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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. we have players on 200-500 a week with one or 2 on a little more. beside training more often than part timers there isnt much else. alot of these part time diddys (which you lot are suggesting they are indeed diddy no hopers) have played full time in there younger days and at a higher level than our young boys have. its a league of 10 teams with 4 part time teams in it. it should be such a suprise that they are able to beat us. and others in this league aswell (hamilton 2 week ago) And for those of you who are so convinced that ritchie wants to kill falkirk???? please at least come up with some motive for this? is he lining his own pockets or is it just cause hes realy a big dirty hu n ? ONE D IN DOOM WE HATE FALKIRK MORE THAN YOU
  2. I think craig sibbald is a great wee player but a total shitebag on the park. like it or not its the scottish first devision and sometimes you get hard tackles. man up my son
  3. what difference does part time make in this league? there isnt much difference between the part and full time teams in terms of money or ability. look at morton for example of a full time team. I actualy dont mind watchin us this season compared to the last 2. yes we still lack imagination, lack any kind of a plan b but we can take teams apart when were doing well. so we might stutter a bit and loose a few games but we were fucking diabolical every game last season. These things take time. What is the alternative realy? we cant realy afford any experienced manager. holt is doing alright for his first season. oh and dont bother with this shite about ritchie trying to kill the club and how we shouldnt have wasted all that money 7 year ago. we are where we are and need to deal with it.
  4. This has been the case for 3-4 years now but were doing significantly better than last season and some people forget that every bad result has fucking dicks on line calling for managers heads. stop throwing tantrums and support youre team. we dont have a right to beat the dross. we are dross ouselves . not barcalona get fucking real! falkirk fans can be rediculously critical. also they seem to have this reflex to loosing that goes cough splutter f**k the manager the board want to kill the club they all support rangers any way. they are not the same fans who jam it into you when we won. they are the ones who go very quiet when were on form my spelling is pish, i know
  5. fair enough i guess, you also probably wouldnt get as many people nowadays going along to take in a game between 2 teams they neither supported nor despised. I guess its the old firm pissing contest thats got us in this mess, for instance inverness winning the league ( just for arguments sake becuase both the OF have issues with aberdeen dundee utd and hearts) wouldnt bother either half of the old firm as much becuase theyre not rivals.
  6. since some of you have gave youre old age away i have a question. during the 80s when aberdeen and dundee utd won tittles and hearts ran close a couple times what was the medias take on it all? was there still the heavy glasgow bias you see now or did they actualy just talk about football? From a diddy fans point of view its fairly off putting, youre just the team who is playing celgers that week. nothing about what the result means for youre own club matters its all about how celgers will set up against you and what a possible defeat or draw would mean for them. the idea that the 2 horse race with the of finishiing some 30 points above 3rd place was absolute bollocks and ive no idea who it even got off the ground.
  7. Thats a point you have there. altho they will have to die completely with no chance o fa reasurection (sp) otherwise theyl just change the rules for them again. i wish more people could see it being a good thing. celtic may be winning the league at walking pace now but they wont last long as they only have to miss out on the champions league group stages to be seriously starved of revenue. there crowds are falling to the levels of around 20 years ago and they wont attract the players they want. On the other hand teams like aberdeen and dundee utd are beggining to gather some momentum now. with rangers gone permanantly, given enough time one of these teams will put a real chalange in, may be wishfull thinking but i hope to see a real competative league in our lifetime
  8. Can anybody see fan ownership working with them? would it be one man one vote type of thing becuase if so when there comes a time when the ship may have steadied a bit and they are promoted to the spl will they accept spending what they have and getting mid table mediocrity or will the fans in charge just be voted out by the spend spend spend brigade? genuine question extended to all including rangers supporters btw
  9. givin enough time celtics power and influence will dwindle. each year goes by they wont be able to atract the players for the scottish league, they wont get into the champions league every year and their crowds will tail off probably to the levels seen in the early 90s. so then what? if another team is to win the league ( which presumable will happen eventualy) they dont have to beat celtic all 4 games, they just need to be consistent enough to win most of their other games. the only thing holding them all back atm is that they (the other 11) cant keep a good team together for more than a season without selling.
