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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. wee bit off topic, what you say might be true in the traditional football heartlands but the big tv audiences with big money are now in asia and America, they are all about big teams playing each other as much as possible
  2. cant see a red bull Livingston happening at all. like has been said you would need to spend in the 10s of millions which although they do have the cash, they would want a return on their investment , which in Scotland means champions league last 16 , plus other domestic trophys. highly unlikely for any team to do that without spending way over the odds to get there. in Germany and Austria domestic prize money is just that bit better along with a higher fanbase to sell the product to.
  3. so that makes the eu a good thing then? pure whataboutery
  4. pretty much agree with this, you've got to be fair. cany just go looking for any excuse to hold a vote it does smack of asking till you get the answer you want. however much you like the idea of it you have to think hard about those in power who are willing to act like that. on the other hand we're all fucked. Snp want another indyref, uk gov is trying their hardest to back pedal over the eu and the eu well theyv got plenty previous for just ignoring what the people want and just carrying on with their agenda regardles
  5. not defending this in any way but if you don't know already that politicians lie (all of them) then you must have been living on another fuckin planet
  6. why the love for the eu anyway? f**k them independence should mean independence. from london AND brussels. theres plenty of countries our size around the world we'd hardly be in uncharted waters
  7. if i was dishface i'd have done that too becuase it would have won if it was allowed. Scotland wasn't ready for a full breakaway but devo max leaves the door open. anyway. be it football or politics il admit im very much glass half empty, still theres no way I can see us winning this, either brexit is a huge disaster which proves the scaremongering right and will make people think the same or worse will happen if we leave the uk. OR brexit works well or even just ok. whilst proving that the scare mongering is bullshit it will make enough people think that the uk isn't so terrible and they will just stick with it rather than risk any potential turmoil. hope im wrong . honestly. just think if they try it again soon we wont get over 50% and then its truly fucked
  8. still with this pish 2 years down the line. nobody voted no who wanted to vote yes. nobody voted no becuase of the vow, nobody voted no becuase we were promised anything. everyone who voted no did so becuase their either british nationalists / football loyalists (small but significant) or becuase they thought that their jobs, pensions , value of their house ,disposable income or all of the above would be adversly affected by independence. that and they put all the eggs in the currency union basket and waffled instead of giving straight answers when the uk played hardball. thats why we lost last time and thats why we'll lose again if we have it soon, doesnt realy matter about the eu or anything else (the sky wont fall in after a hard brexit, no more than it would with scotland leaving the eu!) i dont think the eu or theresa may is important enough to make enough no voters change their mind in such a short space of time, mind. people are bound to be sick of referendums now
  9. my bad, didn't mean that. not realy tho, a lot of people will look at the brexit carnage and think "well if it happened that time it will be worse this time" and theres still not enough people wanting it to pass, over exited trigger happy snp members will f**k the whole thing up for the rest of us
  10. this Is mental, we'll get a hiding again. I realy hope im wrong with that prediction but I just cant see yes winning. pretty much true, not because its a bad idea but because people just believe what they want. as someone who voted yes 2 years ago and who voted to leave the eu its mental how many of yous have switched 180 degrees . 2 years ago the no's were telling us doom, gloom more doom and doom&gloom whilst the yes'ers were crying bullshit & scaremongering. now many (not all) of the yes'ers are desperate for the sky to fall in now that we voted to leave. (we btw because we voted to stay in the uk, and this referendum was already promised before the 2014 vote) loads on here are loving all this brexit turmoil as if to say I told you so. the sky wont fall in, the markets would do the same if we left the uk, they would recover in the end. Britain will leave the eu in some shape or form and less than 50 % of scots will vote for independence if the vote is held in the net 5 years. hiding to nothing, better wait till the times right than f**k it completely
  11. the English championship is not shite, nor is it full of small clubs, this season youv got 2 former European cup winners in it. there is some dross around the bottom half that have access to the tv riches just for being there but youv got to admit that at least 10 clubs maybe more are bigger than anything outside the old firm up here
  12. f**k me i knew a rugby pitch was a wee bit bigger but that realy makes it stand out
  13. The north stand with its 9k is a good view. The south curves away from the park behind the dug outs altho its not the worst in the world. Behind the goals its murder. A corner up the other end and your blind
  14. Think realisticly we can aim for 2nd again. I dont think utd will be any kind of force this season. Hibs will know better than to get involved in the cups and will probably put a weak side out in thd scottish. They should win the league comfortably. 2nd place and another crack at the play offs should be our aim. No shame if we dont manage but we cant write off another season cause theres too many big clubs.
