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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. This is the part that makes me feel bad for them, its not their fault that they’re shite! Its the fault of the scout and Hartley for bringing them here . For many of them this will be the year that there childhood dream of being a professional footballer will come to an end. Cant be easy that and most players who wont make the cut dont get near a senior squad and are instead let down gently . Not so for these lads
  2. after being on the saddle all day holding up the traffic a hedgehog might feel quite nice! in all fairness weather i'm on the bike or in the car I try to be considerate to others , but courtesy is a 2 way street! if someone is acting like an entitled wee p***k then i'll make them wait all day to pass if I have to. don't blame me blame them. also I don't pay road tax on my band A 1.6 diesel which almost certainly has a chip in it !
  3. a long, lingering death is a step too far. i hope your next shites a hedgehog! what if I enjoy that though?
  4. aye but I forgot to mention I go cycling quite a lot!
  5. most people who do silly things whilst driving eg overtaking with limited room, sitting up folks arses , flashing other cars to move out their way and cutting folk off are not in a hurry or trying to get somewhere faster but are really just trying to be the big man or the top dog. generally the more expensive the car , the more an arsehole the driver is
  6. fuckin hell that's bad, seriously . I'd die of embarrassment if I saw someone I knew doing that
  7. Why do folk talk about that as if its like escaping from east Germany? That's how a lot of countries do things now and it seems fairly simple. only the super paranoid yanks give regular folk any grief when applying.
  8. This, I'm all for fucking about with formats & so on , but nothings going to get better whilst your asking folk to cough up cash to watch players who should be playing on a public park. so few of them seem to have any impressive skills now, no one can trap a ball or use quick feet. its murder , can anyone in the know explain why our players are so less skillfull than other parts of Europe?
  9. A lot (but certainly not all! ) people who claim mental health issues are chancers who want an ace up their sleeve when their difficult/selfish/childish behaviour draws criticism from others. A lot ( but probably not all) of those paedophile hunter gangs seem like overgrown neds who don't really care about protecting vulnerable kids and just want to make themselves look like hard nuts. go after peados since everyone hates them ( rightly so!) so no one will call them out on their antics
  10. I got there this afternoon. I cant quite put my finger on it maybe the fact that it was £10 , cash turnstiles . no police, only one stand open. both teams just trying their best no more, no less. it made it feel more bearable than the normal raping we get for a league game . Definetly had a more relaxed feel about it , I hope we're away to Arbroath during the better weather so we can get a smokey and eat it on the wall on the seafront.
  11. Lewis reminds me of me, anyone that's ever played football with knows just how shite I am with the baw at my feet, appreciate that on an anonymous forum that's hard to picture! can run and run and run, once in a blue moon get the better of a man, nae second touch. That's why I only play fives with other shite players. why is he in a team that charges an admission fee?
  12. What sort of standard are that mob today meant to be? there not full time are they? to me it looked like a decent amateur game today but nothing more. like someone said earlier it doesn't look like they're not trying or not giving a shit . they're either just not good enough or not playing well together. I don't think we ever seriously troubled their keeper or looked all that threatening at any point today and that's bad. Lewis is fast but just doesn't look like he has any skill. no one looked comfortable on the ball. the wee 8 year old ball boy could trap a ball better than any player on the park. I actually feel sorry for them. they shouldn't have been signed. I hope this experience doesn't ruin the rest of their careers . as for us . we'll be lucky to stay up this season. if we do there will surely have to be resignations from the board . It might sound like it but I'm actually not being over dramatic , these things happen in football . some teams get things spot on and others are wildly off. a gamble is taken and the choices are all wrong . think it could just be our turn to have a spell in the wilderness but if that happens we could build back up from zero potentially? nah?