  10. Some of the excuses and reasons are utter pish. i know people who i used to go with and they dont go anymore becuase they cant be bothered/want to watch sky sports news/ want to waste their money on shite tatoos every week and going to nanados 3 times a day. falkirk is not interesting to them. promotion to the spl doesnt hold the exitement of transfer deadline hyperbole and thats that. they no longer go. they are not supporters they just causualy look out for the results. some on one f could do with admitting that. roberts isnt as bad as the stick he's getting. can you ohnestly say that you were the finished article at 19? miles from everyone you know. and living in a crap town like falkirk! hel come good. i hope holt can try and calm him down a bit and mould him into a bit of a professional becuase he does have the talent. Never mind his missed chance on saturday. we are falkirk - we dont do scoring one on ones!
  11. i was talking about the livi game. didnt know there was much moaning yestarday. didnt even bother looking. hardly suprised tho
  12. to play devils advocate tho it makes us unique. how many clubs can you name who will win 4-1 and still have people whinging like f**k all night!
  13. you could do with letting new members in tho. geo41 and his like are making it pretty stale
  14. ONEF has a few moaners and whingers who do pretty much all the posting. shout down people who dont agree with them and find any reason they can to validate their idea that "martin ritchie is a hl-ln and wants to kill our club" got news for you lads if you dont go to games becuase youre in the huff then youre not supporting the club. hence it cannot realy be "YOUR" club. you know what i mean dont you? its always the same shite that gets spouted after every bad result. some of them need to grow up a bit. i love football but even the worst defeat ever only leaves me angry for about an hour after full time. ive never let it ruin my day never mind my life
  15. maybe im in the minority here but i think half the banned song including OF ones are a bit harsh. if it makes for a rocking or even hostile atmosphere im all for it. football is a mans game
  16. "playfully hit her in the face" It sounds like those made up storys about the "polite " racists. you know the ones. " ther was a line in the supermarket. an asian women said something to which a man stepped in and said, POLITELY, something something something, with undertones of f**k of back to youre own country you .... .... some nieve older people like it but the majority are just ignorant racist fucks
  17. I run a tight ship, no a shite tip. winston, that was john loggie baird, he says yer an arsehole. This just in, NAW aye thats a family sized bag of revels. noo take this single mother size bag and get oot ma shoap!
  18. Ok duncan alot of good points there my only point which i keep coming back to is that we are where we are at the moment due to mistakes being made years ago. ie leaving brockville and building the main stand far too big. spending beyond our means etc etc. but these are in the past now and they cannot be "undone" we cant just simply spit the dummy out and call ritchie a c**t every time we get beat. that doesnt get us anywhere. raith have done ok this seasons but we're only 11 games in. and they failed to beat us that "worst falkirk team ever" all we need is a bit of form and we're right back in there. we are only 4th in the table ffs. i wish people would stop with the knee jerk reactions, theres been positives this season. if we all just got behind the team theyd respond alot better much like they did when it was one all in the QOTS game. I am confident we will make the play offs this season. not saying we will go up but we are at least capable of that. and that isnt the end of the world. ONEDINDOOM WE HATE FALKIRK MORE THAN YOU
  19. ONEDINDOOM WE HATE FALKIRK MORE THAN YOU. Seriously now everyone can we calm the f**k doon! This isnt the first time we've lost 2 games on the trot. we already have a better record than we did at christmass last season. If everyone is realy ohnest with themselves you might come to the conclusion that the board are not trying to kill the club or get home games against rangers or drive fans away and that youre just having a hissy fit cause we've been shite the last 3 weeks./ years I've said this so many times i'm startin to loose count. we are still paying for the overspending during the yogi era and some other finiancial f**k ups that are in the PAST they cant be undone. there is no magic wand to make that go away and this is the reality we live in.. its going to take a long time to get back to where we were 6 years ago. Now here are some reasons why the board are not as evil as you might think. 