  15. If you like goin for a day on the lash with your mates and having a sing along its fine. For watching football its awfull. Lucky if 20% of the seats have a decent view
  16. Aye except keeping hanpden means a shite experience for fans. Face it theyr both much better placed to watch a game. Besides you only need to give them a fee for hiring out the ground , they woulndt get to keep all the ticket money. When the 2 of them play in cup semis and finals it can be as simple as a coin toss for the ground. Maybe give the "away" team 60 % of tickets or something. Lets face it the old firm greet there eyes out when they think the other side is getting a better desl than them. They will do there paranoid greetin when it comes to ground selection and the rest of us will shrug our shoulders and not give a f**k
  17. Other than the politics of it as you say theres no reason not to just use parkhead and ibrox. Is it realy such a big deal anyway. Works in spain
  18. Agree with alot of this. Just mind were not the worst for tv money, that would be spain. Real and barca get about a third each with the other 3rd spread between the other 18 a fact that makes athleticos success almost beyond comprehension if it werent for their eye watering debt but im getting sidetracked. Your not going to get wealth re distribution. Even tv money only works if tv games are split evenly between clubs. Clubs wont agree to splitting their gates . Just not going to happen. Something i think we can all agree on here tho. It is true in any league that the top clubs have players that arent even on the bench that would walk into the starting 11 of other teams. Perhaps youv got to look at maximum numbers of players a club can have under contract at any one time. After all from a fans , media and entertainment point of view it cant be a good thing having better players in the stand than on the park. This would have to come f4om the very top or clubs in other countrys will just carry on as before . I think it would make better football accross the world. Instead of big teams cruising to an easy 4-0 they have to fight hard and play there best. And shock horror lose a bit more often Socialism in one country doesnt work tho
  19. Hard to say where to start, its got to be the manager as much as I like him, if its true that vaulks indicated early on that he wouldn't be staying in Scotland then that cash had to be earmarked for a replacement, once again it feels like dejavu, this time last year after we finally stopped laughing at rangers it clicked that the board had planed to simply wait out until there were no more big teams in this decision before spending any cash. Its not entirely wrong but as we've seen its happened again, we surprised everyone including ourselves by coming 2nd and getting to the final, now that we lost we've got another season in a strong championship, we can't just sit and wait to have this league all to ourselves, theres no guarantee hibs and/or Dundee united will get promoted , what if neither do and St Mirren go up and we end Dundee or motherwell or another medium sized team? Could be a long few seasons ahead until we get back to the days of ourselves Patrick and Ross county at the top of the championship. On the whole tho I was lookin forward to this season cause if nothing else we should get to see plenty of good games and nape bigots this year, but if were going to play absolute pish it could be a long long season ahead
  20. That's if we don't lose players either, why are people so sure utd are going into admin?
  21. I think next season will be enjoyable with dome decent games in this league but we are no more likely to go up. Today was as good a chance as wel get. We will probably lose a few players and your going to have dundee utd hibs, ppssible a stronger st mirren and the scum to contend with. 2nd would still be a good season next year
  22. To be fair the american system is probably a good idea. Aswell as having so many "super" teams for a catchment area.... if football had only just been invented. Wont work now tho As for salery caps . Spending limits revenue sharing etcetc youv got to mind that the nfl is pretty much the only show in town for that sport. Try that here and players just go elsewhere for more cash. The monster of modern football wont go away unless something comes from the very top. And it wont so were pretty much fucked
  23. Didnt they start of building for 10k before they reduced it to 6? Also any terracing which can be used at champ l1 and l2 level can be used in the premiership. They also dropped the requirement for undersoil heating. Funny how having nae money can get rid of pretences pretty quickly.
  24. extra trains, large parking area for supporters busses, shuttle buses from nearest train station(s) and town centres. still no rocket science involved
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