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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I love aw this pish so i do ! Not that i ever take it seriously or expect it to happen but its fun to theorise . On the other I don’t just automatically call an idea a load of sh1te just because it’s different , or go around red dotting things other people say I disagree with DA baracas Anyway i think it’s almost inevitable that eufa will give the go ahead to cross border leagues or merging of top divisions or some form of invite only super league. For us in Scotland that usually means finding a home for the old firm to play against clubs of a similar size and strength. Both of them would dearly love to play in england but I don’t see any appetite from the English to have them, the epl is such a strong league with so many great games that they have no need to pay over the odds for 2 OF derby games a season ( once you take the little race out the equation they would just become Cardiff v Swansea with bigotry) More realistic options would be joining scandanavia in a unified league however the clubs in norway sweeden and finland arent that strong either and it has to be a summer season up there . Another option were that if holland and Belgium were to merge their top divisions then our arse cheeks could try to cosey in with them ?Its a great deal for the old firm, lots of strongish clubs only an hours flight away in 2 small countries.But its shite deal for them as they currently have hardly any travelling to do . Once you start including portugal and so on it just gets messy . To cold to play in the Norwegian winter too hot to play the Portuguese summer. As much as people decry this as a load of pish, the point of leagues is to separate opponents based on relative strengths. The old firm are misfits for our league, disproportionately large in terms of support and financial clout . Rangers have been shite because of mismanagement whilst killie are up there this season because they’ve rolled a double 6 with the manager. Aberdeen have strengthened to maintain consistent high finishes but you feel they are only a bad managerial appointment away from being bottom half again. Under normal conditions youd expect the old firm to stary finishing 15+ points ahead of third again shortly
  2. I understand glory hunting even tho I don’t do it myself. They take alot of stick on here for various reasons however I appreciate that some people just don’t want to watch dross
  3. Ok il rephrase that, What is all this pish about decent players coming from the juniors , 30 odd year ago and beyond when football; junior , senior and globally was unrecognisable from the game today = juniors are where we will find our future promotion winning side ? In the name ae f**k
  4. Also. Can we have full on american names for these franchise teams ? The Lanarkshire stealers ?
  5. If you were starting from scratch then you would have no more than say 20 professional teams and have them divvyd up by population catchment areas, only Glasgow gets 2 clubs, other cities one each and other areas have catchments. If all 4 angus clubs got behind angus utd then they could sustain full time football. if Falkirk stenny shire stirling and alloa all merged to form the forth valley kelpies they could have the same support as Dundee utd if inverness and county merged to form the highland coo's they could have the same fan backing as Dundee if the Dundee clubs merged they could have the same support as Aberdeen If hearts and hibs merged they could be big enough to compete with the old firm every season If all those clubs we're real entities then less fans from outside Glasgow would support the old firm as their local team would be better if yer auntie had baws... it's just pie in the sky because it only works if the fans get behind it and they won't . football is too conservative for that kind of wholesale change
  6. What is all this pish about crunchy coming from juniors therefore juniors = decent? youse do realise that was over a quarter of a centaury ago ? back when the majority of the second tier and some of the premier division we're still part time, things have moved on since then.
  7. up until last summer , Paul Hartley's record showed him to be a good manager who could be trusted to do well in the transfer window
  8. What exactly happened? I was only a daft teenager when the stadium was built so never really paid much attention. whats the deal?
  9. who gives a f**k. it's all about getting as much cash as possible, if it was Brockville I'd agree that it was selling our soul a bit but "the Falkirk stadium" that's a name for something that doesn't have a proper name. we don't make enough from matchday revenue alone . get more sponsorship cash. we're getting nothing and our stadium doesn't even have a name ffs! Don't long to turn the clock back, that is impossible, recognise the present and the future you are in and work with it or risk falling even further behind
  10. Why the f**k not ? It’s not brockville, the falkirk stadium is hardly even a name , take the cash, cash is king , cash= players . We’re getting f**k all for that ground now
  11. Pool tables in the hoose, used half a dozen times then a big f**k off ornament getting in the road
  12. Jesus Christ this X 1000. I go on here mostly during less busy periods at work and sometimes on a Saturday evening after a game. it combines 2 of my favourite things, football and talking pish. What in fucks name makes someone do that? I know a guy who admits to trolling internet forums, He has a wife kids job and hobbies and seems otherwise normal so feck knows. he also gets into long winded arguments on Facebook comments . hard to comprehend Anyway , does the larger "patron" investments come with any perks ? ie if I was going to lump 5 or 10 k into a provincial football club with no security on it then I'd be hoping for at least a season ticket,stadium parking permit, discounts on hospitality, function booking and pitch hire to be included in that. I love my team & I want to see us have a successful entertaining team on the park but I've said plenty times on here before ; Falkirk football club are a business and not a charity , asking customers to dig a bit deeper because there's not enough cash isn't the answer. what they're doing here sounds good although I don't know too much more about it. how much of a say in things are fans going to have? Is fans having the power a good thing? or is it a token effort to appear more engaged?