  13. aye pretty much, the main stand looks braw as your approaching it from the main road. the park never has bare patches or puddles in the goalmouth, the women who sometimes stands beside the announcer at half time is an absolute milf. so not bad. aw forgot to say every time I get a pie the bottom sticks to the fuckin foil & I have to try and dig the contents oot with a fork. its a pain in the arse! In all seriousness tho, the club would have a fair bit of potential with a decent board in charge. I don't know what the current mobs arrangements are. are any of them dedicated full time or do they all have other interest or are retired from their main proffesions? someone with newer and bolder ideas or someone who is a cut throat businessman (or lady) seems to have success at other clubs. we need to find a way to make as much cash as possible to get a team that are succesfull and one that folk want to come and see. because we already have a good sized support considering how gash we are. we aint getting any more in until theres a big improvement on the park
  14. The current pitch goes past its sell by date at the end of next season. But that's only the surface , you don't need to replace the underground drainage or foundations on it as they should last more or less forever. As I can mind it wasn't just the state of the pitch that made the club want to change but the cost of up keep, especially the undersoil heating which would cost thousands to run only for a game that would attract 3000 fans in January. so canny see them putting all that back in if that would cost a fortune, we'll probably go bust after paying full time wages in league 1 next season anyway. Put that new pitch indoors, or even just a roof and some windbreaks and your onto a winner, there's nae full size indoor 4g parks for miles, there's only 4 five aside parks at coasters and there always rammed in the winter time. Standing along the east touchline would be very popular I think. but it would take people away from the 2 stands , the main stand already has noticeable gaps in it. no new people will turn up ( That "if you build it they will come" is a lot of pish 90% of the time) If we got promoted then we could always just give generous ticket allocations to well supported teams, at least until we were entertaining enough that there was more demand for the home end. unfortunately that's a non issue since we are fucking useless , we failed to get out a week championship before 2014 , we failed to capitalise on hearts hibs rangers and a cup final windfall, we failed to get promotion when we only needed a fucking draw at rugby park. we failed to hold onto a lead against an underperforming Dundee utd side. we then went and signed a buch of championship diddys sacked the manager, got a new one, horsed out the diddys and replaced them with super diddys. and all the while have put supporters to sleep with some absolutely dreadfull fitbaw for the last 8 or 9 years. i'd say the only way is up but when your bottom of the table with 0 points and only 1 goal ( from our only shot on target none the less) it might well be down! lets just leave hotels with stands till we've sorted out the team on the park.
  15. I know that was the point, both grounds got redeveloped into all seaters in the 90s but why? wales Ireland and france use one stadium for both, England have 2 separate ones but that's in laandan where they have loadsamoney. obv we don't have a time machine so cant change the past now, but might aswell work together now. its not the best option of coarse but it is the best realistic option. hampden is shite, will only cost more money as time goes on. also old firm derbys in edinbugh aren't as big a nightmare as it seems, 1. they give tickets to season ticket holders ( who aren't usualy the ones causing bother) 2. half their fans comes from the east anyway
  16. They did a lot more than just that, and the UK Govt had form in not helping fund Hampden redevelopment. a new stand as well then, for just £2 million less than what Cardiff got the millennium stadium for at around the same time , when you see that compared to what we got it doesn't reflect that well on them. Also separate national stadiums for fitbaw & rugby? seems silly nowadays , unlike club grounds these will sit empty most of the time , why not have one for both and have it in use more often , share the costs etc
  17. f**k them, I've already damned them . how do you sit with all the options on the table around the time of the taylor report and go " aye just put a roof and some seats onto those knackered auld terraces and tell us how much its going to be when you're done" they've got themselves here at the end of the day
  18. come on boys we'd hardly be the first team to have a shitey start to a season then go on and do allright, settle doon
  19. aw stop all this fuckin gurning its embarrassing, Should we just cancel all football since we're shite? they switched to group formats cause the old KO format had nae interest, extra pre season friendlies also had nae interest & were expensive . colt teams is a shite idea but putting teams from outsides Scotland isn't the worst, it gives you something just that wee bit different for a change, for once I think they actualy got something right
  20. Im going to be patient as it’s early days yet but f**k i cant watch that all season, gone is the slow laboured cant be bothered look of previous seasons and now we have headless chickens that cant get a shot on targett , grim stuff yestarday .
  21. Why are both the right and left so convinced the media is biased against them? it cant be both
  22. I just followed the link on the club facebook page, i was hoping it was just going to be like the ryanair app where 2 touches is all you need and your ticket barcode appears . Il try ticketmasters app and see if thats any better
  23. Anybody tried using the ticket site yet? I gave it a go & got mine on my phone for tomorows game thinking itl save me from either going to the bank or. Standing in the ticket office, Looks like a good idea but will be a pain in the arse, couldnt find an app to download ( no link at least) and it doesnt seem to keep you logged in or remember your user name & password. Am i doing it wrong ? Im not the best with an iphone but im not a decrepit auld c**t yet either! If you need to get your phone oot, find the fuckin site then log in its hardly gony be s time saver is it?
  24. haven't posted about politics for ages, mostly due to having lost all interest. anyway I don't really like farage much but is it maybe a wee bit unfair to compare him to glorified football hooligans and convicted thugs? maybe he's just someone who's opinions you don't like?
  25. Aye I wondered what the guy was on about, last season (just finished) is the first one in my life time where all the middle sized clubs have stayed in form all season (utd except) Aberdeen have been mostly howling for the majority of my 30 years on earth , hibs and hearts have both had long spells doing f**k all & that was before relegation and money troubles, Dundee have spent more time in the 2nd teir than the first and utd haven't done all that much in the league . constantly occupying the top 6 spots they certainly have not.
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