves "whats the point" if they cant even sit out on their deck because its so unpleasant.

    They travelled a bit, preferred Europe, particularly northern europe and settled here.

    Seems odd, I know, but I guess we dont get the real extremes they got over there.

    Yeah, heat is great when you’re in your speedos by the pool with a cold beer. If you have to work and do all the other aspects of life in it thrn I could well imagine it would get a bit tedious

  15. On 29/08/2024 at 18:40, Granny Danger said:

    Over here many restaurants/bars allow smoking outside which sort of suggests that the only folk wanting to enjoy al fresco dining/drinking are people who smoke or people who don’t mind sitting next to people who smoke.

    We don’t smoke and have no desire to sit beside folk who do yet we like to sit outdoors to eat and drink.  Fortunately there are a number of places that don’t allow smoking at any of their tables.

    I’m in lazarote right now and I’m off to the hyperdino to buy 20 fags incase I get sat next to you at dinner, auld c**t 🤣

  16. I stopped smoking nearly 6 year ago but this can GTF in my opinion. The indoor ban of 2006 was the right thing to do as that is where the risks of second hand smoke are high. Outdoors is shown to be low/ negligible for anyone not smoking themselves.  Non smokers simply “ not liking it” isnt a reason to ban something if its not actually hurting anyone.

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