1- Theygot the manager by the process which the fans demanded. they do not have the power to demand peter housten run our first time, we can only get what we can afford. 2- The plastic pitch was a neccesity in this climate. the state of the grass pitch last season was so bad it would have cost us a fortune to get back in order and we would still have been saddled with the massive costs of stirling uni and now we have no undersoil heating to pay for. no games called off after heavy rain and a pitch that makes us money when its not being used. - small price to pay for playing youre first team games on it. 3- the academy is the right way to go. even if most of the turn out dross we will still produce some genuine talent. 4- a fourth stand would be completely irresponsable to build at a time when our entire home and away crowds could comfortably be seated in the main stand. What some people here eeither dont realise or dont want to aknowledge is that this will all take time to come thro. we do need experienced players in the team and we need to be more competative but it will not happen overnight and taking the huff and going in a rage every time we loose isnt the answer. remeber We are not a big club we dont have a right to be in the spl If you want instant success and wins all the time then go and watch the fucking old firm chelsea or bayern munich
  20. wow hold on a minuit mate, wheres all youre doom and gloom and promises that youl never be back at a falkirk game till xyz? youre not a real fan unless you think the club can do nothing right!!
  21. Rome wasnt built in a day my friend. so they fucked up before. they are at least trying to put that right even if i dont always agree with their methods . i havent heard of the massive interest in buying our club, fan ownership scares me after reading some peoples ideas online. so short of ritchie getting a time machine and unfucking up 2005-2008 youre answer is what??
  22. I ohnestly coundt see that working here. the fact we've already lost 2000 odd fans (thats neerly 2 thirds of our current gate) for most league matches in the last 5 seasons what would a boycot do now?if our crowds dropped to say 1500 or less i don't think the board would walk. rather they would go into panic mode. move towards part time football, sell any player. close the academy or maybe even administration. I don't know about fan ownership in our case. too many confilcting ideas. i'd like to see us having a decent size stake in the club but a majority shareholder should be someone who knows what they're doing. I know they have got it wrong in the past. they had wild dreams about short term top 6 finishes with old expensive players which wouldnt give us much of a return. now surely even they know that isnt the way to go. maybe they can learn from mistakes and what we are witnessing now is a long road back to being a regular spl side. I always try to remeber that we are not that a big club and we are not too good to be mid table in this devision. Inverness and st johnstone do very well for their size and well done to them for it. considering our wider urban area is the 5th biggest in scotland with well over 100 thousand, support from within the town is frankly woefull. when i was young alot of others were interested in the OF. but now they aren't even the least of our worries when a large number of youngsters are simply not interested in scottish football at all. So if we cannot get people through the gates we must start looking at how you can be succesfull with crowds between 3000-5000 I dont think our season is over after 2 defeats in the league. and i do think we are heading in the right direction but there doesnt seem to be much patience and understanding left for many falkirk fans
  23. I think he will. He if nothing else has them working alot harder and isnt up his own arse like pressley was/is. I dont think the board have been great.They are mostly trying to amend mistakes made 5-6 years ago but i dont hear any alternates being put forward and i dread to think what state the club would be in if some of these sour faced posters had their way. The fact people gret like f**k about the plastic pitch just tells you all you need to know. 500 large which should be paid in 5 years. OH BUT THATS MONEY FROM THE PLAYING BUDGET!!! pish! the state of the sandpit last year would have ment spending a fortune re laying of the summer and every season after that and then there was the undersoil heating that didnt even work properly. concerts were a f**k up but not a bad idea in themselves. everycunt in an armchair seems to know how to run a football clun these days. Rant over
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