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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Theres plenty that are. there are several cases every year of parents intentionaly harming and killing their own children, not hearing this "oh but what parent would hurt their own child" pish
  2. I can see both sides to that , as much as it seems silly to chuck money trying to compete with hibs and sevco you can't guarantee we will have this decision to ourselves anytime soon, what if hubs don't go up this year? fcuk what if rangers don't and Dundee its and Kilmarnock or both come down? You can't just save money for when all the big teams are gone , if that's next season then fine but if its another 2,3 4 or more years fans will be well and truly scunnered with life in this league. We're going to just have to pish with the cock we've got.
  3. Aye awrite mate he's relay the next messi because he's playing for a big ish team in Portugal, things don't just happen because you want them to. We are a pish footballing nation who produce pish players. Some of them are half decent playing at a half decent level but none of them NONE are top drawer.
  4. As good as it is for him. I dont remember ibrahimovic , walcott bale oxlade or even sterling playing reserve team football in portugal when they were 19 or championship with hull in the case of robertson. They will have good successfull careers by anyones standards but i cant see him being a stand out player that can carry a bang average scotland team like bale does with wales or even siggurdson with iceland
  5. Aye, even tho theyv only been running a couple of years it looks like if you want a chance at going up you've got to finish 2nd, 6 games in 2 weeks looks like a bridge too far
  6. Being totally realistic here, I think 2nd place is achievable if we take points off hubs and continue how we started, going into the play offs against hubs & AN other would give us a decent chance of going up this year, Friday night was focusing brutal tho.
  7. fookin hoostie the lazy bastart this slow start to the season is costing us dearly isn't it lads! ONEDINDOOM We hate Falkirk more than you
  8. I think plenty of clubs in England do the same, which is the most infuriating thing about it, they have so much money they can buy 30 biabis and hope one or 2 make it whilst we have our talent continually drained from our league, was Fulton even on the bench all that much? Was he in the squad for the Chelsea game? mcgrandles was a lot of money by Scottish standards yet Wikipedia had him making 5 (five!) appearances last season and if they didntt play him in the championship I can't see him playing much this season
  9. WHO GAVE THIS MAN RED DOTS?? hes right, i saw plenty people at hampden who i knew were not falkirk fans, there were people on our bus who were going to their first ever football match. the 2009 final (massive underdogs against rangers) was probably a more accurate representation of our potential support rather than a day out on the piss against a team we thought we might beat
  10. theres nearly 100 thousand people living here, youd need to look at similar sized towns in england to have a fair comparison. we could do better than 3-4 k tho
  11. its all relative tho, it probably didnt help that even when we were the 7th best team in scotland we still didnt get much more than 5-6 k for a home support,
  12. in my lifetime the first division has felt more like home tbh. still football is a competetive sport, you must aim as high as you can, accepting that this is our level and we can do no better is too defeatist for me.
  13. how would he fans react to the club actualy saying " look guys we cant realy afford to compete at the top end of this league but hey footballs a funny old game so come and pay to watch us just incase" we're out of debt now i believe, we should have a squad that is at least capable of making the playoffs and giving it their best shot, you cant aim to build for next season becuase you have no idea how this season will pan out
  14. if it wasnt for mcdonald we wouldnt have got to the final. Basicaly this. I can understand the clubs pragmatism here, they assumed last season that there would be no chance of winning the league or going up through the play offs so didnt budget for it. this season they are assuming that rangers will walk the league and hibs will go up through the play offs. and we'l have the devision all to ourselves next season to strole to promotion. If only it were that simple. Still its a big ask to expect fans to turn up and pay good money to watch a team that isnt realy trying to win or get promotion, what if hibs go and hibs up the play offs again and dundee or kilmarnock or thistle get relegated? were back to being outsiders for the tittle and promotion again for another couple seasons, while i understand that we shouldnt be spending big money to compete with rangers for the tittle, we should be looking to finish in a play off place AND WIN PROMOTION through the play offs. that is what our squad should be budgeted for.
  15. All well and good but nothing will change. All that means is that it will be debated in parliament. All major parties are against it, the Torries want to appear tough on drugs. If it goes to a vote at all it will be voted down 10-1. I'd be very surprised if anything came of this in the next 5 years.
  16. new tablet mate, autocorrecting my bad language, and I cant spell worth a fcuk at the best off times. back on topic , he probably wont come here.even tho it would probably do him the world of good cause his head is so far up his own arse. he could be doing with a club like ours away from the glamour and celebrity culture of England and a strong older manager who would put the shits up him. still unlikely tho. anyway the signings this summer have been a bit meh, I agree but what else do we do? every Falkirk fan knows fine well we aren't going to win the league this season? if you want to finish above rangers and hibs we would have to spend money we don't have (who wants that realy?) as much as its frustrating we are aswell starting to build a team for next season. I don't like it at all we should be aiming for first place but in the real world this is where we are
  17. He seems like a right arrogant we Dick, I doubt he's coming anywhere near us or this decision. Supposing he does tho what have we got to lose? Chelsea pay his wages. He could probably do well against sides in our league and if he comes the count we can always just and him back he's their problem after all
  18. aye but mind the whole "war on drugs" was more or less their idea
  19. there was also the time when they paid a consulatant ( i think , an experienced profesional anyway) at great expense to review the drug policy, they then sacked him when he didnt tell them what they wanted to hear. next time they should advertise the position "yes man wanted" ffs. a few years ago i was sure think by now a few more places would have legalised/decriminalised it but AMERICA? that came straight out of left field! unfortunately i cant see any of that happening here, we are going down the prohibition route on everything. i cant see the snp doing anythin different here either, not when their national police force baby goes to shut down nightclubs becuase people get high before they go.
  20. Trains to falkirk high are faster and more frequent but makes for a longer walk to the ground. Six snd half a dozen depending on youre situation. Leave youresell about 20 minuits plus to get from the town centre to the ground.
  21. Anyone been tempted to phone the number shes posted?
  22. that was my thots when i first looked at it. For the first time since we came down we have the heart of the team together. Could we do it? Can we defy the odds and actualy turn up at the start of the season? Or will we have our usual pish run then pick up in the new year?
  23. Ive oot to agree with you there it was one of the very few times the main stand was singing. strange that the ground was just over half full then but had better noise than a few sell outs
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