  13. ^^^^^^^ Anyone heard from As we rise again for a while ? Is he back around
  14. That Paige Doherty's mother sounds like an absolute bampot who likes a bit of attention, Although loosing your child in such circumstances is sure to mess with your head I recon she was already well on her way before anything happened
  15. seeding is great for sporting integrity and is great value for the punter, but only IF it's done fairly and for sporting reasons and not for money . the byzantine rules in eufas coefficient system are only there to keep the money amongst the big clubs and make sure that if said big clubs have a howler one season then they don't suffer in net years draw
  16. Odd question. Given that in November its a foregone conclusion despite being only 3 points off 8th place, maybe you should be asking about continued attendance this season? I would have said if but everyone would have jumped on it with "it's not an if mate its a when"
  17. Serious question lads. when we're league 1 next season is everyone still going to games or not ? and will it depend on the price? i'll probably keep doing what I do now which is going when I can make it and pay at the gate. might make more of an effort to get round the grounds for away games tho
  18. Well f**k me I'm surprised at that but there you go , shows how much I knew! I know the population is a bit thin but always assumed places like Oban or Ullapool had some sort of footballing representation . every days a school day as they say
  19. ah well happy to be corrected mate, not personaly made the trip myself . I know that Dundee to coldstream or dumfries in mostly dual carriageway where as a lot of the way up north isn't, although the majority of teams in the highland league are in Aberdeenshire and not the true highlands. what about further down in the north region once promotion relegation kicks in? are there more teams from the far north and west coast where population and roads are much sparser?
  20. like I say I've kept an eye on this from a distance out of pure curiosity, I admit I don't watch any non league football so this won't change my enjoyment of them game unless Falkirk keep going the way they're going for a few seasons in a row. I've followed discussions on the pyramid for a few year now , I think it would bring out the best in the non league grades after a few seasons and everybody is able to find the right level. no more big fish in small ponds and poor whipping boys getting pumped every week. Anyway , if you give teams around the boundary a choice then they will all choose the south, people mostly do what they think is best for them and tae f**k with everyone else. no team will really want to make trips to golspie and brora with the shite roads. the teams in angus and dundee ( least in the short term) need to "take one for the team" if you like for the sake of not leaving the north section a pish poor backwater once the better sides slowly get promoted . only problem with fixed boundarys is that there are so few north region teams in the spfl, if a highland team gets promoted in favour of a lowland team you just know the sfa will make a right old c**t of things
  21. Maybe your right but how else do you solve the problem of promotion /relegation when the regions don't marry up .. WITHOUT it being a half arsed tin pot patch job ? Also you have the other problem right now that any and all teams who can contest & appeal the boundary are doing so, All of those who have done so have tried to avoid the north and get in the south . presumably because the south is seen as better/ easier/ more lucrative etc etc . none have tried to contest the border to play in the north when they should be south. The more teams that do this the more that will want to as the north becomes less and less desirable, the sfa haven't exactly shown strong leadership on this so f**k knows what we'd end up with, the boundary pushed all the way up to Aberdeen?
  22. I have kept one eye on this from a distance for a while, quite interested in how it all pans out but don't really have much of a vested interest as much as my own club are in freefall just now , I still cant see them getting all the way down to regionalised level at least no yet!. Anyway This is all shaping up to be the kind of farce that could only happen in Scotland isn't it? the juniors and EOS operating 2 leagues in the same area at the same level is mental, should never have been allowed and just sounds like a typical effort to appease the awkward and stubborn least they pick up their baw and take it hame wi them. Then there's the silly boundary situation which if you take a step back looks like everyone is just desperate to get in the lowland catchment and avoid the north , But why do we need any fixed boundary at all? this being Scotland and the clowns that run our game wont have any plans in place for when a north team is relegated and a south team is promoted. you just know it will be some clusterfuck patch job that makes us look even more tin pot than already. would it not make more sense just to put the most northerly and most southerly teams of that season into their respective leagues? yes I know that population density isn't the same as England where they do this and yes we could end up with teams from Stirling or fife in the north or angus in the south from season to season but what's the alternative? having odd numbered devisions, lack of promotion or relegation due to imbalances ? I think that'd be worse. The sticking point is going to be teams that find themselves in the middle who would be changing regions fairly often , as those in the true north and south will always have teams closer to the middle than them. mainly teams from Dundee and surrounding areas. Thing is tho , not very many teams are at the extremities of their respective regions and they wont all be at the same level anyway. most are unsupringsly clustered round population centres . Aye fair enough a team from Dundee might be boaking at having to treck all the way to golspie when theyd rather be in the lowland where the majority of teams are in Edinburgh fife and west Lothian just an hour or so down the road from them. On the other hand a team from Dundee might be boaking at having to trek all the way to Coldstream , Kirkcudbright or Berwick when theyd rather be in the highland league where the majority of teams are in Aberdeenshire or moray just an hour or 2 up the road from them. In other words stop whinging and get on with it. Of course this being daft parochial Scotland this will never happen, the fact that its for the good of the game is neither here nor there. "let someone else worry about that, we're just fine doing what we're doing" will be the opinion of most clubs who will be affected. or tell me I'm wrong?
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